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The Adibou games are a series of educational games made by [[Coktel Vision]] mostly using the [[Gob]] engine. They were released in France (Adibou), Germany (Addy), and Spain (Adibú).
The Adibou games are a series of educational games made and distributed by [[Coktel Vision]] mostly using the [[Gob]] engine. They were released in Belgium (Adibou/Adiboo), Canada (Adibou/Adiboo), France (Adibou), Germany (Adiboo/Adi Junior/Addy Junior), Italy (Adibù), the Netherlands (Adiboo), Russia (АНТОШКА), Spain (Adibú) and the USA (Adiboo), Israel (עוגי)

Note: This list is nowhere near complete, and is still being added to.
*DEV6 games, known as 'Gob/DEV6'.
*DEV7 games, also known as 'Gob/DEV7/version if known', were developed by ICE Développement for Coktel.
*Director games, are known as 'Director/version'
*Games that are using the RenderWare Engine are known as 'RW/version'.
Note: This list is currently maintained by [ BJNFNE]
== English Adiboo Games ==
* Adiboo and Paziral's Secret (2002) (RW/3.4)
* Adiboo: The Energy Thieves (2004) (RW3.6)
* Adiboo 3 Reading & Maths 4-5 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
* Adiboo 3 Reading & Maths 5-6 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
* Adiboo 3 Reading & Maths 6-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
* Adiboo 3 Mysterious Music Machine Music & Sounds 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
* Adiboo 3 The Forgotten Lands (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
* Adiboo Presents Cooking 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
* Adiboo Presents Drawing 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
* Adiboo Presents Magic 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
* Adiboo Presents Music 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV6)
* Adiboo Presents Science 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV6)
* [[Adibou 2|Adiboo: I Can Read, I Can Count Years 4 & 5]] (Gob/DEV6)
* [[Adibou 2|Adiboo: I Can Read, I Can Count Years 6 & 7]] (Gob/DEV6)
* Adiboo: I Make Music 4-7 (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
* Adiboo: I Discover Science (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
* Adiboo: Nature, Animals & Planets (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
* Adiboo: Mazes, Numbers & Puzzles (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
* Adiboo: Music, Melody & Rhyme (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
* Adiboo: Magical Playground (1996) (Gob/DEV6)
* [[Adibou 1|AJ's World of Discovery (1991)]]

== French Adibou Games ==
== French Adibou Games ==
*''Adibou présente la magie (2000)''
* Adibou Nature et Sciences (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
*''Adibou présente le dessin''
* Adibou découvre la musique (1999) (Gob/DEV6)
*''Adiboud'chou au cirque'' ('''Not Gob''')
* Adibou présente la magie (2000) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
*''Adiboud'chou sur la banquise ''
* Adibou présente le dessin (2000) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adiboud'chou et le jardin des surprises ''
* Adibou présente la cuisine (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adibou et le secret de Paziral''
* Adibou et l'ombre verte (2001) ('''Not Gob''')
*''Adiboud'chou à la mer ''
* Adibou et le secret de Paziral (2002) (5+ ans) (RW/3.4)
*''Adiboud'chou dans la jungle et la savane''
* Adibou et les voleurs d'énergie (2004) (3+ ans) (RW3.6)
*''Adibou et l'ombre verte ''
* Adibou Aventure dans le corps humain (2006) (4-8 ans) (Director/
*''Adi : l'Euro et l'Europe''
* Adibou découvre la nature (2007) (Director/
*''Adiboud'chou à la campagne''
* Adibou et les saisons magiques (2009) (Eko) (Mindscape Release) (Developer Ekosystem)
*''Adibou : Je lis, je calcule''
* Adibou : Je lis, je calcule (5-6 ans) (Mindscape Release)
*''Adi : Dis-moi''
* Adibou : Je lis, je calcule (6-7 ans) (Mindscape Release)
*''Adiboud'chou au pays des bonbons ''
* Adibou joue avec les lettres et les chiffres (4-5 ans)
*''Adiboud'chou fête son anniversaire ''
* Adibou joue avec les mots et les nombres (5-6 ans) (Director/ (Ubisoft Release)
*''Adiboud'chou soigne les animaux''
* Adibou joue à lire et à compter (6-7 ans)
*''Adibou et les voleurs d'énergie''
* Adibou découvre l'anglais (4-8 ans) (Gob/DEV6)
*''Adibou découvre la nature''
* [[Adibou 1|Adibou 1]]
*''Adibou - Aventure dans le corps humain''
*''Adibou découvre la musique''
=== Adiboud'chou ===
*''Adibou joue avec les lettres et les chiffres''
* Adiboud'chou à la mer (2000) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
*''Adibou joue avec les mots et les nombres''
* Adiboud'chou à la campagne (2000) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
*''Adibou joue à lire et à compter''
* Adiboud'chou dans la jungle et la savane (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adibou découvre l'anglais''
* Adiboud'chou sur la banquise (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adibou Nature et Sciences''
* Adiboud'chou au pays des bonbons  (2005) ('''Not Gob''')
*''Adibou présente la cuisine''
* Adiboud'chou et le jardin des surprises (2006) ('''Not Gob''')
* Adiboud'chou au cirque (2006) (Director/
* Adiboud'chou soigne les animaux (2007) (Director/10.1Fr11)
* Adiboud'chou fête son anniversaire
=== Adibou 2 ===
* 2.10
** Adibou 4-7 ans - Sciences (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
* 2.12
** Adibou 4-7 ans - Musique (1999) (Gob/DEV6)
* 2.13
** Adibou 4-7 ans - Initiation à l'anglais (1999) (Gob/DEV6)
** Adibou 4-7 ans - Musique (1999) (Gob/DEV6)
** Adibou 4-7 ans - Sciences (1999) (Gob/DEV6)

=== Adibou 3 ===
=== Adibou 3 ===
* Le pays d'Adibou (2001)
* 3.0
* L'île volante (2002)
** Le pays d'Adibou (2001) (4-5 ans) (Gob/DEV7/
* L'orgue fantastique (2002)
** Le Royaume Méli-Mélo / Le Royaume des Murmures (4-5 ans) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
* Le royaume d'Hocus Pocus (2002)
** La Cité Motamo / La Cité Pluzoumoin (6-7 ans) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
* 3.10
** L'île volante (4-7 ans) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
** L'orgue fantastique (4-7 ans) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
** Le royaume d'Hocus Pocus (4-7 ans) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
== German Addy Junior Games ==
* Adiboo und das Geheimnis von Paziral (2002) (5+ Jahre) (RW/34)
* Adiboo und das Geheimnis von Paziral (Computer Bild Testsieger 13/2003 Released 2005) (Publisher tandem.verlag multimedia line) (5+ Jahre) (RW/34)
* Adiboo und die Jagd auf die Energiepiraten (3+ Jahre) (2004) (RW/36)
=== Adiboo 3 ===
* 3.0
** Das Zauberland von Adiboo (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
** Die Stadt Wivawort (Wörter 5-6 Jahre) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
** Die Stadt Plusminus (Zahlen 5-6 Jahre) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
** Das Tal Wortwörtlich (Im Leseland 6-7 Jahre) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
** Das Tal Zählmal (Im Rechenland 6-7 Jahre) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
* 3.10
** Das schwebende Land (Natur & Technik 4-7 Jahre)  (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
** Die rätselhafte Musikmaschine (Musik 4-7 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
** Das Königreich Hocus Pocus (English 4-7 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
** Adiboo & Frankie German Demo (DEMO) (2003) (Gob/DEV7/ (its bundled with Frankie)
=== ADI Junior ===
* [[Adibou 1|Rechnen - Lesen 4-6 Jahre (1994)]] (contains a preview Demo for Playtoons Uncle Archibald and ADI Spielerisch lernen, ADI Jr)
* [[Adibou 1|Rechnen - Lesen 6-7 Jahre (1994)]]

=== Adi 4 ===
===Addy Junior===
* ADI Accompagnement scolaire 4e (1997)
* 2.13
* ADI Accompagnement scolaire 3e (1997)
** Musik 4-7 Jahre (2000) (Gob/DEV6)

=== Adi 7 ===
* 2.20
* Dis-moi Adi : Français-Maths CM2 (2005)
** Lesen & Rechnen 6-7 Jahre (2003) (Gob/DEV6)
* Dis-moi Adi : Français-Maths CE2 (2005)
* Dis-moi Adi : Anglais Primaire 7-11 ans (2006)

== German Addy Games ==
* Osteredition 4-5 Jahre (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
* Osteredition 6-7 Jahre (Gob/DEV6)

* Addy ''Junior''
=== Addy Buschu / Addy Mini & seine Freunde ===
** Lesen und Rechnen 6-7 Jahre
* Am Meer (2-4 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
** Spiel und Wissen 4-5 Jahre
* Auf dem Land (2-4 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
** Musik 4-7 Jahre
* Die bunte Tierwelt (2-4 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
** Englisch 4-7 Jahre
* Das Leben im Schnee & Eis (2-4 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
** Natur und Technik 4-9 Jahre
* Im Zirkus (Director/
** Osteredition 4-5 Jahre
** Osteredition 6-7 Jahre

=== Addy 4 ===
== Italian Adibù Games ==
* Mathe Kl. 7+8
* Adibù e il segreto di Paziral (2002) (RW/3.4)
* Mathe Kl. 3+4
* Adibù e i Ladri di Energia (2004) (RW/3.6)
* Mathe Kl. 1+2
* Deutsch Kl. 7+8
* Deutsch Kl. 3+4
* Englisch  12+14 jahre
* Englisch Kl. 7
* Englisch Kl. 8
* Erdkunde 10-14 Jahre

=== Addy 5 ===
=== Adibù 2 ===
* Addy ''Kids''
* Adibù prima elementare: Imparo a leggere e a contare (2000) (4-5 anni) (Gob/DEV6)
** Mathe Kl. 1+2
* Adibù YO LEO YO CALCULO (2001) (Gob/DEV6)
** Mathe Kl. 3+4
* Adibù Prescolare-Elementare (4-5 anni) (Gob/DEV6)
** Deutsch Kl. 1+2
** Deutsch Kl. 3+4
** Englisch Grundschule

* Addy ''Teens''
=== Adibù 3 ===
** Mathe Kl. 5+6
* Adibù Conoscere la natura (4-7 anni) (Gob/DEV7/
** Mathe Kl. 7+8
** Deutsch Kl. 5+6
** Englisch Kl. 5
** Englisch Kl. 6
** Englisch Kl. 7
** Deutsch  Kl. 7

== Spanish Adibú Games ==
== Spanish Adibú Games ==
*''Adibú Chu en el campo'' (2-4 years)
* Adiboo y el secreto de Paziral (4-7 years) (2002) (RW/3.4)
*''Adibú Chu en el mar'' (2-4 years)
* Adiboo: Los Ladrones De Energia (2004) (RW/3.6)
*''Adibu Chu: Un Dia Extraordinario En El Circo''
* Al colegio con Adibú (Gob/DEV6)
*''Descubre con Adibú Chu la selva y la sabana''
* Adibú, naturaleza y ciencias (4-7 years) (Gob/DEV6)
*''Al colegio con Adibú''
* Adibú, Aprendo Inglés (4-7 years) (2001) (Gob/DEV6)
*''Adibú, naturaleza y ciencias'' (4-7 years)
* Adibú, yo leo, yo calculo 1º primaria (4-5 years) (Gob/DEV6)
*''Adibú, Aprendo Inglés'' (4-7 years)
* Adibú, yo leo, yo calculo 2º primaria (6-7 years) (Gob/DEV6)
*''Adibú, yo leo, yo calculo 1º primaria'' (4-5 years)
* Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo (4-5 years) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adibú, yo leo, yo calculo 2º primaria'' (6-7 years)
* Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo (5-6 years) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adiboo música: el órgano mágico'' (4-7 years)
* Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo (6-7 years) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adiboo inglés: El Reino de Hocus Pocus'' (4-7 years)
*''Adiboo ciencias: La isla volante'' (4-7 years)
=== Adibú Chu ===
*''Adiboo y el secreto de Paziral'' (4-7 years) ('''Not Gob''')
* Adibú Chu en el campo (2-4 years) (2001) (Gob/DEV7)
*''Adi lengua Española 5º - 6º primaria''
* Adibú Chu en el mar (2-4 years) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
*''Adi lengua Española 1º - 2º ESO''
* Adibú Chu en la selva y la salvana (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
*''Adi matemáticas 1º - 2º ESO''
* Adibu Chu: Un Dia Extraordinario En El Circo (2004) (Gob/DEV7)
*''Adi matemáticas 3º - 4º ESO''
*''Adiboo: Los Ladrones De Energia'' ('''Not Gob''')
=== Adiboo 3 ===
*''Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo'' (4-5 years)
* Adiboo música: el órgano mágico (4-7 years) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo'' (5-6 years)
* Adiboo inglés: El Reino de Hocus Pocus (4-7 years) (Gob/DEV7/
*''Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo'' (6-7 years)
* Adiboo ciencias: La isla volante (4-7 years) (Gob/DEV7/
== Dutch Adiboo Games ==
* Adiboo en de Energiedieven (2004) (RW/3.6)
* Adiboo Het Geheim van Paziral (2004) (RW/3.4)
=== Adiboo 3 ===
* Adiboo Rekenen 3de kleuter (Groep 2) (2005) (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Trans)
* Adiboo Lezen 3de kleuter (Groep 2) (2005) (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Trans)
== Russia АНТОШКА Games ==
=== АНТОШКА 3 ===
* Антошка остров знаний (2007) (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Akella)
* Антошка Рецепты английского (2007) (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Akella)
* Антошка Считай вместе с Антошкой Урок 1 (2008) (Gob/DEV7/?) 4-5 лет (Publisher Akella)
* Антошка Считай вместе с Антошкой урок 2 (2008) (Gob/DEV7/?) 4-5 лет (Publisher Akella)
* Антошка Считай вместе с Антошкой урок 2 (2008) (Gob/DEV7/?) 5-6 лет (Publisher Akella)
* Антошка Считай вместе с Антошкой урок 3 (2008) (Gob/DEV7/?) 6-7 лет (Publisher Akella)
* Антошка: Страна «Мелодия» (2007) (Gob/DEV7/ 4+ лет (Publisher Akella)
АНТОШКА and the Energy Thieves (RW/36)
A Translated Version of Adiboo and the Energy Thieves exists (Fan Translated not official)

== Italian Adibù Games ==
* Антошка: В гостях у друзей (2007) 3+ лет (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Akella)
=== Adibù 2 ===
*Adibù prima elementare : Imparo a leggere e a contare (2000)

== Shop availability ==
== Hebrew עוגי Games ==
* (25-35 €)
* עוגי (Translated by Makh-Shevet) (1992)
* (20-25 €)
*$Col=adib$typ=9$plt=pccd_.html (30 €)
* (15 €)

Latest revision as of 14:21, 2 April 2024

The Adibou games are a series of educational games made and distributed by Coktel Vision mostly using the Gob engine. They were released in Belgium (Adibou/Adiboo), Canada (Adibou/Adiboo), France (Adibou), Germany (Adiboo/Adi Junior/Addy Junior), Italy (Adibù), the Netherlands (Adiboo), Russia (АНТОШКА), Spain (Adibú) and the USA (Adiboo), Israel (עוגי)

  • DEV6 games, known as 'Gob/DEV6'.
  • DEV7 games, also known as 'Gob/DEV7/version if known', were developed by ICE Développement for Coktel.
  • Director games, are known as 'Director/version'
  • Games that are using the RenderWare Engine are known as 'RW/version'.

Note: This list is currently maintained by BJNFNE

English Adiboo Games

  • Adiboo and Paziral's Secret (2002) (RW/3.4)
  • Adiboo: The Energy Thieves (2004) (RW3.6)
  • Adiboo 3 Reading & Maths 4-5 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo 3 Reading & Maths 5-6 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo 3 Reading & Maths 6-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo 3 Mysterious Music Machine Music & Sounds 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo 3 The Forgotten Lands (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo Presents Cooking 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo Presents Drawing 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo Presents Magic 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
  • Adiboo Presents Music 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo Presents Science 4-7 (2002) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo: I Can Read, I Can Count Years 4 & 5 (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo: I Can Read, I Can Count Years 6 & 7 (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo: I Make Music 4-7 (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo: I Discover Science (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo: Nature, Animals & Planets (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo: Mazes, Numbers & Puzzles (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo: Music, Melody & Rhyme (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo: Magical Playground (1996) (Gob/DEV6)
  • AJ's World of Discovery (1991)

French Adibou Games

  • Adibou Nature et Sciences (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibou découvre la musique (1999) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibou présente la magie (2000) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
  • Adibou présente le dessin (2000) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adibou présente la cuisine (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adibou et l'ombre verte (2001) (Not Gob)
  • Adibou et le secret de Paziral (2002) (5+ ans) (RW/3.4)
  • Adibou et les voleurs d'énergie (2004) (3+ ans) (RW3.6)
  • Adibou Aventure dans le corps humain (2006) (4-8 ans) (Director/
  • Adibou découvre la nature (2007) (Director/
  • Adibou et les saisons magiques (2009) (Eko) (Mindscape Release) (Developer Ekosystem)
  • Adibou : Je lis, je calcule (5-6 ans) (Mindscape Release)
  • Adibou : Je lis, je calcule (6-7 ans) (Mindscape Release)
  • Adibou joue avec les lettres et les chiffres (4-5 ans)
  • Adibou joue avec les mots et les nombres (5-6 ans) (Director/ (Ubisoft Release)
  • Adibou joue à lire et à compter (6-7 ans)
  • Adibou découvre l'anglais (4-8 ans) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibou 1


  • Adiboud'chou à la mer (2000) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
  • Adiboud'chou à la campagne (2000) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
  • Adiboud'chou dans la jungle et la savane (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboud'chou sur la banquise (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboud'chou au pays des bonbons (2005) (Not Gob)
  • Adiboud'chou et le jardin des surprises (2006) (Not Gob)
  • Adiboud'chou au cirque (2006) (Director/
  • Adiboud'chou soigne les animaux (2007) (Director/10.1Fr11)
  • Adiboud'chou fête son anniversaire

Adibou 2

  • 2.10
    • Adibou 4-7 ans - Sciences (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
  • 2.12
    • Adibou 4-7 ans - Musique (1999) (Gob/DEV6)
  • 2.13
    • Adibou 4-7 ans - Initiation à l'anglais (1999) (Gob/DEV6)
    • Adibou 4-7 ans - Musique (1999) (Gob/DEV6)
    • Adibou 4-7 ans - Sciences (1999) (Gob/DEV6)

Adibou 3

  • 3.0
    • Le pays d'Adibou (2001) (4-5 ans) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Le Royaume Méli-Mélo / Le Royaume des Murmures (4-5 ans) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
    • La Cité Motamo / La Cité Pluzoumoin (6-7 ans) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
  • 3.10
    • L'île volante (4-7 ans) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
    • L'orgue fantastique (4-7 ans) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Le royaume d'Hocus Pocus (4-7 ans) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/

German Addy Junior Games

  • Adiboo und das Geheimnis von Paziral (2002) (5+ Jahre) (RW/34)
  • Adiboo und das Geheimnis von Paziral (Computer Bild Testsieger 13/2003 Released 2005) (Publisher tandem.verlag multimedia line) (5+ Jahre) (RW/34)
  • Adiboo und die Jagd auf die Energiepiraten (3+ Jahre) (2004) (RW/36)

Adiboo 3

  • 3.0
    • Das Zauberland von Adiboo (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Die Stadt Wivawort (Wörter 5-6 Jahre) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Die Stadt Plusminus (Zahlen 5-6 Jahre) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Das Tal Wortwörtlich (Im Leseland 6-7 Jahre) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Das Tal Zählmal (Im Rechenland 6-7 Jahre) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/
  • 3.10
    • Das schwebende Land (Natur & Technik 4-7 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Die rätselhafte Musikmaschine (Musik 4-7 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Das Königreich Hocus Pocus (English 4-7 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Adiboo & Frankie German Demo (DEMO) (2003) (Gob/DEV7/ (its bundled with Frankie)

ADI Junior

Addy Junior

  • 2.13
    • Musik 4-7 Jahre (2000) (Gob/DEV6)
  • 2.20
    • Lesen & Rechnen 6-7 Jahre (2003) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Osteredition 4-5 Jahre (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Osteredition 6-7 Jahre (Gob/DEV6)

Addy Buschu / Addy Mini & seine Freunde

  • Am Meer (2-4 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
  • Auf dem Land (2-4 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
  • Die bunte Tierwelt (2-4 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Das Leben im Schnee & Eis (2-4 Jahre) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Im Zirkus (Director/

Italian Adibù Games

  • Adibù e il segreto di Paziral (2002) (RW/3.4)
  • Adibù e i Ladri di Energia (2004) (RW/3.6)

Adibù 2

  • Adibù prima elementare: Imparo a leggere e a contare (2000) (4-5 anni) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibù YO LEO YO CALCULO (2001) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibù Prescolare-Elementare (4-5 anni) (Gob/DEV6)

Adibù 3

  • Adibù Conoscere la natura (4-7 anni) (Gob/DEV7/

Spanish Adibú Games

  • Adiboo y el secreto de Paziral (4-7 years) (2002) (RW/3.4)
  • Adiboo: Los Ladrones De Energia (2004) (RW/3.6)
  • Al colegio con Adibú (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibú, naturaleza y ciencias (4-7 years) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibú, Aprendo Inglés (4-7 years) (2001) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibú, yo leo, yo calculo 1º primaria (4-5 years) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adibú, yo leo, yo calculo 2º primaria (6-7 years) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo (4-5 years) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo (5-6 years) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo 3 lectura y cálculo (6-7 years) (2002) (Gob/DEV7/

Adibú Chu

  • Adibú Chu en el campo (2-4 years) (2001) (Gob/DEV7)
  • Adibú Chu en el mar (2-4 years) (2001) (Gob/DEV7/formerversion)
  • Adibú Chu en la selva y la salvana (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
  • Adibu Chu: Un Dia Extraordinario En El Circo (2004) (Gob/DEV7)

Adiboo 3

  • Adiboo música: el órgano mágico (4-7 years) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo inglés: El Reino de Hocus Pocus (4-7 years) (Gob/DEV7/
  • Adiboo ciencias: La isla volante (4-7 years) (Gob/DEV7/

Dutch Adiboo Games

  • Adiboo en de Energiedieven (2004) (RW/3.6)
  • Adiboo Het Geheim van Paziral (2004) (RW/3.4)

Adiboo 3

  • Adiboo Rekenen 3de kleuter (Groep 2) (2005) (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Trans)
  • Adiboo Lezen 3de kleuter (Groep 2) (2005) (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Trans)

Russia АНТОШКА Games


  • Антошка остров знаний (2007) (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Akella)
  • Антошка Рецепты английского (2007) (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Akella)
  • Антошка Считай вместе с Антошкой Урок 1 (2008) (Gob/DEV7/?) 4-5 лет (Publisher Akella)
  • Антошка Считай вместе с Антошкой урок 2 (2008) (Gob/DEV7/?) 4-5 лет (Publisher Akella)
  • Антошка Считай вместе с Антошкой урок 2 (2008) (Gob/DEV7/?) 5-6 лет (Publisher Akella)
  • Антошка Считай вместе с Антошкой урок 3 (2008) (Gob/DEV7/?) 6-7 лет (Publisher Akella)
  • Антошка: Страна «Мелодия» (2007) (Gob/DEV7/ 4+ лет (Publisher Akella)

АНТОШКА and the Energy Thieves (RW/36)

A Translated Version of Adiboo and the Energy Thieves exists (Fan Translated not official)
  • Антошка: В гостях у друзей (2007) 3+ лет (Gob/DEV7/ (Publisher Akella)

Hebrew עוגי Games

  • עוגי (Translated by Makh-Shevet) (1992)