Keymapper and TTS status

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Revision as of 07:04, 6 December 2023 by Adityamm (talk | contribs) (update the table with list of engine id , keymapper and tts availability)
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Complete list of engines and their keymapper and TTS availability:

Engine ID Has keymapper Has TTS Notes on TTS
access - -
adl - -
agi - -
agos - -
ags - -
asylum yes -
avalanche - -
bbvs - -
bladerunner yes -
buried - -
cge - yes
cge2 - yes
chamber - -
chewy - -
cine - -
composer - -
crab yes yes
cruise - -
cryo - -
cryomini3d - -
director - -
dm - -
draci - -
dragons - -
drascula - -
dreamweb - yes
efh - -
freescape - -
glk - yes
gnap - -
gob - -
griffon - yes
grim - -
groovie - -
hadesch - -
hdb - -
hopkins - -
hpl1 - -
hugo - -
hypno - -
icb - -
immortal - -
kingdom - -
kyra yes -
lab - -
lastexpress - -
lilliput - -
lure - yes
macventure - -
made - -
mads - yes
mm yes -
mohawk - -
mortevielle - -
mtropolis - -
mutationofjb - -
myst3 - -
nancy - -
neverhood - -
ngi - - not required
parallaction - -
pegasus - -
petka - -
pink - -
playground3d - -
plumbers - -
prince - -
private - -
queen - -
saga - -
saga2 - -
sci - yes
scumm yes -
sherlock - yes
sky yes -
sludge - -
stark - -
startrek - -
supernova - -
sword1 - -
sword2 - -
sword25 - -
teenagent - -
testbed - yes
tetraedge - -
tinsel - -
titanic - -
toltecs - -
tony - -
toon - -
touche - -
trecision - -
tsage - -
tucker - -
twine yes yes
ultima yes -
vcruise - -
voyeur - -
wage - -
watchmaker - -
wintermute - -
zvision yes -