Difference between revisions of "DEV7 Information"

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m (added B3_STORYBOARD to OBC/STK21)
m (added new Trace Comments)
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* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY2/4 happens if you press on time on the Balloon to the Balloon a little bit higher. this also happens automatically once the Balloon is in the Air. (Sciences Application)
* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY2/4 happens if you press on time on the Balloon to the Balloon a little bit higher. this also happens automatically once the Balloon is in the Air. (Sciences Application)
* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY3/2 this happens automatically once the Balloon is in the Air. (Sciences Application)
* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY3/2 this happens automatically once the Balloon is in the Air. (Sciences Application)
* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY3/3  when the Ballon turns right. (Scienes Application)
* HELPING happens when the Ballon turns into various ways. (Sciences Application)
* HELPING happens when the Ballon turns into various ways. (Sciences Application)
* NOT HELPING DIDOn happens some times if you push the Ballon into the Air. (Sciences Application)
* PlaySound: .vmd non trouvé this happens when a VMD File wasn't found.
* PlaySound: .vmd non trouvé this happens when a VMD File wasn't found.
* OnGainFocus happens when a preview of the Game is played.
* OnGainFocus happens when a preview of the Game is played.