Move Pointer and process 'Tap Mode' on touch.
Toggle Touchscreen 'Tap Mode'.
Adjusts the 'on tap' response, it cycles 'Left Click' (Default), 'Right Click', 'Hover' and 'Hover - DPad Click'. 'Hover - DPad Click' is just what is suggests. You can use a press on the DPad to create a left click wherever the stylus is pressing on the screen and hover at all other times.
Left Trigger + Touchscreen 'Tap'.
Force the touchscreen 'Tap' to simulate a 'Right Click' regardless of the 'Tap Mode'.
Ideal for quickly simulating a 'Right Click' in games without changing the configured 'Tap Mode'.
A + Touchscreen 'Tap'.
Left Click.
Ideal for Left Handed users of the touchscreen when combined with the hover 'Tap Mode'.
B + Touchscreen 'Tap'.
Right Click.
Ideal for Left Handed users of the touchscreen when combined with the hover 'Tap Mode'.