Compiling ScummVM/Android

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Compiling ScummVM for Android

This page describes how to build Android packages from the ScummVM source tree.

Mandatory tools

Android SDK Manager from Android Studio or from Command line tools -

Use the SDK Manager to install:

  • Platform tools
  • Build Tools 29.0.3
  • SDK Platform API 29
  • NDK 21.0.6113669

Set the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable to the root directory of the SDK, and ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to the root directory of the NDK - default installation: ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/ndk/21.0.6113669

Optional libraries

  • Tremor (lowmem branch) to play .ogg audio files
  • MAD to play .mp3 audio files
  • FLAC to play lossless .flac files

Again, you have two options:

Precompiled binaries

Get this archive and extract it to e.g. /opt/android.

Build the libraries yourself

Warning: this sections is not yet updated for new Android toolchain

Here's a a simple script to set up a shell for crosscompiling for arm-v7a:


export CC=${PREFIX}gcc
export CXX=${PREFIX}g++
export AS=${PREFIX}gcc
export LD=${PREFIX}gcc
export AR=${PREFIX}ar cru
export RANLIB=${PREFIX}ranlib
export STRIP=${PREFIX}strip
export OBJCOPY=${PREFIX}objcopy
export CPP=${PREFIX}cpp

export MACHDEP="--sysroot=$ANDROID_NDK/platforms/android-4/arch-arm -g -mandroid -mthumb-interwork"

export CFLAGS="${MACHDEP} -Os -Wall -mandroid -msoft-float -march=armv5te -mtune=xscale"



echo "./configure --host=arm --prefix=/opt/android/3rd-android-4-armeabi"

Save it to a file (like and run

. ./

in your shell. Build systems should now use the correct tools.


Get a SVN checkout (r17852. as of this writing):

svn co

configure it:

./ --host=arm --prefix=/opt/android/3rd-android-4-armeabi --enable-low-accuracy --enable-64kHz-limit

and finally build & install it:

make install


Get a tarball of the latest stable version here (v0.15.1b as of this writing) and extract it.

configure it:

./ --host=arm --prefix=/opt/android/3rd-android-4-armeabi --enable-speed --enable-fpm=arm --disable-aso

and finally build & install it:

make install


Get a tarball of the latest stable version here (v1.2.1 as of this writing) and extract it.

configure it:

./configure --prefix=/opt/android/3rd-android-4-armeabi --disable-largefile --disable-thorough-tests --disable-doxygen-docs --disable-xmms-plugin --disable-cpplibs --disable-ogg --disable-oggtest --disable-rpath

and build & install the required parts:

make -C src/libFLAC
make -C src/libFLAC install
make -C include install


The Android port can be compiled with the configure script.

The most basic way to accomplish this is to run:

./configure --host=android-arm-v7a

The script supports various arguments, which you can use to en- or disable features, see ./configure --help.

If you want support for additional libraries, you need cross-compiled binaries. If you followed the above description and have those libraries in /opt/android/3rd-android-4-armeabi, the configure command line would look like this:

./configure --host=android-arm-v7a --with-tremor-prefix=/opt/android/3rd-android-4-armeabi --with-mad-prefix=/opt/android/3rd-android-4-armeabi --with-flac-prefix=/opt/android/3rd-android-4-armeabi

Supported hosts:

  • android-arm-v7a - for older Android devices
  • android-arm64-v8a - for all new Android devices
  • android-x86 - ideal for emulator with 32bit images
  • android-x86_64 - ideal for emulator with 64bit images

Android Studio setup

After compiling there in the build directory (if used) there will be a new directory called android-project, this can be opened by Android Studio. C files are not yet available , but it sis possible edit Java files and debug both Java & native code (in emulator or on a real device via adb connection). To enable debugging, after opening the android-project directory change Project configuration, under tab Debugger, set field Debug type to Dual