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1,930 bytes added ,  11:31, 17 August 2019
→‎Debugger commands: added object, item, region commands
(→‎Debugger commands: added object, item, region commands)
Line 493: Line 493:
* walk - draw walkboxes. If an id is also specified, then only draw the specific walkbox
* walk - draw walkboxes. If an id is also specified, then only draw the specific walkbox
* reset - reset everything to normal
* reset - reset everything to normal
=== object ===
Add, edit flags, bounds or remove a 3d object obstacle in the current scene
object add    <incId> <brX> <brY> <brZ>  <tlX> <tlY> <tlZ>
object list  <id>
object flags  <id> <isClickable> <isTarget> <isObstacle>
object bounds <id> <brX> <brY> <brZ>  <tlX> <tlY> <tlZ>
object remove <id>
TODO: Further describe arguments
* Use debugger command List with "obj" argument to view available targets for this command
* Floats:  brX, brY, brZ, tlX, tlY, tlZ, posX, posY, posZ
* Integers: id, incId
* Boolean (1: true, 0: false): isObstacle, isClickable, isTarget
=== item ===
Add, edit flags, bounds or remove an item in the current scene
item add    <id> <posX> <posY> <posZ> <facing> <height> <width> <animationId>
item list  <id>
item flags  <id> <isVisible> <isTarget>
item bounds <id> <posX> <posY> <posZ> <facing> <height> <width>
item remove <id>
item spin <animationId>
TODO: Further describe arguments
* Use debugger command List with "items" argument to view available targets for this command
* Floats:  posX, posY, posZ
* Integers: id, facing, height, width, animationId
* Boolean (1: true, 0: false): isVisible, isTarget
=== region ===
Add, edit bounds or remove a region ("reg": for plain region, "exit": for exit) in the current scene
region reg  add    <id> <topY> <leftX> <bottomY> <rightX>
region reg  remove <id>
region reg  list  <id>
region reg  bounds <id> <topY> <leftX> <bottomY> <rightX>
region exit add    <id> <topY> <leftX> <bottomY> <rightX> <type>
region exit remove <id>
region exit list  <id>
region exit bounds <id> <topY> <leftX> <bottomY> <rightX>
TODO: Further describe arguments
* Use debugger command List with "reg" argument to view available targets for this command
* An exit type can be in [0, 3] and determines the type of arrow icon on mouse-over:: 0: Upward , 1: Right, 2: Downward, 3: Left
* Integers: id, topY, leftX, bottomY, rightX, type

== Game rooms ==
== Game rooms ==


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