Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

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Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
First release 1992
Also known as Fate of Atlantis, The Fate of
Atlantis, Indy 4
Developed by LucasArts
Published by LucasArts, Disney
Distributed by Activision
Platforms Amiga, DOS, FM-TOWNS,
Resolution 320x200, 256 colors
Engine SCUMM
Support Since ScummVM 0.6.0
Available for

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis was the seventh game to use the SCUMM scripting language. The game follows Indiana Jones and Sophia Hapgood, who is a playable character in some parts of the game, as they discover the lost city of Atlantis, and stop the Nazis from using the power source of Atlantis for world conquest.

Game Variants

The CD versions were "talkie versions" and included speech for each of the lines of text said by the characters in the game.


Required data files

For more information on how ScummVM uses game data files, see the user documentation.


  • ATLANTIS.000
  • ATLANTIS.001

Note: The Steam version uses a custom launcher with datafiles embedded in the executable. You must add the root of the folder (or Mac app bundle) to ScummVM for the game to be detected correctly, not just the data directory.

PC Floppy (or non-Talkie)

  • ATLANTIS.000
  • ATLANTIS.001


  • PLAYFATE.000
  • PLAYFATE.001


  • amiga*.ims
  • atlantis.000
  • atlantis.001
  • atlantis.002
  • atlantis.003
  • atlantis.004
  • atlantis.005
  • atlantis.006
  • atlantis.007
  • atlantis.008
  • atlantis.009
  • atlantis.010
  • atlantis.011


  • INDY4.000
  • INDY4.001

Macintosh CD (PPC)

  • Fate of Atlantis Data

Macintosh CD/Floppy (m68k)

  • ATLANTIS.000
  • ATLANTIS.001
  • iMuse Setups
  • Fate of Atlantis

Both iMuse Setups and Fate of Atlantis contain resource forks. There are several alternate names for the Fate of Atlantis file that ScummVM also recognizes.

Default controls

To change these controls, use the Keymaps tab in the global or game-specific settings. For more information, see the user documentation

Hotkey Description
Ctrl + 0-9 Loads saved game
Alt + 0-9 Saves game
Crtl + Alt + d Starts the debugger
Crtl + f Toggles fast mode on/off
Crtl + g Toggles really REALLY fast mode on/off
Crtl + t Switches between 'Speech only', 'Speech and Subtitles' and 'Subtitles only'
Tilde ~ Shows/hides the debugging console
[ and ] Changes music volume down/up
- and + Changes text speed slower/faster
F5 Displays the save/load window
Alt + F5 Displays the original save/load window, if the game has one.
i Displays IQ points (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis)
Space Pauses
Period . Skips current line of text in some games
Enter Simulates left mouse button click
Tab Simulates right mouse button click

Boot Params

For more information on using boot params, see the Boot Params wiki page.

Target: atlantis. The following list was contributed by Laura Abbott. Thanks a lot, Laura!

Param Description
-26143 At the crete ruins with Sophia *Dialog, Sunstone, Moonstone, Whip, Ship Rib, and Amber Fish
-7873 Start from the Introduction as if normal
100 In the introduction, Indy pops out of the hole in the top College Attic and then moves off to the right behind a pole.
101 Indy comes into the Spindle room in the Crete Labyrinth with Sophia *NO ITEMS*
145 Indy and Sophia on the Machine in Middle Atlantis that goes around in circles until you pull the levers
146 Indy and Sophia looking at the Machine in Middle Atlantis that goes around in circles until you pull the levers
666 Indy and Sophia at the start of the Tikal Jungle
667 Indy and Sophia in the Temple with Sternhart
668 Same as 666
787 Indy and Sophia on boat "Exactly 0 miles of Thera" *Sunstone
878 Indy at Thera
879 Indy and Sophia at Thera *2 Orichalcum, Lost Dialog, Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone
888 Same as 878
909 Indy before the Doors blocked by a pool of water in Atlantis *2 Orichalcum, Sunstone, Moonstone, Whip
1101 Meeting Klaus Kerner for the first time in Indy's Office
1102 ERROR: (7:10002:0xBF70): Invalid actor -111 in o5_putActorInRoom
1103 Comming to Caswell Hall with Sophia
1104 Indy in Caswell Hall *Whip
1111 Indy by himself with Sophia *Magazine, newspaper
1112 Sophia's Office is Ransacked
1120 Riding the Camel in Fists mode
1122 Riding the Camel in Wits mode
1123 BUG(?)-music like the balloon is flying over the desert, but there is no balloon to control
1130 Flying the balloon over the desert
1162 "A research laboratory somewhere in Germany..."
1181 This initially starts out with a dialog that let's you choose either "Trust"/Team, "Action"/Fists, or "Maze"/Wits. And whatever you choose is what Sophia initially suggests after reading Indy's fortune.
1432 Landing on the Nazi Guard at the Dig site with Balloon *NO ITEMS
2543 Flying the Balloon to catch the Nazi submarine
2718 Starts at the Introduction like a normal game
2728 Monte Carlo with the Team Path selected *Whip, scary mask
2920 Indy at Crete Ruins *Sunstone, Ship rib, Surveyor's Equipment
3142 The screen that show's up after you die with your current IQ and your total IQ points
3654 Tikalresource
3838 Indy and Sophia in the Crete Labyrinth. You have the Gold Box in your possession, but Indy keeps saying he can't reach it. *Dialog, Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone, Gold Box, Whip, Ship Rib Amber Fish
3939 Indy and Sophia Dropped off at Crete *Dialog, Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone, whip, rib Amber Fish Clay Jar
3940 Indy in the Labyrinth in Fists Mode *Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone, Gold Box, Whip
3941 At Crete with Sophia *Sunstone, Moonstone, Whip, Ship Rib, Amber Fish, Surveyor's Equipment
4040 Indy on Crete After being shot out of the Torpedo *Dialog, Sunstone, Moonstone, Whip, Ship Rib, Statue used to jump start truck at digsite, surveyor's equipment, rope, shovel, and Note with "No Icon"
4041 Indy in room with Atlantis subway *Dialog, Sunstone, Moonstone, Whip, Ship Rib, Statue used to jump start truck at digsite, surveyor's equipment, rope, shovel, and Note with "No Icon"
4061 Very Odd-Starts out like you entered the wrong boot Parameter, but Then goes into Indy and Sophia running out of Atlantis, complete with music
4062 Same as 4061 except Indy is by himself
4063 Ending with Indy and Sophia running away from atlantis
4122 Indy in canal room with Giant Octopus *3 Orichalcum, Whip, Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone, Statue Part, Bronze spoked Wheel, Crescent Gear, Ladder, Amber Fish
4123 Indy and Sophia in Canal *3 Orichalcum, Whip, Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone, Bronze Gear Bronze spoked Wheel, Crescent Gear, Ladder, Amber Fish
4141 Indy at Crete *Dialog, Sunstone, Moonstone, Archeology Magazine, Whip Ship Rib
4242 Indy landing the Balloon on the Nazi Submarine *NO ITEMS
4343 Indy on top of Nazi Sub in Team Mode(?) *Dialog, Whip, Rib, Amber Fish, Gold Box, Clay Jar
4695 Indy in Orichalcum making room *Lava cup, Bronze Spoked Wheel
4765 Indy in the Room to get Lava for Orichalcum in Atlantis *Stone Cup, Porcelain Mug, Clay Jar, Statue Head
4851 Indy in Crete Labyrinth after physically beating the Nazi whom you can push the stalagmite on. *Whip, Amber fish
4852 Indy in Labyrinth after beating Nazi Carl *CANNOT WALK!* *Whip, Amber Fish
4853 Indy in Labyrinth Somewhere... *Whip, Amber Fish
4854 Indy in Labyrinth after beating Nazi Arnold *CANNOT WALK* *Whip Amber Fish
4855 Indy in Labyrinth after beatting Nazi Otto *Whip, Amber Fish
4949 Indy entering into the room with the Lava Tiles (Not right at them, however)
4950-4959 All the Underwater sub, but at different depths (i.e. farther away, closer to you) *CANNOT GO BACK TO REGULAR GAME
4960 On top of the Nazi Submarine (Team Path?) *NO ITEMS
4962 Colossus with Sophia *Dialog, Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone, Archeology Magazine, Whip
4963 Same as 4962, except without Sophia
4964 Indy and Sophia walk in and the God Machine Immediately Starts up
5000 Inside the labyrinth at the Very beginning entrance. Possible to walk out and not be able to get back in again due to lack of stones *Whip
5001 Indy on the Stone platform with the Gigantic Stone Head in the labyrinth *3 Orichalcum, Entrenching tool, Whip, Staff, Comb Scarf
5002 The Start of a Normal Game in NYC
5003 Indy lands balloon in Crete *Sunstone, Whip, Ship Rib, Surveyor's Equipment
5005 Indy and Sophia in Labyrinth (5 way fork)
5234 Indy and Sophia in Middle Atlantis. Sophia talks about how Nur-ab-Sal is present *3 Orichalcum, Amber Fish, Gold Box, Hinge Pin, Light Wand, Sunstone Moonstone, Worldstone
5555 Indy in Monte Carlo *Mask
5557 Indy on the Crowded Market Streets of Algiers
5558 Indy at the Market Place (Wits?) *NO ITEMS
5559 Meeting Omar in his house. Wits Path *Whip
5560 Monte Carlo *NO ITEMS
5561 Monte Carlo with Sunstone
5562 Monte Carlo at Wits Path *Whip, Kidnapping Note
5563 Indy and Sophia on Roof for Balloon Ride *Dialog, Balloon Ticket, Knife, Archeology Magazine, Whip, Sunstone Map to Digsite
5564 Same as 5563, except you only have the balloon ticket
5876 The Ending where Sophia gets out
5877 The Ending where Sophia does not get out
5885 Indy and Sophia in Tikal *Whip
5886 Same as 5885, except with eel figurine
5999 Outside the cave at Thera *Dialog, whip, host, balloon, net, basket
6000 Nothing. This doesn't appear to be a valid boot parameter.
6001 Indy falls down from top attic level to the next bottom level at the introduction.
6002 Indy falls down into the room with books at the very beginning
6003 Indy falls down into the cat room
6004 Indy falls down the coal chute
6005 Indy and Sophia fly to the Azores *NO ITEMS!
6010 Indy in Atlantis Maze. No Nazi's appear to be present. *Rib cage, Sausage, gum
6011 Indy in Octopus room in canal *Crab in cage, Sausage, Gum
6345 Indy in Room with Doors that require the statue to open them *3 Orachulum, Dialog, statue part, bronze gear, bronze spoked wheel crescent gear, ladder, box
6665 Indy at Dig Site. *Dialog, whip
6666 Same as 6665 except Indy Starts off screen
6667 Indy in the dark Dig Site. *Dialog, Sunstone
6668 Indy and Sophia landing on the Nazi at the Digsite *Sunstone
6669 Flying balloon over the Desert
7456 Walking into Sophia's prison in Atlantis *Light Rod, Hinge Pin
7777 Same as 7456 except the guard has been killed by the sentry statue
8100 A spindle *CANNOT GO BACK TO GAME*
8567 Indy at Crete *Whip, Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone
8888 Monte Carlo Car Chase
8889 Indy running around Monte Carlo after the Car Chase
8890 Same as above, except with the Stone disk in tow
9000 Monte Carlo with Whip
9001 Indy at a corner in Monte Carlo *NO ITEMS!
9101-9106 Indy and Sophia Enter the Room with the Lava Tiles of Doom (Not directly at the start of the lava tile maze, however) All of these appear to be identical, but I could be wrong
9191 Indy outside Caswell Hall *Whip
9554 Indy and Sophia talking to Omar *Dialog, whip, Sunstone
9555 Same as 9554
9556 Indy in Omar's Shop with Servant *Dialog, Trottier's Card
9557 Talking to the Servant with a red fez *Whip, Trottier's Card
9558 Indy and Sophia Talking with Omar *NO ITEMS
9559 Indy Talking to Servant
9678 Indy in Caswell Hall (Upstairs Closed for Repairs?) *Whip
9900 Indy and Sophia in the room with the Statue that has to open the door *20 Orichalcum, whip, sunstone, moonstone, worldstone, statue part Bronze gear, bronze spoked wheel, crecent statue part, ladder
9901 Indy and Sophia in the Airlock after getting off Nazi Sub *Crecent statue part, hinge pin, amber fish, septer, metal rod Statue head, cup of lava, crab in ribcage, eel figurine
9902 Indy in the outermost ring of Atlantis Maze *CANNOT GO ON TO ANOTHER SCREEN*
9903 Indy and Sophia in the Airlock after getting off Nazi Sub *3 Orichalcum, Dialog, Whip, Sunstone, Moonstone, Worldstone
9904 Outside Lava pit room in Atlantis where Sophia is possessed by Nur-ab-Sal *Scepter, Metal Rod, Statue head, Gold Box, empty stone cup, crab in rib cage, eel figurine
9905 Indy and Sophia in the Airlock after getting off Nazi Sub *25 Orichalcum, Dialog, whip, Sunstone, moonstone, worldstone, box
9909 Indy crashes Tram into Atlantis *Bronze spoked wheel, crecent part, statue head, cup of lava, crab in rib cage, eel figurine

External links