Difference between revisions of "Cloud Storage Support"

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m (Added link to the Cloud Storage Scopes List page)
m (Sync details added)
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Saves sync actually syncs all the files within the "ScummVM/Saves" remote directory and "Saved games" local directory (the savespath, that is). Directories are considered flat, so subdirectories are not synced (if there are any). A special "timestamps" local file is used to determine which files should be synced. It contains the remote "modified at" timestamps for each file. If remote file has a newer timestamp or is not listed, it's being downloaded. If local file has a newer timestamp or is not listed (but exists), it's being uploaded. We download files first, upload second. Timestamps are updated after each downloaded and uploaded file, so if sync is interrupted, next sync will continue from the right state.
Saves sync actually syncs all the files within the "ScummVM/Saves" remote directory and "Saved games" local directory (the savespath, that is). Directories are considered flat, so subdirectories are not synced (if there are any). A special "timestamps" local file is used to determine which files should be synced. It contains the remote "modified at" timestamps for each file. If remote file has a newer timestamp or is not listed, it's being downloaded. If local file has a newer timestamp or is not listed (but exists), it's being uploaded. We download files first, upload second. Timestamps are updated after each downloaded and uploaded file, so if sync is interrupted, next sync will continue from the right state.
When file fails to upload, storage providers ignore that there was some uploading session and file is not created or modified. ScummVM stops the sync, and tries to upload that file again on next sync.
When file fails to download, ScummVM deletes the invalid file and stops the sync. As its timestamp is not updated, ScummVM would try to download the file again on next sync.