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m (added Registry section)
m (moved all Traces to DEV7 Information/Trace)
Line 406: Line 406:
*AUDMME.DLL is handling the Audio Input, as PCM Device is used WAV Audio Adapter, Default Record Device WAV Audio, Default Playback Device is used by WAV Audio Adapter.
*AUDMME.DLL is handling the Audio Input, as PCM Device is used WAV Audio Adapter, Default Record Device WAV Audio, Default Playback Device is used by WAV Audio Adapter.

==Trace Comments==
* Adibou 3
*click here to ge to the Trace site: [[DEV7 Information/Trace]]
* AVATAR QUITTING1 happens if you enter with your Profile the World of Adibou.
* AVATAR ENTERING0 happens if you enter Adibou's World in Demomode.
* AVATAR ENTERING1 happens if you enter Adibou's World.
* AVATAR ENTERING2 happens at the same as like AVATAR ENTERING2.
* AVATAR ENTERING3 if you enter the World of Adibou aswell.
* AVATAR ENTERING4 if you enter the World of Adibou aswell.
* AVATAR ENTERING5 came up if you create a new Profile and enter the World of Adibou for the first Time.
* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY2/2  this happens automatically, when the Balloon is in the Air. (Sciences Application)
* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY2/4 happens if you press on time on the Balloon to the Balloon a little bit higher. this also happens automatically once the Balloon is in the Air. (Sciences Application)
* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY3/2 this happens automatically once the Balloon is in the Air. (Sciences Application)
* WIND UP: M_BalloonZoneX/M_BalloonZoneY3/3  when the Ballon turns right. (Scienes Application)
* HELPING happens when the Ballon turns into various ways. (Sciences Application)
* NOT HELPING DIDOn happens some times if you push the Ballon into the Air. (Sciences Application)
* PlaySound: .vmd non trouvé this happens when a VMD File wasn't found.
* OnGainFocus happens when a preview of the Game is played.
* => Help Save file <<datas\Av000X\PALETTE\B3_GRAF_I_Help_Save.ini>> created. The X in Av000X stands for any number of the Profile. This creates in the following Directory the ini file for storing some Informations about several things. (happens in AdibouNet or sometimes if you open the Drawing Pad)
* TextPosCurX <<30>> happens in the painting pad.
* New portion : 1 happens if you turn the Camera to the left.
* New portion : 2 this appears when you rotate the Camera into the middle.
* New portion : 3 this happend if you turn the Camera to the right side.
* Vide happens if you in the Read & Count 6-7 Application complete a Task sucessful and a little Animation got played.
* Domains SC,PH,TH,PR,TO happens if you press on the Read 6-7 Years Application on the Apple.
* UA 2,1,3 happens if you press on the Read Application on the Apple.
* Domains MU,CA,CH,QU,BA if you press on the Apple in the Count 6-7 Years Application.
* M_Timer_Stop M_Timer_Stop false if complete the Task with the Bridge (Music Application).
* Domains TH,PH,MU,RA,KI happens if you click on the Apple ín the Read Application 5-6 Years.
* Domains TO,MA,WP,CS,PM happens if you click on the Apple in the Count Application 5-6 Years.
* Domains CB,MH,AU,HU,CO appears if you click on the Apple in the Read Application 4-5 Years.
* Domains ST,CH,DR,KE,WA happens when you click on the Apple in the Count Application 4-5 Years.
* => The vmd to play is named <<B3_GRAFPO_EN_FIRS_AD01.vmd>> corresponding to <<VMD_ENTER>> section. happens when you click on the little Folder to send the Draw to Adibou or save it or to load a Draw.
* => The vmd to play is named <<B3_GRAFKE_EN_GENE_AD03.vmd>> corresponding to <<VMD_KEEP_PICT_ENTER>> section. happens when you save a Draw.
* => Help counter is increased to <<1>> for <<VMD_ENTER>> section. happens when you send a Drawing to Adibou.
* => Help counter is increased to <<1>> for <<VMD_TAKE_PICT_ENTER>> section. happens when you load a Drawing.
* => Help counter is increased to <<2>> for <<VMD_KEEP_PICT_ENTER>> section. happens when you save a Drawing.
* => The vmd to play is named <<B3_GRAFKE_EN_GENE_AD01.vmd>> corresponding to <<VMD_KEEP_PICT_ENTER>> section. happens when you save a Drawing.
* => The vmd to play is named <<>> corresponding to <<VMD_TAKE_PICT_ENTER>> section. happens when you load a Drawing.
* => The vmd to play is named <<>> corresponding to <<VMD_TAKE_PICT_ENTER>> section.
* B3E_BEN2_DWAR_CI_HEAD.CURE ADDED at Pos -726.414\341.996\-123.482 happens if you set your created Kobold into the Garden. This is for the Head.
* B3E_BEN2_DWAR_CI_BODY.CURE ADDED at Pos -726.414\341.996\-123.482 happens if you set your created Kobold into the Garden. This is for the Body.
* B3E_BEN2_DWAR_SR_LEGS.CURE ADDED at Pos -726.414\341.996\-123.482 happens if you set your created Kobold into the Garden. This is for the Legs.
* B3E_BEN2_DWAR_GD_SHOE.CURE ADDED at Pos -726.414\341.996\-123.482 happens if you set your created Kobold into the Garden. This is for the Shoes.
* ADDED at Pos -726.414\341.996\-123.482 This shows you the coordinates that the Building is added to the Garden Building that you built in Bizbi's Workbench.
* SCARE NEW CURE : B3E_BEN2_SCAR_KT_LEGSW.CURE This is for the Scarecrow.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_SE_HEAD.CURE ADDED at Pos -490.757\-874.837\-127.401 happens if you set your created Scarecrow into the Garden. This is for the Head.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_FR_BODY.CURE ADDED at Pos -490.757\-874.837\-127.401 happens if you set your created Scarecrow into the Garden. This is for the Body.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_LF_LEGS.CURE ADDED at Pos -490.757\-874.837\-127.401 happens if you set your created Scarecrow into the Garden. This is for the Legs.
* ADDED at Pos -490.757\-874.837\-127.401 This shows you the coordinates where the Building or something else that you built in Bizbi's Workbench.
* B3E_BEN2_DWAR_MI_BODY.CURE ADDED at Pos 1073.71\965.34\75.9085 happens if you set your created Kobold into the Game Palace. This is for the Body.
* B3E_BEN2_DWAR_MI_LEGS.CURE ADDED at Pos 1073.71\965.34\75.9085 happens if you set your created Kobold into the Game Palace. This is for the Legs.
* B3E_BEN2_DWAR_MI_SHOE.CURE ADDED at Pos 1073.71\965.34\75.9085 happens if you set your created Kobold into the Game Palace. This is for the Shoes.
* ADDED at Pos 1073.71\965.34\75.9085 The Coordinates from the Game Palace.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_SA_BASEHEAD.CURE ADDED at Pos 199.58\1286.08\161.811 happens when you create a Scarecrow for the Garden, This is for the Basehead.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_SA_BODY.CURE ADDED at Pos 199.58\1286.08\161.811 happens when you create a Scarecrow for the Garden, This is for the Body.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_TU_LEGS.CURE ADDED at Pos 199.58\1286.08\161.811 happens when you create a Scarecrow for the Garden, This is for the Legs.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_CA_HEAD.CURE ADDED at Pos -490.757\-874.837\-127.401 happens when you create a Scarecrow for the Garden, This is for the Head.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_KT_LEGS.CURE ADDED at Pos -490.757\-874.837\-127.401 happens when you create a Scarecrow for the Garden, This is for the Legs.
* ADDED at Pos 199.58\1286.08\161.811 This adds your building to the Garden.
* SCARE NEW CURE : B3E_BEN2_SCAR_CL_BASE.CURE happens if you select a other Scarecrow.
* SCARE NEW CURE : B3E_BEN2_SCAR_NH_BASE.CURE happens if you select a other Scarecrow.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_CU_BASEHEAD.CURE ADDED at Pos 199.58\1286.08\161.811 happens when you create a new Scarecrow for one of the Gardens. This is for the Basehead.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_CU_BASEBODY.CURE ADDED at Pos 199.58\1286.08\161.811 happens when you create a new Scarecrow for one of the Gardens. This is for the Basebody.
* B3E_BEN2_SCAR_CU_BASELEGS.CURE ADDED at Pos 199.58\1286.08\161.811 happens when you create a new Scarecrow for one of the Gardens. This is for the Baselegs.
* Adi 5
* Handler for Dagmar: MyVoiceHandler is used for the Speech Recognition.
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_S_I_Button_Wheel_Left is for when you click on the left.
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_S_I_Button_Wheel_Right for when you click on the right.
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_S_I_exitbutton this is for the Exit Button.
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_E_I_Histo_LearningZone.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_E_I_Histo_Chap_T3.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_H_I_Histo_SearchLesson.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_P_ComboxSubjLevelMonth
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ButtonChapUChap.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ButtonListChap.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_LiftArrowUp.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_LiftArrowDown.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ComboAvatar.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ComboAvatar1.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ComboAvatar2.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ComboxSubjLevelMonth.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ButtonResultat.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ButtonCompetence.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_AB_I_BigStartButton.bti happens in Application German Class 7+8 when you click on Abentuerbuch (Adventurebook).
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_AB_I_BigEndButton.bti happens in Application German Class 7+8 when you click on Abentuerbuch (Adventurebook).
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_AB_I_LittleEndButton.bti happens in Application German Class 7+8 when you click on Abentuerbuch (Adventurebook).
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_AB_I_Item.bti happens in Application German Class 7+8 when you click on Abentuerbuch (Adventurebook).
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_AB_I_dots.bti happens in Application German Class 7+8 when you click on Abentuerbuch (Adventurebook).
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_AB_I_ButtonUpAndDown.bti happens in Application German Class 7+8 when you click on Abentuerbuch (Adventurebook).
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_AB_I_IconePerso.bti happens in Application German Class 7+8 when you click on Abentuerbuch (Adventurebook).
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_AB_I_IconeExo.bti happens in Application German Class 7+8 when you click on Abentuerbuch (Adventurebook).
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ComboxSubjLevelMonth1.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_I_ComboxSubjLevelMonth2.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_A_P_TabCompetence
* A5RG_MEMORY2.OBC gets called if you click on Brainpuzzle.
* ESG_buttbl1 happens when you click on the Brainpuzzle game.
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_H_I_Histo_SearchSumm.bti
* PRECHARGEMENT DE...A_E_I_Tipsbutton.bti
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ unknown for what that is.
* Adibou presente Dessin
* OnClick, GenId:3000700, TypeId: 3, Id7 happens when you click on the Picture with the Sun on it.

==Known Bugs==
==Known Bugs==