Difference between revisions of "DEV7 Information/Trace"

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m (added new Trace Comment for Adibou 3)
m (added new Trace Comments for Adibou 3)
Line 165: Line 165:
| Happens when the Door opens from Jokearticle's
| Happens when the Door opens from Jokearticle's
| Adibou 3
| B3I_ModemLaunch
| ConnectionSuccessful
| Happens when Adibou 3 sucessfully connect to adibouland.com for AdibouNet.
| Adibou 3
| B3I_PortalServer
| netOpenIPConnection Portal Server,PortalIp : portal1.de.adibouland.com PortalPort : 3100
| Searches for the German Portalserver.
| Adibou 3
| Christophe Delouche
| netGetProviderList()
| Access the infos.ini file stored in the datas folder.
| Adibou 3
| Christophe Delouche
| Provider : Standleitung
| selects the Section Provider of your infos.ini file.
| Adibou 3
| Christophe Delouche
| Provider Choice : Standleitung
| Then Provider choice Standleitung as the Internet Connection.
| Adibou 3
| Christophe Delouche
| Permanent Connection OK.
| Selects this as the Permanent Connection.
| Adibou 3
| Christophe Delouche
| Connection abort : server Portal not found.
| Happens when the Portalserver isn't found.