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Engine developer uruk
Companies that used it Thorsoft of Letchworth
Games that use it Lord Avalot d'Argent
Date added to ScummVM Error: Invalid time.
First release containing it N/A

The Avalanche engine was used in Lord Avalot d'Argent.

This engine is being added by the GSoC student uruk to ScummVM as part of the GSoC 2013. The source code was provided by the authors, Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman, who released it under the GNU GPL version 2 license.


Work in progress, not completable


(Things that are to be implemented. Mostly in priority order.)

  • Sounds (Connected to it: mini game - playing the harp in the abbey.)
  • Help
  • Main menu
  • Control of the dropdown menu with keyboard shortcuts
  • Status leds and buttons on the toolbar
  • Two mini games: Nim (in the pub in Argent) and shoot-em'-up (after the first encounter with Robin Hood).
  • Whole-screen animations (The ghost room in Avalot's castle, the striking thunder when the player swears too much, etc.)
  • Whole-screen temporary color changes (When Avarobot fires Avvy up from the oubliette, when Avvy wakes up after driking too much, dusk/dawn, etc.)
  • Intro animation
  • "Game over" and "about the game" scrolls (They are practically mostly pictures.)
  • Demo mode (If the player doesn't start playing and being idle for a certain time in the main menu, the games starts to demo itself.)

Known bugs

  • The original game doesn't update the little icon which represents the direction Avalot is facing if you control him with the mouse by clicking on the background. At the moment, this bug is also present in the ScummVM version of the game.

Original bugs fixed

  • There was a bug in the original engine that caused the internal timers of the game to mess up when a savegame is loaded. The problem was that when you loaded a savegame, the engine set the internal timers for the room by default and after that loaded the timers you saved when you saved the game. For example in the first room, if you made a save while Avvy was sleeping and loaded it back, you may have noticed that his wife, Arkata's timer was messed up: she shouted every time she should counted from the time you saved, and shouted every time the room's newly set internal timer told her to do so. Now it is fixed: if you load a savegame, the engine only loads the saved timer, and leave the default one for the cases when you enter a room newly.
  • The original game didn't load properly the state of Avvy's speed (walking/running) from a savegame: The little yellow dot at the bottom of the toolbar was always set to "walk" state, even if at the moment of the saving Avalot was currently running. In the ScummVM version, this bug is fixed.

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