Developers Bios

This is a (hopefully) complete list of all people that have worked on ScummVM or contributed code. The idea is that we want to see where everybody comes from and maybe a small biography. This could be anything from "Loves coding on ScummVM while working on Windows Vista source at Microsoft" to the next bestseller at your local bookstore: you decide.
I have created a Perl script that automatically parses the GPS information on this Wiki page and incorporates it onto World and Europe maps of ScummVM Developers of various resolutions using xplanet. So if you do not want to add a small bio we would at least ask you to enter the GPS coordinates of your location so the maps will be populated. Please enter your location information according to the following wiki syntax to facilitate later parsing:
:Location: Country, City, GPS XXnXX, YYeYY :Location: The Netherlands, Amsterdam, GPS 52n22, 4e54
You can easily look up your own GPS coordinates at The GPS coordinates are directly copy-pasted from the results.
Also, if you know the (partial) location for another developer and you don't think he/she (do we have any females working on ScummVM?) can enter it themselves, feel free to add these too for maximum results.
- enjoy!
- SumthinWicked
The ScummVM team
James Brown
- Handle: Ender
- ScummVM: Lead developer
- Location: Australia, Nedlands, GPS 31s59, 115e49
- Occupation:
Max Horn
- Handle: Fingolfin
- ScummVM: Lead developer, SCUMM engine, SDL backend, Sound mixer, GUI, infrastructure...
- Location: Germany, Darmstadt, GPS 49n53, 8e40
- Occupation: PhD student (math)
Torbjörn Andersson
- Handle: Eriktorbjorn
- ScummVM: Engine: SCUMM, Broken Sword 2, SAGA, Gob
- Location: Sweden, Säffle, GPS 59n08, 12e56
- Occupation: Currently unemployed.
David Eriksson
- Handle: twogood
- ScummVM: Engine: Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Location: Sweden, Stockholm, GPS 59n20, 18e03
- Occupation:
Robert Göffringmann
- Handle: Lavosspawn
- ScummVM: Engine: Beneath a Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1
- Location: Germany, Dortmund, GPS 51n31, 7e28
- Occupation:
Jonathan Gray
- Handle: khalek
- ScummVM: Engine: SCUMM, HE, Broken Sword 2
- Location: Australia, Melbourne, GPS 37s49, 144e58
- Occupation:
Travis Howell
- Handle: Kirben
- ScummVM: Engine: SCUMM, HE, Simon the Sorcerer
- Location: Australia, Melbourne, GPS 37s49, 144e58
- Occupation:
Oliver Kiehl
- Handle: Olki
- ScummVM: Engine: Beneath a Steel Sky, Simon the Sorcerer
- Location: UK, Cardiff, GPS 51n29, 3w13
- Occupation: Postgraduate Student
Paweł Kołodziejski
- Handle: Aquadran
- ScummVM: Engine: SCUMM (Codecs, iMUSE, Smush, etc.)
- Location: Poland
- Occupation:
Andrew Kurushin
- Handle: ajax16384
- ScummVM: Engine: SAGA
- Location: Russia
- Occupation:
Gregory Montoir
- Handle: Cyx
- ScummVM: Engine: Flight of the Amazon Queen, HE, Kyra
- Location: France, Rennes, GPS 48n05, 1w41
- Occupation:
Joost Peters
- Handle: JoostP
- ScummVM: Engine: Beneath a Steel Sky, Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Location: Netherlands, Amsterdam, GPS 52n22, 4e54
- Occupation:
Eugene Sandulenko
- Handle: Sev
- ScummVM: Engine: SCUMM (FT INSANE), HE, SAGA, Gob
- Location: Ukraine, Kiev, GPS 50n26, 30e31
- Occupation:
Johannes Schickel
- Handle: LordHoto
- ScummVM: Engine: Kyra, GUI improvements
- Location: Germany, Gelnhausen, GPS 50n11, 9e11
- Occupation:
Chris Apers
- Handle: chrilith
- ScummVM: Port: PalmOS
- Location: France
- Occupation:
Nicolas Bacca
- Handle: Arisme
- ScummVM: Port: PocketPC/WinCE
- Location: France, Nanterre, GPS 48n53, 2e12
- Occupation:
Jurgen Braam
- Handle: SumthinWicked
- ScummVM: Port: SymbianOS maintainer
- Location: The Netherlands, Amsterdam, GPS 52n22, 4e54
- Occupation: Student, CEO
Marcus Comstedt
- Handle: Zeldin
- ScummVM: Port: Dreamcast
- Location: Sweden, Linköping, GPS 58n25, 15e37
- Occupation: [1]
Hans-Jörg Frieden
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Port: AmigaOS 4
- Location: Germany, Trier, GPS 49n45, 6e38
- Occupation:
Lars Persson
- Handle: Anotherguest
- ScummVM: Port: SymbianOS, ESDL
- Location: Sweden, Malmö, GPS 55n36, 13e0
- Occupation:
Jerome Fisher
- Handle: KingGuppy
- ScummVM: MT-32 emulator
- Location: Germany, Wuppertal, GPS 51n16, 7e11
- Occupation:
Jochen Hoenicke
- Handle: hoenicke
- ScummVM: Speaker & PCjr sound support, Adlib work
- Location: Germany, Oldenburg, GPS 53n08, 8e13
- Occupation:
Retired Team Members
Ralph Brorsen
- Handle: painelf
- ScummVM: Help with GUI implementation
- Location:
- Occupation:
Jamieson Christian
- Handle: jamieson630
- ScummVM: iMUSE, MIDI, all things musical
- Location:
- Occupation:
Vincent Hamm
- Handle: yazoo
- ScummVM: Co-Founder
- Location: France, Paris, GPS 48n52, 2e20
- Occupation:
Ruediger Hanke
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Port: MorphOS
- Location: Germany, Paderborn, GPS 51n43, 8e45
- Occupation: [2]
Felix Jakschitsch
- Handle: yot
- ScummVM: Zak256 reverse engineering
- Location:
- Occupation:
Mutwin Kraus
- Handle: mutle
- ScummVM: Original MacOS porter
- Location:
- Occupation:
Peter Moraliyski
Jeremy Newman
- Handle: laxdragon
- ScummVM: Former webmaster
- Location: USA, Minneapolis, GPS 44n59, 93w16
- Occupation:
Ludvig Strigeus
- Handle: ludde
- ScummVM: Original ScummVM and SimonVM author
- Location: Sweden, Gothenburg, GPS 57n43, 11e58
- Occupation:
Lionel Ulmer
- Handle: bbrox
- ScummVM: Port: X11
- Location: France, Toulouse, GPS 43n36, 1e26
- Occupation:
Tore Anderson
- Handle: tore
- ScummVM: Packaging for Debian GNU/Linux
- Location: Norway, Oslo, GPS 59n55, 10e45
- Occupation:
Dobó Balázs
- Handle: draven
- ScummVM: Website design
- Location: Hungary
- Occupation:
Stuart Caie
- Handle: Kyzer
- ScummVM: Decoders for Simon 1 Amiga data files
- Location: Scotland/UK, Edinburgh, GPS 55n57, 3w13
- Occupation:
Yaroslav Fedevych
- Handle: jafd
- ScummVM: HTML/CSS for the website
- Location: Ukraine
- Occupation:
Chris Gray
- Handle: Psychoid
- ScummVM: Windows64 builds
- Location: UK, Middlesbrough, GPS 54n35, 1w14
- Occupation:
Janne Huttunen
- Handle:
- ScummVM: V3 actor mask support, Dig/FT SMUSH audio
- Location: Finland, Kuopio, GPS 62n54, 27e41
- Occupation:
Kovács Endre János
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Several fixes for Simon1
- Location:
- Occupation:
Jeroen Janssen
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Numerous readability and bugfix patches
- Location:
- Occupation:
Andreas Karlsson
- Handle: Sprawl
- ScummVM: Initial port for EPOC/SymbianOS
- Location:
- Occupation:
Robert Kelsen
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Packaging for SlackWare
- Location:
- Occupation:
Jean Marc
- Handle:
- ScummVM: ScummVM logo
- Location:
- Occupation:
Claudio Matsuoka
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Daily Linux builds
- Location:
- Occupation:
Kostas Nakos
- Handle: knakos
- ScummVM: PocketPC 2002 builds
- Location:
- Occupation:
Mikesch Nepomuk
- Handle:
- ScummVM: MI1 VGA floppy patches
- Location:
- Occupation:
Juha Niemimäki
- Handle:
- ScummVM: AmigaOS 4 port maintaining
- Location:
- Occupation:
Nicolas Noble
- Handle: pixels
- ScummVM: Config file and ALSA support
- Location:
- Occupation:
Willem Jan Palenstijn
- Handle: wjp
- ScummVM: Packaging for Fedora/RedHat
- Location:
- Occupation:
Stefan Parviainen
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Packaging for BeOS
- Location:
- Occupation:
- Handle: Quietust
- ScummVM: Sound support for Amiga SCUMM V2/V3 games, MM NES support
- Location:
- Occupation:
Andreas Röver
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Broken Sword 1/2 MPEG2 cutscene support
- Location:
- Occupation:
Edward Rudd
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Fixes for playing MP3 versions of MI1/Loom audio
- Location:
- Occupation:
Daniel Schepler
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Final MI1 CD music support, initial Ogg Vorbis support
- Location:
- Occupation:
Paul Smedley
- Handle: Creeping
- ScummVM: OS/2 fixes and packaging
- Location:
- Occupation:
André Souza
- Handle:
- ScummVM: SDL-based OpenGL renderer
- Location:
- Occupation:
Tim ???
- Handle: realmz
- ScummVM: Initial MI1 CD music support
- Location:
- Occupation:
Special thanks to
Sander Buskens
- Handle:
- ScummVM: For his work on the initial reversing of Monkey2
- Location:
- Occupation:
- Handle: Canadacow
- ScummVM: For the original MT-32 emulator
- Location:
- Occupation:
Kevin Carnes
- Handle:
- ScummVM: For Scumm16, the basis of ScummVM's older gfx codecs
- Location:
- Occupation:
Ivan Dubrov
- Handle:
- ScummVM: For contributing the initial version of the Gobliiins engine
- Location:
- Occupation:
- Handle: Jezar
- ScummVM: For his freeverb filter implementation
- Location:
- Occupation:
Jim Leiterman
- Handle:
- ScummVM: Various :Location:
- Occupation: on his FM-TOWNS/Marty SCUMM ports
- Location:
- Occupation:
- Handle: lloyd
- ScummVM: For deep tech details about C64 Zak & MM
- Location:
- Occupation:
Jimmi Thøgersen
- Handle:
- ScummVM: For ScummRev, and much obscure code/documentation
- Location:
- Occupation:
- Handle: Tristan
- ScummVM: For additional work on the original MT-32 emulator
- Location:
- Occupation: