Adi Games

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The Adi game series are educational games made and distributed by Coktel Vision mostly using the Gob engine. They were released in France (Adi), Germany (Addy/Adi), Italy (ADÍ), Spain (Adi) and the USA (Adi).

  • DEV6 games, known as 'Gob/DEV6'.
  • DEV7 games, also known as 'Gob/DEV7', were developed by ICE Développement for Coktel.

Note: This list is currently maintained by BJNFNE

French Adi Games

Adi 1

ADI 1 packages was sold for Amstrad CPC, Spectrum, Atari ST, Amiga and PC. Pay attention that all the packages didn't include the required environment disk.

  • 1.1
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 5e - Anglais (1991) (Floppy disks)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 5e - Français (1991) (Floppy disks)

Adi 2

ADI Enseignement is a special pack for teacher, providing courses, exercices and class management tools.

  • 2.0
    • ADI Enseignement - Mathématiques collège (1993) (Floppy disks)

ADI "CD-i" also contain a partial, unusual version of Gobliiins 1.

  • 2 "CD-i"
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire CM2 - Français Maths (1993)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 6e - Français Maths (1993)

ADI 2 CDs also contain some older Coktel games, such as Gobliiins 1, Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, Inca 1, Inca 2 and Lost in Time.

  • 2.5
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire CE2 - Français Maths (1995)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 5e - Français Maths (1995)
  • 2.6

Those title may be found in a 2.5 box

    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire CM2 - Français Maths (1996)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 6e - Français Maths (1996)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 3e - Français Maths (1996)
  • 2.7.1

This version may be found in a 2.6 box, and the environment disks has a sticker specifying "Erratum 2.7.1" This particular version also contains in hidden directories Eco Quest 1 and Eco Quest 2, multilingual french+english

    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 3e - Anglais Multimédia (1997)

Adi 4

ADI 4 CDs also contain multi-language Windows versions of some older Coktel adventure games, such as Gobliiins, Gobliins 2 and Goblins 3 & The Last Dynasty.

  • 4.0
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire - Français Maths CE2 (1997) (Gob/DEV6)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 4e (1997) (Gob/DEV6)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 3e (1997) (Gob/DEV6)
  • 4.10
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire - Français Maths CM1 (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire - Français Maths CE1 (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire - L'intégrale CM1 (1998) (Contains "Français-Maths CM1", "Anglais CM1-CM2" and "Géographie 11-15 ans") (Gob/DEV6)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire - L'intégrale CM2 (1998) (Contains "Français-Maths CM2", "Anglais CM1-CM2" and "Géographie 11-15 ans") (Gob/DEV6)
  • 4.11
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire 6e à la 3e - Sciences (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
    • Adi: l'Euro et l'Europe (2001) (Gob/DEV6)
  • 4.21
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire Géographie 11-15 ans (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire Anglais 3e (1998) (Gob/DEV6)

Adi 5

  • 5.00
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire CE1 Français Maths (2000) (7-8 ans) (Gob/DEV7)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire CE2 Français Maths (2000) (8-9 ans) (Gob/DEV7)
  • 5.02
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire CM - Anglais (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
  • 5.03
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire CE2 - Français Maths (2001) (Gob/DEV7)
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire CM1 - Français Maths (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
  • 5.04
    • ADI Accompagnement scolaire - Le vaisseau d'ADI (2003) (Gob/DEV7)

Adi 7

  • Dis-moi Adi : Français-Maths CM2 (2005) (Not Gob)
  • Dis-moi Adi : Français-Maths CE2 (2005) (Not Gob)
  • Dis-moi Adi : Anglais Primaire 7-11 ans (2006) (Not Gob)

German Addy Games


  • Deutsch Klasse 1+2
  • Spielerisch lernen Deutsch Klasse 3+4 (1994)
  • Deutsch Klasse 5+6
  • Deutsch Klasse 7+8
  • Mathe Klasse 1+2
  • Mathe Klasse 3+4
  • Mathe Klasse 5+6
  • Mathe Klasse 7+8
  • Multimedia Englisch Klasse 5+6
  • Multimedia Englisch Klasse 7 + 8
  • Multimedia Atlas: Die Entdeckung der Welt


ADI 2.5 CDs also contain some older Coktel games, such as Gobliiins 1, Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, Inca 1, Inca 2 and Lost in Time.

  • 2.5
    • Deutsch Klasse 5+6 (1995)


Addy 4

  • Mathe Kl. 1+2 (1997) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Mathe Kl. 7+8 (1998) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Deutsch Kl. 5+6 (1997) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Deutsch Kl. 7+8 (Gob/DEV6)
  • Englisch Kl. 1+2 V4.01 (1997) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Englisch 12+14 Jahre (Gob/DEV6)
  • Englisch Kl. 6 (1997) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Englisch Kl. 7 (Gob/DEV6)
  • Englisch Kl. 8 (Gob/DEV6)
  • Erdkunde 10-14 Jahre (Gob/DEV6)

These titles contains Gobliiins 1, Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, and a demo of Last Dynasty.

  • Mathe Kl. 3+4 (1997) (4.21) (Gob/DEV6)
  • Deutsch Kl. 3+4 (1997) (4.21) (Gob/DEV6)

Addy 5

  • Addy Kids
    • Mathe Kl. 1+2 (2003) (5.04) (Gob/DEV7/
    • Mathe Kl. 3+4 (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Deutsch Kl. 1+2 (2003) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Deutsch Kl. 3+4 (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Englisch Grundschule (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
  • Addy Teens
    • Mathe Kl. 5+6 (2001) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Mathe Kl. 7+8 (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Deutsch Kl. 5+6 (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Englisch Kl. 5 (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Englisch Kl. 6 (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Englisch Kl. 7 (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Englisch Kl. 8 (2002) (Gob/DEV7)
    • Deutsch Kl. 7+8 (2002) (5.04) (Gob/DEV7/

Addy 7

    • Mathe Grundschule Klasse 1 (Mindscape Release 2008) (3+ Jahre)
    • Mathe Grundschule 2. Klasse (Mindscape Release 2008) (3+ Jahre)
    • Deutsch Grundschule 4. Klasse (Mindscape Release 2008) (3+ Jahre)
    • Mathe Grundschule 4. Klasse (Mindscape Release 2006) (3+ Jahre)
    • Klasse 7 - Mathe, Deutsch, Englisch (Mindscape Release 2008) (3+ Jahre)
    • Klasse 8 - Mathe, Deutsch, Englisch (Mindscape Release 2008) (3+ Jahre)

Italian ADÍ Games

  • ADÍ il genio della scuola Italiano (1991)
  • ADÍ il genio della scuola Matematica (1991)
  • ADÍ il genio della scuola Inglese (1991)

Spanish Adi Games

Adi 2

ADI 2.4 CDs also contain multi-language Windows versions of some older Coktel adventure games, such as Gobliiins 1, Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, Inca 2 and Lost in Time.

  • 2.4
    • Adi lengua Española 5º - 6º primaria
    • Adi lengua Española 1º - 2º ESO
    • Adi matemáticas 1º - 2º ESO
    • Adi matemáticas 3º - 4º ESO