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Revision as of 13:41, 8 June 2024 by CrystalBen (talk | contribs) (mention D File Format)
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Titan was an engine for multilingual educational games developed by Compedia, until they moved to using Director.

Games using this Engine

  • Learn to Read on Titan
  • In Search of Lost Words
  • Timmy and the Magic Pictures
  • Timmy the Dream Hunter
  • Timmy's Birthday Party
  • Timmy's Sea Adventure
  • Gordi's Playground
  • Gordi and the Math Invaders
  • Gordi's Magical Movie Adventure
  • Math Attack
  • The Quest for the Unfinished Movie
  • In Search of the Lost Words
  • The Enchanted Playroom
  • Abacus Island
  • Wordland
  • Quantum Castle
  • Thinking Games 2
  • Championship at the Village
  • Championship at the Chocolate Factory
  • Championship at Space
  • Compedia Demos


  • V1.1


  • Borland Delphi 1.0 (Delphi was used as graphical IDE)
  • Borland Pascal 7.0 (Pascal for the Code itself)

PAS Files

  • Titan was written in Pascal/Delphi
  • vars.pas
  • LoadArray.pas (was added in later versions of Titan to the source code, they most likely merged the ReadLoadArray function into this new pas file)
  • FliUtils.PAS

Debug Infos

  • 4 was not found !!! (Check ReadLoadArray in vars.pas)
  • 9 was not found !!! (Check ReadLoadArray in LoadArray.pas)
  • dwBufferLength in LoadBuffer = 0!!


  • WinG
  • WinGener (Ver2.0)
  • FLIC


  • /StartDir: to start with an custom Directory.
  • /DefaultPath: to set the Default Path.
  • /Cfg: to start from an specific Configuration file. (most likely an ini file)
  • /LNG: to start with an selected Language (by default it is the Language in that you buy the Game)
    • NOTE: That these are examples on how to load an different Language, if the Game does not contains the Files for you specific Language that you add to the Parameter the Game crashes or fallback to English.
    • to load German language (/LNG:GER)

GAM File Format

  • GAM Files are saving/loading the Savegame.
  • You can create up to 8 Savegames.

D File Format

  • D Files are storing Music and Sound. The contains an Creative Voice File Header at the begin of the File