The Dig

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Revision as of 17:16, 18 September 2023 by Criezy (talk | contribs) (→‎Required data files: clarify note for Steam version)
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The Dig
First release 1995
Also known as Dig
Developed by LucasArts
Published by LucasArts, Disney
Distributed by Activision
Platforms DOS, Macintosh, Windows
Resolution 320x200, 256 colors
Engine SCUMM
Support Since ScummVM 0.2.0
Available for

The Dig was the eleventh game to use the SCUMM scripting language. The game, based on a story by Steven Spielberg, first follows two NASA astronauts (Commander Boston Low, Dr. Ludger Brink) and a reporter named Maggie Robbins as they attempt to destroy an asteroid that is on a collision course with Earth. Later, the game finds the crew on an alien planet trying to discover why there seems to be no sentient life, discovering the secrets the planet holds, and trying to find a way back home.


Required data files

For more information on how ScummVM uses game data files, see the user documentation.


  • The Dig Data

Macintosh Demo

  • The Dig Demo Data


  • VIDEO folder
  • DIG.LA0
  • DIG.LA1
  • LANGUAGE.BND (Non-English versions)

Note: The Steam version uses a custom launcher with datafiles embedded in the executable. You must add the root of the folder (or Mac app bundle) to ScummVM for the game to be detected correctly, not just the data directory. This means that for the Windows Steam version for example you need to select the "..\steamapps\common\The Dig" folder and not "..\steamapps\common\The Dig\DIG".

PC Demo

  • audio folder
  • video folder
  • dig.la0
  • dig.la1

Game languages

The following language choices are available when using command-line arguments or the "Language" option in the game-specific settings. For more information, see the user documentation

  • jp  - Japanese
  • zh  - Chinese
  • kr  - Korean

Default controls

To change these controls, use the Keymaps tab in the global or game-specific settings. For more information, see the user documentation

Hotkey Description
Ctrl + 0-9 Loads saved game
Alt + 0-9 Saves game
Crtl + Alt + d Starts the debugger
Crtl + f Toggles fast mode on/off
Crtl + g Toggles really REALLY fast mode on/off
Crtl + t Switches between 'Speech only', 'Speech and Subtitles' and 'Subtitles only'
Tilde ~ Shows/hides the debugging console
[ and ] Changes music volume down/up
- and + Changes text speed slower/faster
F5 Displays the save/load window
Alt + F5 Displays the original save/load window, if the game has one.
Space Pauses
Period . Skips current line of text in some games
Enter Simulates left mouse button click
Tab Simulates right mouse button click

Boot Params

For more information on using boot params, see the Boot Params wiki page.

The Dig Demo

The following table was contributed by Ben Gorman. Thanks, Ben!

Param Description
300 Skip intro movies
305 Outside wrecked alien ship
310 Canyon

External links