SCUMM/Technical Reference/Sound resources
- Adlib, GM, MT-32 etc formats
- Digital
- iMUSE (separate tracks and specific markers in each song format)
Up until the CD Talkie version of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Indy 4), sounds are stored in the .001 resource files. They are contained within ROOM(?) blocks.
"SOUN" header (incl. size?) "SBL " header "CREA" block (Creative VOC file)
Games that use CD tracks (Loom/CD, MI1/CD, Zak256/FM-TOWNS) are a bit different. For MI1/CD at least, the block size is 32-bytes, and provides information on the CD track to play.
From Indy 4 onwards, sound effects and speech are stored in a separate resource file called "MONSTER.SOU". The format is:
Block name 4 ("SOU ") bytes Block size 4 bytes One or more: Block name 4 ("VCTL") bytes Block size 4 bytes Lip-sync tags variable Sound data variable ("Crea" block / VOC file)
The lip-sync tags provide timing information. In v5 the number of tags is stored in the calling text, according to the formula ((num_tags / 2) << 1) + 8. The "Crea" block is an entire Creative VOC file.
ScummVM can use compressed monster.sou files created with the tool "compress_scumm_sou.exe". Aside from using either MP3, OGG, or FLAC formats for the sound data, they contain a mapping table followed by the sound data, like so:
size_of_table : uint32 size_of_table / 16 times { orig_offset : uint32 actual_offset : uint32 num_tags : uint32 sound_size : unit32 } size_of_table / 16 times { num_tags times { tag : uint8 } sound : sound_size (sound file - MP3/OGG/FLAC) }
Each entry in the table has 4 items, each item is 4 bytes, so a table with one entry has a size of 16.
The original offset is what the game will try to play, the actual offset is taken from after the index table.
Each sound is directly preceded by its lip-synch tags.