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Revision as of 18:02, 19 May 2010 by M kiewitz (talk | contribs) (changed iceman music issue)


Missing features (SCI0-SCI1.1)

  • Graphics
    • SCI1.1 Palette morphing (kPalVary and kAssertPalette)
      • kAssertPalette is used to make sure that the palette stays fixed to a custom palette number and is not affected by sprite palette. An example where this is utilized is QFG1VGA (for the day/night effects)
      • kPalVary is used for palette variation effects. An example is the first room of SQ5, when the simulator pod is lowered and Roger exits it. There is a palette variation (kPalVary) effect in that scene, where the initial red room palette slowly turns into the final blue palette. Currently, as a workaround, the final palette is set immediately
    • Scaling inside kAnimate - scaleSignal bit 1 triggers setting of scaleX/scaleY (animate.cpp)
  • Sound
    • Channel remapping
    • Voice mapping
    • Amiga (SCI01/1) and Mac (SCI1/1.1) sound support (same format)
    • Sound fading is currently disabled, as it doesn't work 100% in all games (e.g. in the intro of Pharkas, at the music before the theme song)
    • Proper song volume support, currently volume is reset to max whenever a new song is loaded
    • The resource manager doesn't support external patches of audio36 and sync36 resources yet
    • kDoAudio subops 12 and 13 (used in Freddy Pharkas: subop 12 is called while people are talking and subop 13 is called while the narrator's voice is heard)
  • Parser
    • Support for non-English text input
  • Mac-specific
    • Support for the SCI1 Mac version of kGetEvent
    • Support for the SCI1 Mac version of kNewWindow
    • Support for compressed SCI1.1+ scripts (all but KQ6)
    • QuickTime videos for KQ6 CD Mac - assigned to clone2727
      • Kernel function 0x84 for displaying QuickTime videos (the one argument is a string object)
    • Support for SCI1.1 partially hardcoded icon bar
      • Images stored in PICT resources (tags: 'IBIN' (not-selected), 'IBIS' (selected), 'PICT' (inventory image))
      • kPlatform subop 4 is called various times for the icon bar. One call sets up the scripts for the icons, etc.

Known bugs


  • Iceman: when diving near the coast there are paths of fishes (?) visible (room 56 and more) - the problem is that those lines use a color that's normally used when dithering the 2 fill colors - so dithering actually "removes" those - we should either leave this in or add some hack workaround
  • Iceman: the compartment is already partly open and when it gets closed, parts of it remain open o_O YouTube video
  • KQ5: At least in the desert when getting the staff grahams head is where his feet should be and his body is completely gone. Fixes itself as soon as he walks
  • KQ5 Mac: The game uses a screen size of 320x190 and the offTop needs to be set to 0. However, setting the offTop to 0, messed up the priority screen. Without changing offTop, the menu bar will flicker when hovering over it.
  • KQ6 CD: Flickering right in the first room when discovering the chest - caused by 2 lists that are being used on kAnimate. One rect overlaps with the ring animation, that's why it flickers.
  • KQ6 floppy: Cel colors are wrong in the opening sequence after a SEQ video is played. Seems to be related with a screen transition effect
  • KQ6 hires: character portraits are not erased properly. The engine scripts are asking to save/restore a smaller area than the one drawn on screen / caused by game actually thinking of running in 640x480, we need to implement 640x480 upscaling :(
  • KQ6/CD: several sync resources aren't available in the resource files. The windows version does only use the additional sort of "raw-data" appended to those sync resources. We are currently using the sync resources inside kPortrait instead of the raw data, that's why lip sync isn't working for those cases. We need to find out how this raw data is interpreted, probably we could even create virtual sync data out of it for the DOS scripts to use
  • LB2: The credits windows (about screen from the options menu) are incorrectly drawn above the character sprites
  • LSL1 (new graphics code regression): doors at the casino wont open. A workaround is in place till the actual issue is found. Issue seems to be caused by signal of the door set too late or kAnimate being call too few times. If you move the .doit calling code to the end of kAnimate door will open. It may be caused by VM actually. Old graphics code worked fine, because kAnimate was differently implemented
  • PQ2: about window is drawn onto status bar (sierra sci seems to move window accordingly)
  • PQ3: Highway (day 1) - half of the face of a driver is missing, speech window incorrectly placed
  • PQ3: Hospital (day 1), Computer (day 1), Court (day 4), Oak Tree Mall (day 4) and others - speech window isnt fully removed
  • SQ1: Ulence Flats - when entering the ship, another ship appears. We see this ship shortly completely and then it starts appearing - kAssertPalette exists in SQ1VGA, possibly related
  • SQ1: Some effects missing (example: when destroying lasers on kerona) - kAssertPalette exists in SQ1VGA, possibly related
  • XMAS88: View position off by one (plus +1 to vertical coordinate) in fireplace scene (maybe also goes for other views?) - seems to be also the case in kq4 old (for all views) - needs to get investigated further


  • Iceman: when entering room 14 - scripts are playing doorSound outside, theSound inside and afterwards the actual music (smoothMusic) - in our sci smoothMusic is played immediately after entering hut - seems to be kDoSound(12) means resume queued music and sci0 queues all music together and plays according to priority
  • KQ6 floppy: In the intro after cassima speaks, alexander calls her, but that sample is stopped too early
  • QFG1 ega: battle music is currently somewhat broken, worked using old music code


  • Castle of Dr. Brain: Loading a saved game made inside the puzzle room (room 360) shows an empty grey screen. That particular room does not have a background
  • Iceman: when playing the ball game, but standing on the right side, ego will walk against the net and the game will get seriously broken
  • Iceman: when going away from the diver, ego is using telekinesis YouTube video
  • Iceman: displays the warning "NodeValue() on a NULL pointer attempted" at numerous points during the map table scene
  • Iceman: when using the elevator in room 19/20 ego isn't walking into the elevator YouTube video
  • Iceman: acknowledging "green board" isn't possible (game breaking) - issue is script 383 calling kSaid with spec "[!*] / board < green" - needs to get checked - workaround: use "confirm green board"
  • Iceman: acknowledging depth isn't possible - issue is script 384 (see green board)
  • Iceman: repairing the diver should work with "put washer on shaft" - doesn't work here - workaround: enter "install washer"
  • Iceman: "climb down" on the main ladder in the submarine doesn't work (room 41), 2nd kSaid is returning true and shouldn't - workaround: enter "decend"
  • Iceman: ego walking through door on submarine - maybe graphics related YouTube video
  • Iceman: ego walking through map YouTube video
  • Iceman: kCanBeHere called with bad coordinates during diving near coast many times within a loop - delays the gameplay somewhat
  • Iceman: ego walking not correctly on "give food", "untie ambassador"
  • Iceman: delivery man not walking correctly when delivering food, stopping near the door
  • Iceman: when not walking manually to the ambassador "exit" doesn't work later correctly YouTube video
  • Island of Dr. Brain: right at the first puzzle clicking on the bricks on the bottom of the screen makes the engine freeze (endless loop)
  • Jones/CD: walking animations and portraits are turned off by the scripts on some computers caused by speed throttler only occurs on Mac OS X, does not occur on Windows 32-bit, Wii
    • Occurs when the system slows down when receiving too many update screen calls. See here.
  • Longbow: After leaving the cave and the conversation that follows, a list is not sane anymore (perhaps it's related to pathfinding? There's a relevant warning just before this occurs)
  • LSL1: bartender animation when ordering a whiskey and the rat animation in the room with the drunken man are much too fast
  • LSL2: Restoring a game in the first screen moves the cels up by some pixels (e.g. the road sign). Cel positions are fixed when exiting and reentering the scene
  • LSL5: one screen nearly at the end with text disappears far too quick
  • PQ2: when restoring a game in room 25 (753 third street) our car moves up some pixels, so trunk animations dont match
  • PQ2: room 26 isn't exitable - happens if you warp from inside the car at the start into room 26 - happened to me during the game although i'm not unable to reproduce it anymore. I guess I did something differently last time.
  • PQ2: when getting game over later in the game restoring results in kAnimate called with argv somehow invalid (valgrind/app verifier)
  • PQ3: VM goes mad when going in computer to tools / city map / plot crimes (warnings, heap issue (only valgrind/app verifier))
  • QFG1 EGA: displays the warning "List node at x is not sane anymore" when the dinosaur snaps at you during the intro
  • QFG1 VGA: when casting open, stack underflow occurs
  • QFG1 VGA: when throwing rocks at the target south of town - script 0x3a2 does not have a dispatch table and unexpected request for outgoing references from clone at 002c:0000 occur
  • QFG1 VGA: when winning any random monster fight - attempt to peek invalid memory at 0000:xxxx, segmanager::dereference():attempt to dereference invalid pointer 0000:aa26 occur