- Finish implementation of AI logic
- Add savegame support
- Correct rendering of cursors
- Add support for demo
- Convert NIS animations to use event handler & sound&scene managers
- Finish inventory support
- Add blinking menu icon
- Fix regression in inventory UI code
- Finish graphic manager
- Add graphic transitions
- Add support for luminosity adjustement
- Add dirty-rects handling
- Finish implementation of combat
- Objectify Fight class
- Finish Sound manager
- Add subtitle handling
- Add sound filters
- Finish implementation of audio queue
- For bug reporting (at least in the early stages), it might be nice if there was a "Who's Who" of the Last Express cast. There are a lot of characters, and it isn't always obvious what their names are.
Known issues
Feel free to add a short description of your issue. This will help a lot when debugging AI & shared logic code
Chapter 1
- Alexei eats way too fast in the restaurant
- Characters sometimes get stuck in an animation cycle. Examples:
- Mertens can get stuck if he sees you trying to open the wrong compartment door.
- Verges can get stuck at Mertens's seat. Merten was standing up when the conductor was approaching. The conductor never got past him, and Mertens remained standing. Seems to happen if I wait long enough near Mertens's seat.
- Francois gets stuck outside his compartment, flickering. He is supposed to get out and start running in the corridor.
- Mahmud stays on the corridor after knocking on one of his companions' doors