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HE Games INI settings

Setting Description
AutoPlay Game with automatically play itself, using random actions
-AutoPlayGoToRoom AutoPlay will go to room number
-AutoPlayLoadGame AutoPlay will load game
-AutoPlayTouchDoors AutoPlay will use doors
-AutoPlayTouchInventory AutoPlay will use inventory
BlackAndWhiteCursors Use black and white cursor images
CDGamePath Path to check for data files (When playing from CD)
DisplayHELogoTest Display the result of HE logo speed test
ForceMachineSpeed Set machine speed type
HideAllText Hide all text in the game?
InventoryPopY Set Y position of mouse pointer, that will trigger inventory
LastGame The code of path used for last game.
LastGameWon The code of path used for last completed game.
NoBackgroundSound Disable background sound effects
NoBKAnims Disable background animations
NoBKSounds Disable background sound effects
NoKeyboardClickable Disable animations triggered when pressing keys on keyboard
NoMusic Disable music
NoPrinting Disable printing
NoQuitButton Disable quit button
NoRightButton Mouse uses single mouse button (For Macintosh versions)
PlaybackAutoPlayFile Auto play back commands from file
-DebugOutputFile File to loaded auto play back commands from
SaveGamePath Path to save games to.
SetGame Set the paths for game completion
showdialogfilename Show the filename prefix for subtitles
SlowMachineInventory Disable inventory animations (In Pajama Sam series and Spy Fox series)
SputmDebug Enable debug mode (Needs correct value for game)
TextOn Enable subtitles

Backyard Basketball

Setting Description
Ctra Set to 1 to see an in-joke when clicking on season play.
E3Demo Set to 1 to disable hall of fame and season play.
EnterRoomOnStartUp Seems to be a broken option.
VideoProfiling Seems to be unused.

Backyard Soccer

Setting Description
area-103-halves-enabled Set to 1 to enable the secret "Area 51 1/2" field in a pick-up game
season debugger Set to 1 to show all season data when signing into a season
secret-clanky-button Set to 1 to show Mr. Clanky in the clubhouse to use in a pick-up game; also enables Pizza Party in the team trophy case
Striker Equivalent to SputmDebug; can take one of several values: 15, 42, 69, 666, 999

Backyard Soccer MLS Edition

Setting Description
season debugger Set to 1 to show all season data when signing into a season
secret-clanky-button Set to 1 to show Mr. Clanky in the clubhouse to use in a pick-up game
Striker Enable a debug channel; can take one of several values: 15, 42, 69, 101, 666, 999, 53280
SputmDebug Set to 90996 to enable basic debug mode
WhosABigCheater Set to I or i to enable basic debug mode

Backyard Soccer 2004

Setting Description
DisableProPlayers Set to 1 to disable all of the pro players
mr-clanky-enabled Set to 1 to show Mr. Clanky in the clubhouse to use in a pick-up game
season debugger Set to 1 to show all season data when signing into a season
Striker Enable a debug channel; can take one of several values: 15, 42, 69, 101, 666, 999, 53280
SputmDebug Set to 90996 to enable basic debug mode
WhosABigCheater Set to I or i to enable basic debug mode

Freddi Fish 1

Setting Description
BottleLocations Set locations of the bottles
BretIsTheOverlord Set to 1 to allow the EddieEatsLuther setting to be used multiple times. Otherwise it will be removed after the first use.
EddieEatsLuther Set to 1 and click on Luther, when facing Eddie, to see a hidden scene when enabled.
EnableFishBradSword Set to 1 to enable animations of the dead fish on the sunken ship (Room 49)
OnTheLevel Set the level of mini game
PeteIsAlsoTheOverlord Set to 1 to allow the EnableFishBradSword setting to be used multiple times. Otherwise it will be removed after the first use.

Freddi Fish 2

Setting Description
E3Demo Set to 72296, to see the E3 demo.
LateNightClassCam Set to 72296, turns blackboard in school into camera.
SeeGhostScenes Set to 72296, always see ghost inside the school
TrapParts Set locations of trap parts
UrchinLocations Set locations of the urchins

Freddi Fish 3

Setting Description
ProngLocations Set locations of the prongs
SamTeaser Show advertisement for Pajama Sam before game
TheThief Set character of the thief
TheWalletOwner Set owner of found wallet
TheCrystalColor Set color of crystal used to free Luther in maze
ThePhrasebookFlag Set flag in phrase book used to talk with Horst
TheGardenLevers Set garden levers used
UrchinLocations Set locations of the urchins

Freddi Fish 4

Setting Description
ActorStackScan Scan the actor stack?
CheatGenericRustlerCutScenes Limit the rustlers cutscenes shown throughout the game, to a specific cutscene (1-5).
DontBurstMyBubble Enable to be invincible in the Pop The Bubbles mini game.
FourthTime Set to c or C, to enable debug rooms
HatPath Set path used to find hat
HatColorNeeded Color of the hat required
HideoutCode Code to enter the hideout
NoBobbing Stops the HogFish bobbing around (Room 43).
NutShapeNeeded The type of nut shape required
StarfishColorNeeded Color of starfish required
TheThief Set character of the thief
TiePath Set path used ot find tie
WoodPuzzleSize Size of wood required

Freddi Fish 5

Setting Description
completedJawfishClamPath Completed the jawfish clam path
completedJawfishAnemonePath Completed the jawfish anemone path
completedDrillbookClamPath Completed the drillbook clam path
completedDrillbookAnemonePath Completed the drillbook anemone path
IdRatherBe Set to c or C to enable debug rooms

Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy

Setting Description
Attitude Enable to see extra scenes with added attitude:

Room 25 - Adds extra dialog option, when clicking on the second man waiting in line.
Room 25 - Increases chance of seeing Elvis going down the escalator.
Room 28 - Causes Buzzy to burp during one the the dialogs, when using Buzz option to explain the area.
Room 36 - Clicking on the first man waiting in line, always shows the animation of pulling a rabbit out of his pocket.
Room 37 - Changes the dialog used by the parking attendant.

BeltsDisabled Disables belts animation in the Lost Luggage mini game.


Set BirthdayMonthx/BirthdayDayx to the current date, to enable several special messages throughout the game:

Room 16 - Happy Birthday message in the sky.
Room 17 - Happy Birthday message in the sky.
Room 24 - Happy Birthday message in the box.
Room 26 - Happy Birthday message in the fridge.
Room 33 - Happy Birthday message in the sky.
Room 35 - Happy Birthday message in the third engine.

FindItCheatKeyEnabled Enables cheat key (f/F) in the Find It mini game, which goes to the room of the item.
ReadPagesAutomatically Enable to automatically read pages out load.

Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy

Setting Description


Set BirthdayMonthx/BirthdayDayx to the current date, to enable several special messages throughout the game:

Room 46 - Happy Birthday message in the house.
Room 46 - Present in the letterbox.

FindItCheatKeyEnabled Enables cheat key (f/F) in the Find It mini game, which goes to the room of the item.
ReadPagesAutomatically Enable to automatically read pages out load.

Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy

Setting Description


Set BirthdayMonthx/BirthdayDayx to the current date, to enable several special messages throughout the game:

Room 24 - Happy Birthday message in the box.
Room 50 - Happy Birthday message in the sky.

ReadPagesAutomatically Enable to automatically read pages out load.
TellFont Lists the current font been used as debug message.

Pajama Sam: Games to Play On Any Day

Setting Description
WeMissYou Set to 1, to see photos of the developers in the puzzles mini games.

Pajama Sam 1

Setting Description
E3Demo Set to 90996, to see the E3 demo.
NoStinkinSocks Enable to wash socks, each time a sock is found

Pajama Sam 2

Setting Description
E3Demo Set to 60598, to see the E3 demo?
GameFinished Set value of last game path completed
GameSetup Set value of game path

Pajama Sam 3

Setting Description
Bean-on-Strike Set Bean path to strike
Bean-Unsorted Set Bean path to unsorted
Cape-Location Set location of Pajama Sam's cape
Chuck-in-Balloon Set Chuck path to Balloon
Chuck-on-Ledge Set Chuck path to Ledge
Custom-Game Set value of custom game
EatCheat Set to b or B to enable debug rooms
Granny-Crowd-Surfin Set Granny path to Crown Surfing
Granny-in-Caramel-Pit Set Granny path to Camerel Pit
Pierre-on-Ferris-Wheel Set Pierre path to Ferris Wheel
Pierre-in-Prize-Booth Set Pierre path to prize booth
WTO Set to s or S, changes the costumes of the sweet troops (Seen in room 32, after leaving jail) to Police style uniform.

Putt-Putt Enters the Race

Setting Description
ISync Set game type (1335, 1468, 3597, 7199, 81670) for where items are stored.
KeepPlace Enable to always use the same game type.
StateSpeed Set to 1, to display the video speed on startup.
Speed Set to r or R, to enable debug rooms.
WhichRoom Displays the current room name in the window title, even if debug mode is disabled.

Putt-Putt Joins the Circus

Setting Description
ForcedDive Enable to choose the exact dive (1-2) used by the diver in in the diving pool (Room 24).
ForceHoleTo Enable to choose type of shape (22-24) required to fix the diving pool (Room 24).
ForceLevel Enable to set the level of the Peanuts mini game.
ForceScore Enable to set the score of the Peanuts mini game.

Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo

Setting Description
Gibbon Set to 71595, the gibbons will use extra rhythms.
HolyMoley Set to 71595, shows an extra animation of gopher saying it, when clicking on the gopher hole, near the lion's home (Room 25)
I�Porkdude Set to 71595, enables these additional keys during the ice hockey mini game:

4 - Gives goal score of 4 to both players
9 - Gives game score of 9 to both players
c - Hide the cursor
shift c - Show the cursor
k - Hide the polar bear
shift k - Show the polar bear
f - Faster puck
shift f - Slower puck
g - Changes the size of the goals
i - unknown
shift i - unknown
t - Changes the direction of the puck

IAmTheMoose Set to 71595, the toucans tell an extra joke about a moose
ICanDrive Set to 71595, adds car license to photo album at end of game
MellowRapids Putt-Putt stops during rapids, to allow easy choice of directions.
MoveInHerds Set to 71595, causes Putt-Putt to say it, when looking over the herds of animals (Room 19)
NoWaterSound Disable water sound effects
SuperCool Set to 71595, to enable debug mode
UpChuck Set to 71595, eat 10 lots of candy floss to see Putt-Putt throw up.

Putt-Putt Travels Through Time

Setting Description
LockChoice Set the type of lock used by the chest in the desert
SuperCool Set to 71595, to enable debug rooms

Spy Fox 1

Setting Description
E3Demo Set to 90997, to see the E3 demo.
TransBigCheater Set to m or M, to enable debug rooms
StizeveIsTheBizomb Set to 1, enables these additional keys during the Happy Fun Sub mini game:

1 - Unknown
2 - Unknown
3 - Unknown
4 - Unknown
5 - Unknown
c - Turns collisions on or off
g - Select level to jump to

WhosABigCheater Set to i or I, to enable debug rooms

Spy Fox 2

Setting Description
FoxTimesTwo Set to c or C, to enable debug rooms
FryFox Set to BurnBabyBurn, to enable hidden scene, when clicking on the electric chair (Room 26).
arcadecheat Set to 1, to choose level to start, in the Things from Space mini game.
editor-enabled Set to 1, enables the use of custom levels and these additional keys during the Things from Space mini game:

e - Active editor mode
i - Toggle invincibility on or off

turbo Enable to increase the speed, in the Things from Space mini game.

Spy Fox 3

Setting Description
DontUndulate Disables the water effects, when at the Gate location (Room 28).
ForceLand Force land path
ForceWater Force water path
ShowPalette Shows palette
WhosABigCheater Set to i or I, to enable debug rooms