Open main menu

This is a list of items found in Kyrandia 1, using the Kyra engine. These items are referenced with their item numbers both in the savegames and in the scripts. "No item"/"empty" is denoted by 0xFF.

The item names are listed in the executable (main.exe in the DOS versions) and of course differently named across different languages. When writing a VM for Kyra, these strings need to be included.

 Index	Name			notes
 00	Garnet			found on table in gemcut.emc
 01	Amethyst
 02	Aquamarine
 03	Diamond
 04	Emerald
 05	Pearl
 06	Ruby			get from tree (ruby.emc) where you get bitten by snake, use in potion.emc
 07	Peridot
 08	Sapphire
 09	Opal
 0A	Topaz
 0B	Onyx
 0C	Sunstone
 0D	Moonstone		get from well.emc, use in mooncav.emc to get pink amulet part
 0E	Rainbowstone		get in stump.emc
 0F	Lodestone		(no text when using on Brandon, not used in game?)
 10	Rose			get in altar.emc, bring to Brynn (healer.emc), she converts it to 0x13 Silver Rose
 (to be pasted ASAP...)