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Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon/Music

< Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon
Revision as of 21:54, 16 August 2022 by Thunderforge (talk | contribs) (Correcting drifting track number)
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This page documents the various music tracks in the game and maps them to the song names available in the remastered soundtrack.

  • ID: The id called in-game by the script
  • Context: When it plays during the game
  • Track: The track number in the remastered soundtrack
  • Name: The name of the track in the remastered soundtrack
Game Remastered Soundtrack
ID Context Track Name
4000 Fireworks factory

General Moon background music

4 Putt in Tunisia
4001 Arrived on Earth 32 He's Swingin'
4003 In outer space on way to Moon 8 Drifting
4004 General Moon background music 13 Perky
4005 Falling off the bridge into the goo 19 Slimey (First part of the song)
4006 Rover arrives to rescue from the goo 20 On the Moon
4007 General Moon background music 12 A Little Motorcar
4010 Meeting the Man in the Moon (after giving picture) 28 Half-Moon
4011 Fireworks factory

General Moon background music

5 Hola, Putt!
4012 Fireworks factory (always plays after 4029)

General Moon background music

3 Putt-Putt Slide
4013 General Moon background music 10 Time is Right
4014 Meeting the Man in the Moon 30 Beguine
4015 Beauty salon 27 Slide Jam
4016 General Moon background music 11 Ragtime Tutti
4017 General Moon background music 14 Ragtime Solo
4018 Bear Stormin' 17 Latin Come Home
4020 General Moon background music 15 Motorchacha
4021 Cosmic Dust Diner

Beauty salon

26 Motorcar Organ
4022 Rover brings Putt-Putt to city

General Moon background music

22 Coal Mine on the Moon
4025 Rover tells about being left behind 21 Mooning
4028 Rocket to the Moon 7 Blast Off
4029 Opening titles 1 George Sanger feat. Chris O'Connell - Come Home Soon
4030 Rocket to Earth 31 Going Home Fast
4031 Stuck in the goo 19 Slimey (Second part of the song)

It appears that all music played on the Moon also plays during the credits.