Open main menu
  • How to open the Menu?

This is for To open the debug menu, start Adiboo3 or any Dev7Game with the shortcut containing -break now under Hidden icons in the bottom right the up arrow should be the sign of LOADER7.exe from the version with the name DEV7VM Debug Windows the Debug Menu can be displayed by right-click to open.

This for Version You can also open the debug menu if the game was opened with -break and then at the top Adiboo3 / Adibou3 or how your game is called you ever run right click then the menu will appear

  • How i find out which Version i have?

If you have for your LOADER7.exe a blue icon instead of the normal then you have Version If you have for your LOADER7.exe a empty icon then you have Version Or press on your Executable rightclick then Properties then Details and verify which Version you have. If you have a newer Version that is higher than then please contact me

  • With which Games is the Debug Menu working?

it works with these games: Adibou3 / Adiboo3 / Addy5 / Adi5

  • What can i do with the Debug Menu?

Bitmaps Windows

With Bitmaps Windows you can view the images that are in their own IMG format File name shows the name of the file (IMG image). idBmp shows the ID of the bitmap OBC Name shows the name of the OBC Size displays a 5 digit number Info shows the size of the image and also the bpp (usually this is 15A) attributes shows various "attributes" (RDO, RDWR, RDO+SHD(1), RDO+SHD(4), RDO+SHD(6), RDO+SHD(12) Time shows the time when the image was called up by the game. The hour comes first then a colon, then the minute, then a colon again, then the second, and then again a colon where the millisecond is and if you open an image by double-clicking or by ticking it, you can display the xy armpit and display the rgb numbers

Audio Channels

With Audio Channels you can see which VMD file is being played Use stands for what format is used Player or Other or VMD for the currently playing audio and OBC name is the Name of the obc file where the audio is located AS_ANIMSCRIPTPLAYER is executed when a song is played or a video is played from the TV or what is explained SD_PICTURE when sounds are played from an animation or when language files are played if e.g. Adiboo asks / says something ACA_READER when a task is explained (learning stations)

Zones Window

With Zones Window you can see a zone for each item by each icon or item which is marked green in the game idZone displays shows the ID of the zone Type shows in which region the zone is there are different (region, 3D object, bitmap mask) State indicates whether this zone is activated or deactivated. Enabled stands for activated and Disabled for deactivated Z-order may stand for the Z-axle Bounding rect shows the size of Region, Bitmap mask but not 3D object Visible rect shows 0,0 everywhere and size 800x600 OBC name shows SD_OBJECT, SCENE3D In cursor everywhere only one ? displayed Click cursor is everywhere just a ? displayed

screen elements window

With screen elements window you can display the icons of the blue bar and you can see the animations or you can see a still frame of the video such as Coktel Intro idElem shows the ID of the element (SD_OBJECT / 3DWORLDWARP). Type indicates that the type is bitmap and the {} brackets contain the ID of the bitmap State indicates whether the object is visible as a clickable object or as an environment Visible (1) stands for an object which you can click on, which causes different animations to be executed Visible (2) represents the environment 3DWORLDWARP displays the image of the environment SD_OBJECT is an object which you can click on, which then causes different animations etc to be executed Z-order may stand for the Z-axle Blend level are all unknown to 255 what this is used for Bounding rect indicates the size of the bitmap OBC name shows which OBC is currently required and if you open a screen element by double-clicking on the name or by ticking it, you can see if the graphic is transparent and display the xy armpit and display the rgba numbers

File monitoring

With File monitoring you can see which file the game is currently using Handle shows a 4-digit text made up of letters and numbers File name shows the location of the file Fashion indicates RD Last access shows the read speed in KB Rate shows the reading speed in KB but only what if you change the environment as an example Peak rate constantly displays a reading speed in KB In the second section

  1. is empty

File name is empty Request is empty Size is empty Result is empty OBC name is empty

Resources Window

With Resources Window you can do several things

Bitmaps (Resources Window / Resources) Count for how many images are active Max count how many images can be active at the same time Created is unknown Released is unknown

VMD (Resources Window / Resources) Count how many animations are active Max count how many animations can be active Created is unknown Released is unknown

Movie (Resources Window / Resources) reacts to nothing Count is not responding Max count is not responding Created is unknown Released is unknown

Screen elements (Resources Window / Resources) Count how many elements are active Max count how many elements can be active Created is unknown Released is unknown Hidden is unknown

Zones (Resources Window / Resources) Count how many zones are active Max count the maximum number of zones that can be active Created is unknown Released is unknown Inactive how many are inactive

3D Mesh (Resources Window / Resources) Count how many are active in the () brackets is how many kilobytes are used Max count how many 3D mesh can be active Created is unknown Released is unknown

3D Materials (Resources Window / Resources) Count how many 3D Materials are active in the () brackets is how many Kiobyte is used Max count how many 3D materials are allowed to be active in the () brackets is how many kilobytes are used may be Created is unknown Released is unknown

View renders (Resources Window / Resources) Count displays a 6 digit number that is always changing for what is unknown Frame rate shows the frame rate of the game Peak rate shows the peak rate in fps

Screen refresh (Resources Window / Resources) Count displays a 5 digit number that is always changing for what is unknown Frame rate shows the frame rate of the game Peak rate shows the peak rate in fps Enabled true (1) indicates it is enabled

Dispatch events (Resources Window / Resources) Count is unknown

Free time (Resources Window / Resources) Count is unknown

Timers (Resources Window / Resources) Count shows how many timers are there Max count shows how many timers exist Created is unknown Released is unknown Running shows how many timers are currently running

Files (Resources Window / Resources) Count shows how many files are currently being used Max count shows the maximum number of files available Opened shows how many files are currently open Closed shows how many files are currently closed Rate shows the transfer rate in seconds, usually in kilobytes Peak rate shows kilobytes in seconds Bytes read shows how many bytes are read in seconds

Audio channels (Resources Window / Resources) Count how many audio files are currently being played Max count the maximum number of audio files that can be played

Events window

Events window Type is empty Info is empty Object is empty OBC name is empty

Trace window

  • Trace window
  • Group is empty
  • Comment is empty
  • Date is empty
  • Time is empty
  • Over the Pause Button you can stop the recording of the Log
  • Over the Contiunue Button you can contiune the logging process
  • VM traces is unknown

Info box setup window

Info box setup window Groups there, what can be entered cannot be confirmed

info box

info box can be activated by ticking it does not happen because probably no info box was set up via info box setup

Warning box can be activated by ticking but nothing happens

Show refresh frame

Show refresh frame Video access when this is activated a black message appears in the bottom left corner of the game where % screen written : XX.X (PK:XX.X) stands X stands for the numbers which are constantly changing automatically and gray squares are displayed Off screen access shows gray squares Off Shows no gray squares and also no black message with % screen written


Adiboud'chou Debug Menu (to be completed)

This Documention is not finished yet.

  • With which Games & Version of Adibou'Chou works the Debug Menu?

It should work for any Adibou'Chou Games (if you have some Problems with starting Adibou'Chou in the Debug Menu please let me know)

  • How i open the Debug Menu?

go to the loader7.exe and make a shortcut of the exe then add the parameter -break to that shortcut and you can run the game. it should be run in windowed mode then click on the top left Corner the Word Windows appears left click it and you opened the Debug Menu

  • What can i do with the Debug Menu?

Resource Window

With Resource Window it can show use what he is currently using VMD / Timer. and that .OBC Section is telling you which OBC File the Game is currently using and the next thing is showing the name of the Picture and which .vmd file is currently used by the Game Engine VMD Files

File Monitoring

  • Access shows you which art of Access the Engine is currently doing with a STK File.
  • File this is showing from which STK File, the Game is reading the required Information from that STK File.
  • Bytes How many Bytes in the Secound the Game reads from the STK File.


  • CLEAR is for Clearing the Log
  • PAUSE is for stopping to record the Log
  • CONTINUE is for Continue the Log


  • OPEN if you uncheck OPEN it will be stopping to Log in the Section Access the Log for OPEN & if you check them again then the Log Process starts again
  • READ if you uncheck READ it will be stopping to Log in the Section Access the Log for READ & if you check them again then the Log Process starts again
  • WRITE if you uncheck WRITE it will be stopping to Log in the Section Access the Log for WRITE & if you check them again then the Log Process starts again
  • CLOSE if you uncheck CLOSE it will be stopping to Log in the Section Access the Log for CLOSE & if you check them again then the Log Process starts again
  • Top is for that when you go back to the Game that the Window of File Monitoring is still on the top of the Game and wont disapear until you uncheck Top again


  • READ is when the Game reads something from a STK File to load a different Environment or any Application or load something else


On the Top you see 7 different Headers Resource Released Difference Alloc. Mem. (Kb) Max Difference and Max Alloc. Mem. (Kb)

  • when you did a double click on Bmp a new Window appears in there you can see the .img files (Images)
  • from here its very similar to the Dev7 / Games
  • under File you can see which .stk file the Games currently using