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This is the list of games that use RTL writing systems (Right-to-left)


ID Name (English) Name (Hebrew) Platform Encoding Status Notes
agi:pq1 Police Quest 1 משימה משטרתית 1: המרדף בעקבות מלאך המוות DOS windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
agos:simon1 Simon the Sorcerer 1 שוליית המכשף DOS custom-fakelogical Encoding uses fixed offset from standard encoding overriding uppercase latin letters
agos:simon2 Simon the Sorcerer 2 שוליית המכשף 2 DOS custom-fakelogical Encoding uses fixed offset from standard encoding overriding uppercase latin letters
ags:osher Boundless Osher / Osher Bli Gvulot
asylum:asylum Sanitarium סניטריום Windows windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
bladerunner:bladerunner Blade Runner בלייד ראנר Windows windows1255-logical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
composer:darby Darby the Dragon דרבי הדרקון Windows
composer:imoking Magic Tales: Imo and the King Windows
composer:littlesamurai Magic Tales: The Little Samurai Windows
composer:magictales Magic Tales Demo: Baba Yaga, Samurai, Imo Windows
director:petel מיץ פטל Windows
director:superspy SuperSpy 1 Windows
gob:fascination Fascination רצח במיאמי DOS
gob:gob2cd Gobliins 2 CD DOS windows1255-visual Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
gob:gob3 Goblins Quest 3 גובלינים 3 DOS custom-visual custom encoding uses the location on the keyboard, replacing the character that share the same key
gob:lit Lost in Time אבודים בזמן DOS
grim:grim Grim Fandango גרים פנדנגו Windows windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
groovie:t7g The 7th Guest האורח השביעי Windows Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
hypno:sinistersix Marvel Comics Spider-Man: The Sinister Six Spider-Man: ששת הרשעים DOS custom (In puzzle) encoded as index by alphabetical ordering but swapped the position of final and regular letters in regard to the standard encoding
kyra:kyra1 The Legend of Kyrandia דברי ימי קירנדיה 1 DOS windows1255-fakelogical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
kyra:kyra2 The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate דברי ימי קירנדיה 2: יד הגורל DOS windows1255-fakelogical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
kyra:kyra3 The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge דברי ימי קירנדיה 3: נקמתו של מלקולם DOS windows1255-fakelogical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
mohawk:grandma Just Grandma and Me Windows
mohawk:tortoise Tortoise and the Hare Windows
myst3:myst3 Myst III: Exile Myst III: נקמה Windows windows1255-fakelogical
pink:peril The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril הפנתר הורוד משימה בינלאומית Windows windows1255-logical
pink:pokus The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink הפנתר הורוד: הוקוס פוקוס Windows windows1255-logical
queen:queen Flight of the Amazon Queen הרפתקאות מלכת האמזונס DOS cp862-visual
saga:ite Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb יירשו ארץ - המסע בעקבות העין ? windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sci:gk1 Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers גבריאל נייט: עוון אבות DOS windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sci:gk2 Gabriel Knight Mystery: The Beast Within גבריאל נייט 2: החיה שבפנים ? Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sci:laurabow Laura Bow I: The Colonel's Bequest DOS windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sci:qfg1vga Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero הרצון לעוצמה DOS windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sci:sq1sci Space Quest I: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter DOS windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sci:sq3 Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon מסע בחלל III הפיראטים מפסטולון DOS windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sci:torin Torin's Passage מסעותיו של טורין Windows windows1255-logical or cp862-visual Both logical and visual versions exist, Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:atlantis Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis אינדיאנה ג'ונס בעקבות סודה של אטלנטיס DOS windows1255-fakelogical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:comi The Curse of Monkey Island הקללה של אי הקופים Windows windows1255-fakelogical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:dig The Dig התגלית DOS windows1255-fakelogical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:fbear Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise DOS Text was not translated
scumm:fbpack Fatty Bear's Fun Pack DOS Text was not translated
scumm:freddi Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds Windows Text was not translated
scumm:freddi3 Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell פרדי הדג: פרשת הקונכייה הגנובה Windows windows1255-visual Subtitles text was not translated, but have hebrew texts in credit
scumm:ft Full Throttle הילוך שיא DOS windows1255-fakelogical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:funpack Putt-Putt's Fun Pack DOS Text was not translated
scumm:indy3 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade אינדיאנה ג'ונס ומסע הצלב האחרון FMTowns cp862-visual Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:loom Loom האורגים FMTowns cp862-visual Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:monkey The Secret of Monkey Island הסוד של אי הקופים windows1255-fakelogical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:monkey2 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge אי הקופים 2: נקמתו של לה צ'אק DOS windows1255-fakelogical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:mm Maniac Mansion אחוזת המטורפים DOS custom-fakelogical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure). TODO: Fix original menu
scumm:pajama2 Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening Windows windows1255-visual Subtitles text was not translated, but have hebrew texts in credit
scumm:puttcircus Putt-Putt Joins the Circus Windows windows1255-visual Subtitles text was not translated, but have hebrew texts in credit
scumm:puttmoon Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon DOS Text was not translated
scumm:puttputt Putt-Putt Joins the Parade DOS Text was not translated
scumm:samnmax Sam & Max Hit the Road סם ומקס מתגלגלים בדרכים DOS Windows1255-fakelogical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
scumm:zak Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders זכי מקראקן ומבלבלי השכל מהחלל FMTowns cp862-visual Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sword1:sword1 Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars חרב שבורה: צל אבירי המקדש Windows Windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sword2:sword2 Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror חרב שבורה 2 - המראה המעשנת Windows Windows1255-logical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
sword25:sword25 Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars חרב שבורה 2.5 - שובם של הטמפלרים ? Windows1255-logical Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
tetraedge:syberia Syberia סיבריה Mac windows1255-logical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
tetraedge:syberia2 Syberia II סיבריה 2 Mac windows1255-logical Supported Fan translation (Hebrew Adventure)
tinsel:dw Discworld עולם הדיסק DOS ?-visual
twine:lba Little Big Adventure הרפתקה קטנה גדולה DOS windows1255-visual Supported Fan translation
twine:lba2 Little Big Adventure 2 הרפתקאה קטנה גדולה 2 DOS/Windows Unsupported LBA2 is unsupported, Fan translation


ID Name (en) Name (ar) Platform Encoding Status Notes
director:sakhr Sakhr Software Catalogue مجلة برامج صخر Windows
director:abctrain Alphabet Train Windows Unsupported D6 is not supported
director:futsoft Future Soft educational demos برامج تعليمية من شركة فيوتشر سوفت Windows Unsupported D6 is not supported
director:ktaralarkam Numbers Train قطاد الأرقام Windows Unsupported D6 is not supported
director:alhisab Let's learn arithmetic (al-hisab) and concepts هيا نتعلم الحساب والمفاهيم Windows Unsupported D8.5 is not supported
director:anasheed Train of Stories & Songs إسطوانة قطار القصص والأناشيد Windows Unsupported D8 is not supported
director:hamamalachkal Learn Shapes with Hamam تعلم مع همام الأشكال Windows Unsupported D8.5 is not supported
director:hamamalalwan Learn Colors with Hamam تعلم مع همام الألوان Windows Unsupported D8.5 is not supported
director:hamamalhuruf Learn Letters with Hamam تعلم مع همام الحروف Windows Unsupported D8.5 is not supported
director:mesoftware Middle East Software Company شركة الشرق الأوسط للبرمجيات Windows Unsupported D10.1 is not supported


ID Name (en) Name (Farsi) Platform Encoding Status Notes
wintermute:alavi Alavi Detective - Murder of Miss Rojan Windows
wintermute:alimardan1 Alimardan's Mischief Windows
wintermute:alimardan2 Alimardan Meets Merlin Windows
wintermute:awakening Awakening: Burning Ashes Windows
wintermute:darksummer Twilight: Dark Summer Windows
wintermute:devilincapital Devil In The Capital Windows
wintermute:forgottensound1 Forgotten Sound 1 - Revelation Windows
wintermute:forgottensound2 Forgotten Sound 2 - Destiny Windows
wintermute:qajarycat Qajary Cat Windows
wintermute:shaban Shaban Windows
wintermute:sotv1 Shadows on the Vatican - Act I: Greed Windows
wintermute:tehran1933 Murder In Tehran's Alleys 1933 Windows
wintermute:tehran2016 Murder In Tehran's Alleys 2016 Windows
wintermute:wayoflove The Way Of Love: Sub Zero Windows