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Future Wars

Revision as of 00:00, 2 April 2007 by Clone2727 (talk | contribs) (adding breaks to avoid overlapping)
Future Wars
First release 1989
Also known as Time Travelers:
The Menace
Developed by Delphine Software
Published by Delphine Software
Distributed by (unknown)
Platforms Amiga, DOS
Resolution (unknown)
Engine Cine
Support Not officially supported.
A WIP engine is available
in our SVN repository
Available for

Future Wars, is the first game to use Delphine Software's cinematic evo1 engine. In this game, a window washer finds himself caught in the middle of a war between two alien races. He has to travel through time in order to keep the aliens from destroying each other, and he also must save a kidnapped princess in the process.

There exists game OST supplied on cover CD of french magazine Generation 4. It consists only of Red Book audio.

Also there was CD-ROM release of this game in US. Some unconfirmed info on it could be found here. Excerpts from that thread:

  From: (Marik Meytin)
  Subject: Re: Help! What are these CDROMS?
  Date: 24 Mar 1994 23:29:57 -0500
   >- Future Wars (Sony)
      I actually bought that game ($11.99 at Egghead Software).  However,
      the last thing you need is that game on CD-ROM.  The game (plot, etc.) is
      not bad, but it only takes about 1.4-1.5Meg of CD-ROM space, and
      graphics, well, are not what you would expect from CD-ROM game
      (EGA only? I don't think it even supports standard VGA).  The same
      disk also includes demo (playable) of "Lexigraph" (?) - sorta like
      Wheel Of Fortune from the future.  Overall, pretty bad, but probably
      worth 12 bucks.

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