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Compiling ScummVM/Mac OS X 10.2.8

< Compiling ScummVM
Revision as of 16:49, 17 August 2007 by Clone2727 (talk | contribs) (changing section name)

So, I'm going to attempt to document how I was able to compile ScummVM on my 10.2.8 laptop*. However, if you don't have 10.2.8, I recommend you check out the cross compiling page.


  • kyra uses a lot of templates, and gcc 3.1 can't handle it, so I had to disable it (--disable-kyra)
  • When making the bundle, I get linker errors complaining about an "illegal reference to symbol" and "defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library".
    • common/libcommon.a(file.o) illegal reference to symbol: _CFBundleCopyResourceURL defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    • backends/libbackends.a(quicktime.o) illegal reference to symbol: _CloseComponent defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore

Getting a Compiler

So, as you may or may not know, you need gcc to compile gcc. Yes, it's one of those loopholes in life. So, we have to get the precompiled XCode from Apple. So, go to their developer site and sign up. Then, go to downloads, Development Tools, and way down at the bottom should be the December 2002 development tools for 10.2.8. That's the one you want. So, download it and install it. However, once it's installed, don't delete it as you may have to install it again**.

Getting the Libraries

There is no really specific order except: SDL must be compiled before libmpeg2, libogg must be compiled before libvorbis libogg must be compiled before flac

Let's start with the one I had most trouble with:


First off, we need to get the 1.2.8 version of SDL. Nothing higher than that compiles on 10.2.8 (it's broken currently). If you try to compile higher than 1.2.8, for example 1.2.12, it will give you a whole bunch of warnings about "__VEC__" before some errors.

Then, as long as you have 1.2.8, you should be ok. But, I wasn't***


make install


Zlib is included with the developer tools, but it's too old to be used with ScummVM. So, download the zlib 1.2.3 source and run:

make install


Download libmad 0.15.1b. Run

make install


Download libogg 1.1.3 and libvorbis 1.2.0. Run (in libogg):

make install

And, then the same for libvorbis. libogg must be compiled first.


Download flac 1.2.0. Run:

make install


Download the libmpeg2 0.4.1 source. As with the other libraries, run

make install

There will be errors found, but it will turn off the preprocessing mode and compile fine, so don't worry about it.


Download the libfluidsynth source. Run

make install


Download the nasm 0.99.01 source. Run

make install

Just ignore the 100's of warnings you will get ;)

Configuring Configure

Assuming you already compiled SDL, we need to point ScummVM in the right direction. Open up configure in your favorite text editor and change the _sdlpath="$PATH" to _sdlpath="/usr/local/bin".

Compiling ScummVM

If you just want the engines that are enabled always just run (see Problems about kyra):


However, for other ones (such as Lure, CruisE, and Drascula) run:

./configure --enable-lure --enable-cruise --enable-drascula

After that is run, make sure that all the libraries you installed appear on the text that Terminal should spit out at you.

Executable Only

Just run


To use this, just drag it into the Terminal and hit enter.


We have to modify the makefile a bit, so open it up

Change Library Path





Reason: Fink puts the installs there, but we compiled from scratch, so they're in a different folder.

Make zlib Static


OSX_STATIC_LIBS += $(OSXOPT)/lib/libz.a


ifdef USE_MPEG2
OSX_STATIC_LIBS += $(OSXOPT)/lib/libmpeg2.a

Reason: zlib should be compiled statically to be used on all systems



Reason: We're compiling zlib statically, not dynamically.

Remove SystemStubs



Reason: Not needed, and not in 10.2.8

TODO (See Problems)


* Your results may vary
** Sometimes the installer "forgets" to install key components to the compiler (you may get a strange error during a configure after trying to find the compiler's default output). If so, just reinstall it.
*** It complained that I was missing some x11 files. If this happens to you, download xfree86 source part 1. After extracting it, go to the include folder, and copy it's contents to a /usr/include/x11 as well as copying Xlib.h from the bin/x11 folder to /usr/include/x11.