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Kyra/Items (Kyrandia 2)

< Kyra
Revision as of 22:17, 29 December 2005 by Clem (talk | contribs) (items 10-1F)

This is a list of items found in Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate, hopefully someday to be included into the Kyra engine. These items are referenced with their item numbers in the savegames, possibly also in the scripts. "No item"/"empty" is denoted by 0xFF.

 HEX	DEC	Name			notes
 00	0	Onion
 01	1	Sulfur
 02	2	Everglowing fireberry
 03	3	Blueberry
 04	4	Mushrrom
 05	5	Furniture
 06	6	Gnarlybark
 07	7	Skeleton key
 08	8	Plant food
 09	9	Moldy cheese
 0A	10	anchor
 0B	11	gold anchor
 0C	12	feather
 0D	13	alchemist's magnet
 0E	14	letter
 0F	15	letter
 10	16	letter
 11	17	letter
 12	18	flask
 13	19	(reversed empty flask)
 14	20	Quicksand
 15	21	water
 16	22	warm water
 17	23	hot water
 18	24	swamp water
 19	25	reptile tears
 1A	26	swampsnake potion
 1B	27	milk
 1C	28	bottled ghost
 1D	29	cheese
 1E	30	sandwich
 1F	31	wool
 (note: last usable item is 0xAF, 0xB0 leads to strange results)
 FF	-1	(empty inventory slot)	not listed, for reference