Compiling ScummVM/BeOS/ZETA/Haiku
Compiling BeOS version for scummvm.
As scummvm is relying on a BONE version you need the BONE network stack (DanO, ZETA and Haiku) version for BeOS to compile (needs libbind and libsocket).
For now you need to download the source over svn
svn co scummvm
If you want to make a complete port be sure to also have libogg, libvorbis, libmad, libflac andlibmpeg2 installed with headers (I'll provide a zip for those interested later.
Open Terminal and run configure with these options:
LDFLAGS=-L<path to where you have the libs/headers installed> ./configure --prefix=<path to where you want to install> --with-nasm-prefix=<path to nasm>
scummvm is like most games based on a unix kind of system and uses /usr paths hence the prefix path, I'm always using /boot/apps/Games/<game_port> myself for obvious reasons.