SCI/FreeSCI/Header files/Core headers
Core headers
The following headers provide what should be considered core functionality:
- scitypes.h
- This file, included from resource.h, provides some of the basic types used in FreeSCI, including some of the types used for specific functions, but also the gu?int(8|16|32) types, which provide (unsigned) types for 8, 16, and 32 bits.
- resource.h
- The main OS abstraction header file; includes scitypes.h and provides functions for the following: Queues, memory checks, time inspection, directory traversion, case-insensitive file opening, the 'sciprintf()' function, which is the primary output function in FreeSCI, functions to retreive the user's home directory and the cwd, to create a complete path in the file system, yield to the scheduler (where possible) or trigger a breakpoint.
- sci_conf.h
- In here, the configuration options (as parsed from the ~/.freesci/config file) are listed in a structure; includes function definitions for handling configuration.
- versions.h
- Lists certain SCI versions and functions/macros to examine these versions. Some kernel functions have bugs or changed their behaviour in some versions of SCI; these version numbers should be listed in this file.
- sciresource.h
- Provides definitions, strings, and functions for SCI resource management, including the resource manager function prototypes.
- sci_memory.h
- Prototypes for the sci_alloc(), sci_free() etc. functions for memory management, plus the debug switches available for them.
- console.h
- Prototypes for the SCI console, including functions to hook up SCI console functions and variables.
- sbtree.h
- This header file is only used by the gfx subsystem right now. It provides statically generated binary trees.