Exec what Exe is the main Executable for running the Game.
SourceDirectory is always with . to stay in the root of the Coktel Folder.
InstallDirectory because the mdo.dbg uses . in always install to /coktel/PRODUCT.
Language this for the Engine to identify your Game Language.
WindowName this displays the Name when they are running in Windowed Mode.
FullScreenOnly if the game only runs in Fullscreen (by default it is 1).
ModeFullScreen if the Game should be use Fullscreen Mode (by default it is set to 1)
stk= means which .STK is entered there will be used to start the game and look for an specfic .OBC
obc= it uses that obc file that is in the .stk file.
sizex stands for which size will be used by default its is 800
sizey stands for which size will be used by default it is 640
resx stands for which resolution the game uses by default it is 800
resy stands for which resolution the game uses by default it is 640
VideoMode which VideoMode the Games uses (by default is it 2)
UseDirectX if the Game needs to use DirectX (by default is it Yes)
UpdatePath is looking for the Update Folder this is included on some Adiboo3 / Adibou3 / Addy5 / Adi5 Games (This Folder exists on the Adiboo3 Demo Disc) (not in every mdo.dbg included)
warning= currently not known for what it is
trace= what the Game needs to Trace (by default it is set to ALL)
traceFile= if the Game should create a Trace.txt file (by default it is set to 1)
break= if the Game allows to access the Debug Menu (by default it is set to 1)
Freq= with which Frequency the Game should start (by default it is 22050)
stereo= if the Game allows to use Stereo (by default it is set to 0)