Gob Scripts
- Degob is a Tool that decompiles for you the TOT Files
Usage of Degob
- Usage: ./degob <version> <file.tot> [-o <offset>] [--lib] [<file.ext>] [<commun.ext>]
- The disassembled script will be written to stdout.
- Supported versions:
- Gob1 - Gobliiins 1
- Gob2 - Gobliins 2
- Gob3 - Goblins 3
- Ween - Ween: The Prophecy
- Bargon - Bargon Attack
- Fascin - Fascination
- Lost - Lost in Time
- Woodruff - The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble
- Dynasty - The Last Dynasty
- Urban - Urban Runner
- Geisha - Geisha
- LittleRed - Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood
- Adibou2 - Adibou 2
- <file.tot> the .tot file to decompile
- -o <offset> script entry point in the .tot file, defaults to the value read in script header. _start is the Entry Point at offset 128
- --lib library mode: all offsets from .IDE named functions file are used as entry points
- <file.ext> external script resource file (<script name>.EXT)
- <commun.ext> external common script resource file (commun.EXT)
- o2_getFreeMem is for keeping up Memory (RAM) to dont produce any out of memory problems. on PCs that have low Memory
- o2_writeData is for Write Data in a specfic File
- o7_readData reads a specfic File
- o5_deleteFile is for deleting a specfic File
- o2_checkData checks for a specfic File if its exists
- o1_manageDataFile is for using the STK Files
- o4_playVmdOrMusic is for playing a specfic VMD File that contains a Movie or Music
- o1_loadFont is for loading a specfic Font File
- o1_printTotText this is for showing up from a TOT File the containg Text
- o2_printText is for print / display some Text of the Icons or any Names
- o1_loadTot is for loading the next TOT File
- o1_setFrameRate this is for setting a custom Framerate the Game uses
- oPlaytoons_openItk for opening a specfic ITK for the next Files
- o2_closeItk when the ITK finished opening and reading Files from it then closes
- o6_createSprite is for creating Sprites
- o1_loadSpriteToPos to load a Sprite to a specfic Position
- o2_loadSound which Sound the Game needs to load
- o1_playSound is for playing a specfic Sound
- o2_stopSound is for stopping a Sound that is currently running
- o1_setMousePos is for set the Mouse Position
- o1_loadAnim for loading a Animation
- o1_updateAnim for updating the current Animation
- o1_initCursorAnim is for initialize the Cursor Animation
- o1_initCursor is for initialize the Cursor
- o7_loadCursor is for loading the Cursor
- o1_getObjAnimSize gets the right Obj Animation Size
- o2_loadMapObjects is for loading the Objects of the Map (example for the Garden the House)
- o1_renewTimeInVars Renew the Time in the Var Functions
- o7_callFunction is for loading something for the Game up
- o7_getDBString is for getting various Strings of the Database
- o7_displayWarning is for warn the Player when something hangs as example
- o7_opendBase is for start the Environment
- o7_loadImage loads a Image with the File Extension .LBM
- o1_keyFunc is waiting for an input of the Keyboard
- o1_palLoad is for choosing different Videos (VMDs)