Gob/Mdo.ini Information
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- stk= means which .STK is entered there will be used to start the game and look for an specfic .OBC
- obc= it uses that obc file that is in the .stk file.
- RechName is meaning which is the main Exe for start the Game up.
- RechVer is the Version for (as a example for Adibou2 it can be looks like 212 or 213) it depends on your game and your Version
- Ram its means how much Ram the Game requires.
- CDSpeed its means how fast your CD-Drive needs to be.
- Processor which Processor is the minimum to play the Game
- System what Operating System is the minimum to run the Game
- MinSizeX its for the Minimum X Size of the Resolution 640 by default
- MinSizeY its for the Minimum Y Size of the Resolution 480 by default
- MinBitsPerPel currently unknown please edit if you have some information about that
- Mouse if the Game requires a Mouse to properly play it (by default it is on Yes
- MinSoundCardBits Which Bit is required to run the Game. (some Games are requires more bits it depends on your Game)
- DiskSpaceReq How much Disk Space is required (it depends on your Game)
- FullScreenOnly if the game only runs in Fullscreen (by default it is 1).
- Product shows the name of your Game.
- Exec what Exe is the main Executable for running the Game similar to RechName in [Setup].
- SourceDirectory is always with . to stay in the root of the Coktel Folder.
- InstallDirectory because the mdo.ini uses . in always install to /coktel/PRODUCT.
- Mac_InstallDirectory this is the same compared to InstallDirectory only for Macs (this will be for /coktel).
- Mac_InstallSubDirectory this is for the Subdirectory then the PRODUCT name (example /coktel/PRODUCT).
- Partner this is for BoosterCode (some games come included with that).
- partner2 Its shows the Question What is that? or in German Was ist das? (some games come included with that).
- PartnerExe its looking on the CD / Hard Drive for kacc.exe to run BoosterCode (some games come included with that).
- PartnerExe2 its for loading up a html file that contains your Code to unlock a Bonus in different Games (some Games come included with that).
- Language this for the Engine to identify your Game Language.
- WindowName this displays the Name when they are running in Windowed Mode.
- Icon is for which File the Engine needs to looks to use as the Icon.
- path_test is looking for the Folder path_test i dont know for what this is needed (not in every mdo.ini included)
- UpdatePath is looking for the Update Folder this is included on some Adiboo3 / Adibou3 / Addy5 / Adi5 Games (This Folder exists on the Adiboo3 Demo Disc) (not in every mdo.ini included)
- Demo is looking for the Demo Folder this included in the Adiboo3 & Adibou3 Demo Games (not in every mdo.ini included)
- path_test is looking for the Folder path_test i dont know for what this is needed (not in every mdo.ini included)
- UpdatePath is looking for the Update Folder this is included on some Adiboo3 / Adibou3 / Addy5 / Adi5 Games (This Folder exists on the Adiboo3 Demo Disc) (not in every mdo.ini included)
- Demo is looking for the Demo Folder this included in the Adiboo3 & Adibou3 Demo Games (not in every mdo.ini included)
- AltF4 if you can exit the Game via ALT+F4 (by default set to 1)
- Full is for fullscreen (by default it is set to 0)
the Messages can depend on your Game some mdo.ini also dont have the [Messages] Section in there.
- sizex stands for which size will be used by default its is 800
- sizey stands for which size will be used by default it is 640
- resx stands for which resolution the game uses by default it is 800
- resy stands for which resolution the game uses by default it is 640
This is only included into Adibou2 Games!
- TimeOut (by default 15)
- gestionCD (its by default 1)
- SERVER to which Server the Game connects (maybe it was for debugging purposes back then) (by default is it NOSERVER) (in Adi4 its wants connect to SERVER421)