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Event Recorder

Revision as of 11:03, 5 July 2013 by LordHoto (talk | contribs) (Create a known issues section.)

Event Recorder is a tool for regression testing of game engines. It is used to record gameplays and to play them back after engine updates, to verify that the new engine version works the same. Record and playback processes may be started from the command line or from the GUI.

Command line parameters

--record-mode sets the mode the event recorder will be started with. Possible values are:
	record: begin gameplay recording
	playback: play back gameplay from previously created file
	info: output information about the previously created record file to the console in machine readable format

--record-file-name name of file to record or playback from.

--disable-display disable creation of SDL window and SDL context to screen. In playback mode, output information of playback in machine-readable format to console.

Recorder dialog

It is used to manage record files, start recording and playback. To open the recorder dialog you need to press shift in the launcher to show the alternative menu. After this you need to press the "Record..." button. There is a list of gameplay records in the recorder dialog. After choosing one of them, some information about the record will appear in the right window. It includes the author's name and notes about the record (optionally). There are a few buttons under that list. Their functions:

Edit - shows dialog to change information of selected record (display name, author and record notes)

Delete - remove selected record from filesystem

Cancel - return to launcher

Record - start Event Recorder in recording mode

Playback - start Event Recorder in playback mode

Control window

It is used to control the process of recording or playback and has different functions on these modes. It overlays the game screen and can be dragged.

Playback functions:

Stop: halt playback and return to launcher

Switch to game: halt recording and play in normal mode

Fast forward: remove all delays and play it back as fast as possible

Remark: in playback mode the Event Recorder blocks all user input. To use the control window you should press Ctrl+P to pause the game

Record functions:

Stop: halt recording and return to launcher

Edit notes: change info about the record (display name, author and notes)


Known Issues