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< Groovie
Revision as of 21:25, 20 November 2008 by Spookypeanut (talk | contribs) (First version)
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NB: This list is not fully up-to-date. The source code contains the most recent version.

The first bit of each opcode is special (it sets "firstbit"), and removed before the opcode is read (e.g. 0x8A in the script is a call to opcode 0x0A).

In the executable, the script is read in and 1 subtracted from it, so in assembly language they appear to start at 0x00.

Meaning of the Imp? column: "y" means opcode fully implemented, "." means stub present, " " means correct number of script bytes skipped, "###" means none of the above). This column is now very out-of-date.

Opcode Arguments (bytes) Arguments (description) Detail Imp?
0x01 0 None NOP: Does nothing y
0x02 2 1 x 16bit Load an xmi file from a GJD, using reference given in argument, and start sequencer .
0x03 0 None Turn on bit 9 of bitflags y
0x04 0 None Palette fade out y
0x05 0 None Turn on bit 8 of bitflags (Show first frame) y
0x06 0 None Turn on bit 6 of bitflags y
0x07 0 None Turn on bit 7 of bitflags (just audio?) y
0x08 2 1 x 16bit ??? Set arg1 as the "loop" file to play when current xmidi file finished ??? (arg1 is definitely a reference to an xmidi file) .
0x09 2 1 x 16bit Play VDX file from a 16bit reference number. Does various things beforehand, depending on arg1 (needs a separate wiki page really...) .
0x0A 0 None Turn on bit 5 of bitflags (skip still frames?) y
0x0B 0 None Start the input loop y
0x0C 3 1 x 8bit, 1 x 16bit If the character pressed in the keyboard matches the first argument, does something .
0x0D 11 5 x 16bit, 1 x 8bit Mark the rectangle specified by arg1-arg4 as clickable: change the cursor to arg6 if hovering, and go to the address in arg5 if clicked. y
0x0E 2 1 x 16bit Mark the leftmost 100 pixels of game area as clickable: change the cursor to 1 if hovering, and go to the address in the first parameter if clicked. y
0x0F 2 1 x 16bit Mark the rightmost 100 pixels of game area as clickable: change the cursor to 2 if hovering, and go to the address in the first parameter if clicked. y
0x10 2 1 x 16bit Mark the centremost 240 pixels of game area as clickable: change the cursor to 0 if hovering, and go to the address in the first parameter if clicked. y
0x11 2 1 x 16bit (Same call as 0x10) y
0x12 2 1 x 16bit Mark the current position as clickable: change the cursor to 0, and go to the address in the parameter if clicked. y
0x13 0 None End the input loop - wait for mouse/keyboard input y
0x14 3 (or 2) 1 x 16bit, 1 x 8bit (or 2 x 8bit) ??? Load a random number (up to a max value of arg2) into var1 ??? y
0x15 2 1 x 16bit JMP: Jump to the address specified in the argument y
0x16 Varies 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, depending on firstbit), n x 8bit Reads a string into the script variable specified in the first 2 (or 1) bytes y
0x17 1 1 x 8bit RET: Returns from function, saving the return value to var 0x102 y
0x18 2 1 x 16bit CALL: Calls function in argument y
0x19 2 1 x 16bit Sleep for arg x 3 milliseconds y
0x1A Varies 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, dependent on firstbit), n x 8bit, 1 x 16bit Strcmp then JMP: Compares the string at script variable given in first argument (8bit if firstbit is set, otherwise 16bit) with the string that follows in script (terminated by a character with the firstbit set). If not the same, jump to address in argument following string y
0x1B Varies 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit), n x 8bit Obfuscate: Applies XOR to the array of variables that begins in var1 with the following script bytes until one of these bytes has bit 0x80 set y
0x1C 2 1 x 16bit Set bit 1, clear bit 7, set bit 2 if firstbit set. Play VDX
0x1D 4 (or 3, dependent on firstbit) 2 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, 1 x 16bit) Swap the values of two script variables y
0x1E 1 1 x 8bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x1F 2 (or 1) 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit) INC: Unary increment of a script variable pointed by the argument (8bit if firstbit is set, otherwise 16bit) y
0x20 2 (or 1) 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit) DEC: Unary decrement of a script variable pointed by the argument (8bit if firstbit is set, otherwise 16bit) y
0x21 Varies Varies Calls [AwkwardFunction awkward function] ###
0x22 0 None Copy the back buffer to the front buffer y
0x23 Varies 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, dependent on firstbit), n x 8bit, 1 x 16bit Strcmp then JMP: same as 0x1A, but jumps on equal rather than not equal y
0x24 4 (or 3) 2 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, 1 x 16bit) MOV: Stores the value of the second variable to the first one: var2 = var1 y
0x25 4 (or 3) 2 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, 1 x 16bit) ADD: Adds the value of the second variable to the first one y
0x26 Varies Varies Calls the other [AwkwardFunction awkward function] to get a VDX file name, finds it and plays it y
0x27 Varies Varies Turns on bit 1 of bitflags (and bit 2 if firstbit is set). VDX file name (in a .gjd) follows: find it, then play it y
0x28 2 1 x 16bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x29 0 None Stops the MIDI playback .
0x2A 0 None End script .
0x2B 0 None NOP: Does nothing (same call as 0x54) y
0x2C 3 1 x 16bit, 1 x 8bit Sets the action (arg1) and cursor (arg2) for the top hotspot y
0x2D 3 1 x 16bit, 1 x 8bit Sets the action (arg1) and cursor (arg2) for the bottom hotspot y
0x2E 2 (or 1) 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit) Load game, getting number of load slot from the script variable in the argument .
0x2F 2 (or 1) 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit) Save game, getting number of save slot from the script variable in the argument .
0x30 2 1 x 16bit Mark the 80 pixels under the game area as clickable: change the cursor to 4 if hovering, and go to the address in the first parameter if clicked. .
0x31 4 2 x 16bit Sets the MIDI volume. Stops the MIDI playback if the first argument is 0 (volume = 0?)
0x32 6 (or 5) 3 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, 2 x 16bit) JNE: Jumps to the address of the third argument when *(var1 - 0x31) != var2 y
0x33 Varies 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, depending on firstbit), n x 8bit Reads a string into the script variable number in the script variable specified in the first 2 (or 1) bytes ###
0x34 Varies 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, depending on firstbit), n x 8bit, 1 x 16bit Check character (in second argument) to see if it's greater than the one in the indicated script variable (in first argument) (NB: if first bit of this char is not set, keep testing additional chars until it is (any match produces a positive result)). On positive, jump to address in final argument. y
0x35 0 None Turn off bit 7 of bitflags (just audio?) y
0x36 Varies 1 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, depending on firstbit), n x 8bit, 1 x 16bit Check character (in second argument) to see if it's less than the one in the indicated script variable (in first argument) (NB: if first bit of this char is not set, keep testing additional chars until it is (any match produces a positive result)). On positive, jump to address in final argument. y
0x37 8 4 x 16bit Copy rectangle from the game area into the screen y
0x38 0 None Re-load stored stack pointer .
0x39 Varies n x 8bit Obscure swap: swap two script variables, addresses found by (arg1 - 0x30) * 10 + arg2 - 0x30 (and similar with arg3 & 4). Note that if one of the args is 0x23, then instead use the next byte of script - 0x61 as a script variable and use that (without subtracting 0x30) y
0x3A Varies n x 8bit Print out string (NB: not null terminated, but "null first bit" terminated) ###
0x3B 12 1 x 8bit, 5 x 16bit, 1 x 8bit If within specified rectangle, get name of saved game, print it out (using sphinx.fnt). arg1 = save game number, arg2-5 = rectangle, arg6 = address to jump if clicked, arg7 = mouse pointer to use. Name of save game stored as first 15bytes of the file, minus 0x30. .
0x3C 0 None Check which savegames are valid (i.e. the file opens for reading), store boolean results in script variables 0x001 to 0x00A, and number of valid files in 0x104 y
0x3D 0 None Reset script variables 0x000-0x0FF to zero y
0x3E 3 (or 2, dependent on firstbit) 1 x 16bit, 1 x 8bit (or 2 x 8bit) Performs var1 %= arg2 y
0x3F variable String Load a script (just 1 sub-script is allowed). The filename is specified as a 0 ended character array y
0x40 4 2 x 16bit Two arguments are screen offset for VDX player y
0x41 4 (or 3, dependent on firstbit) 2 x 16bit (or 1 x 8bit, 1 x 16bit) SUB: Perform var1 -= var2. y
0x42 1 1 x 8bit Complicated
0x43 1 1 x 8bit Unloads the sub-script, returns to the main one. The argument number is saved as the script variable 0x102 y
0x44 2 1 x 16bit Sets the action (arg1) for the right hotspot y
0x45 2 1 x 16bit Sets the action (arg1) for the left hotspot y
0x46 0 None NOP: Does nothing y
0x47 0 None NOP: Does nothing y
0x48 1 1 x 8bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x49 0 None NOP: Does nothing y
0x4A 2 1 x 16bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x4B 1 1 x 8bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x4C 0 None Saves the current CD (1/2/-1 if none) in variable 0x106 y
0x4D 1 1 x 8bit If arg1 == 2 play vielogo, and stop sequencer & play CD .
0x4E 2 1 x 16bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x4F 2 1 x 16bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x50 2 1 x 16bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x51 2 1 x 16bit NOP: Does nothing (Loads argument into memory but it's unused) y
0x52 1 1 x 8bit Do loads with game area, dirty regions, palette (argument seemingly discarded)
0x53 10 5 x 16bit Load arg5 if cursor is within rectangle specified by arg1-4 .
0x54 0 None NOP: Does nothing (same call as 0x2B) y
0x55 2 1 x 16bit NOP: Does nothing (Loads argument into memory but it's unused) y
0x56 6 1 x 32bit, 2 x 8bit NOP: Does nothing y
0x57 4 1 x 32bit Turn on bit 5 of bitflags (skip still frames?), then lots more
0x58 Varies Varies Calls the other [AwkwardFunction awkward function]
0x59 3 (or two, dependent on firstbit) 1 x 16bit, 1 x 8bit (or 2 x 8bit) NOP: Does nothing y