SCUMM/V5 opcodes/Table

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Table of Parameters

This table shows a summary of the SCUMM V5 opcodes and their parameters in a concise fashion.

Argument types:

  • V = variable
  • B = byte constant
  • W = word constant
  • P8 = variable or byte
  • P16 = variable or word
  • L = list
  • J = jump (used by almost all boolean expressions, comparisons) (equivalent to W)
  • D = delay; 24-bit constant (only used by delay instruction, strangely enough)
  • A = ASCII string, terminated by the following argument ($00, $FF, $FE...)
  • A0 = ASCII string, null-terminated
  • A1 = ASCII string, $FF terminated
  • FF = the hex value $FF, used for terminating some lists, strings etc.
  • SO = sub-opcode, variants listed underneath as "opcode$sub-opcode"
  • NS = non-standard encoding that cannot be sufficiently expressed in this table
  • + = one or more of the preceding argument (parameter bits usually don't matter)
  • None = does not take that argument argument

Instruction Opcode Descumm equiv. Returns a Value Arg 1 Arg 2 Arg 3
actorFollowCamera $52 == False P8 None None
actorFromPos $15 == True P16 P16 None
actorOps $13 ActorOps False P8 SO+ FF
actorOps$00 $00 Unknown False P8 None None
actorOps$01 $01 Costume False P8 None None
actorOps$02 $02 WalkSpeed False P8 P8 None
actorOps$03 $03 Sound False P8 None None
actorOps$04 $04 WalkAnimNr False P8 None None
actorOps$05 $05 TalkAnimNr False P8 P8 None
actorOps$06 $06 StandAnimNr False P8 None None
actorOps$07 $07 Nothing False P8 P8 P8
actorOps$08 $08 Init False None None None
actorOps$09 $09 Elevation False P16 None None
actorOps$0A $0A DefaultAnims False None None None
actorOps$0B $0B Palette False P8 P8 None
actorOps$0C $0C TalkColor False P8 None None
actorOps$0D $0D Name False A0 None None
actorOps$0E $0E InitAnimNr False P8 None None
actorOps$10 $10 Width False P8 None None
actorOps$11 $11 Scale False P8 P8 None
actorOps$12 $12 NeverZClip False None None None
actorOps$13 $13 SetZClip False P8 None None
actorOps$14 $14 IgnoreBoxes False None None None
actorOps$15 $15 FollowBoxes False P8 None None
actorOps$16 $16 AnimSpeed False P8 None None
actorOps$17 $17 ShadowMode False P8 None None
actorSetClass $5D setClass False P16 L None
add $5A (inline) True P16 None None
and $17 (inline) True P16 None None
animateActor $11 animateCostume False P8 P8 None
breakHere $80 == False None None None
chainScript $42 == False P8 L None
cursorCommand $2C (none) False SO None None
cursorCommand$01 $01 CursorShow False None None None
cursorCommand$02 $02 CursorHide False None None None
cursorCommand$03 $03 UserputOn False None None None
cursorCommand$04 $04 UserputOff False None None None
cursorCommand$05 $05 CursorSoftOn False None None None
cursorCommand$06 $06 CursorSoftOff False None None None
cursorCommand$07 $07 UserputSoftOn False None None None
cursorCommand$08 $08 UserputSoftOff False None None None
cursorCommand$0A $0A SetCursorImg False P8 P8 None
cursorCommand$0B $0B setCursorHotspot False P8 P8 P8
cursorCommand$0C $0C InitCursor False P8 None None
cursorCommand$0D $0D InitCharset False P8 None None
cursorCommand$0E $0E CursorCommand False L None None
cutscene $40 == False L None None
debug $6B debug? False P16 None None
decrement $C6 (inline) True None None None
delay $2E == False D None None
delayVariable $2B == False V None None
divide $5B (inline) True P16 None None
doSentence $19 == False P8 P16 P16
drawBox $3F == False P16 P16 NS
drawObject $05 == False P16 SO None
drawObject$01 $01 setXY False P16 P16 None
drawObject$02 $02 setImage False P16 None None
drawObject$1F $1F () False None None None
dummy $A7 dummy(A7) False None None None
endCutscene $C0 == False None None None
equalZero $28 inline False V J None
expression $AC Exprmode True SO+ FF None
expression$01 $01 (inline) False P16 None None
expression$02 $02 (inline) False None None None
expression$03 $03 (inline) False None None None
expression$04 $04 (inline) False None None None
expression$05 $05 (inline) False None None None
expression$06 $06 (inline) False NS None None
faceActor $09 == False P8 P16 None
findInventory $3D == True P8 P8 None
findObject $35 == True P8 P8 None
freezeScripts $60 == False P8 None None
getActorCostume $71 == True P8 None None
getActorElevation $06 == True P8 None None
getActorFacing $63 == True P8 None None
getActorMoving $56 == True P8 None None
getActorRoom $03 == True P8 None None
getActorScale $3B == True P8 None None
getActorWalkBox $7B == True P8 None None
getActorWidth $6C == True P8 None None
getActorX $43 == True P16 None None
getActorY $23 == True P16 None None
getAnimCounter $22 == True P8 None None
getClosestObjActor $66 == True P16 None None
getDist $34 == True P16 P16 None
getInventoryCount $31 == True P8 None None
getObjectOwner $10 == True P16 None None
getObjectState $0F == True P16 None None
getRandomNumber $16 getRandomNr True P8 None None
getScriptRunning $68 isScriptRunning True P8 None None
getStringWidth $67 == True P8 None None
getVerbEntryPoint $0B == True P16 P16 None
ifClassOfIs $1D classOfIs False P16 L J
ifNotState $2F getState (inline) False P16 P8 J
ifState $4F getState (inline) False P16 P8 J
increment $46 (inline) True None None None
isActorInBox $1F == False P8 P8 J
isEqual $48 (inline) False V P16 J
isGreater $78 (inline) False V P16 J
isGreaterEqual $04 (inline) False V P16 J
isLess $44 (inline) False V P16 J
isNotEqual $08 (inline) False V P16 J
isSoundRunning $7C == True P8 None None
jumpRelative $18 (inline) or goto False J None None
lessOrEqual $38 (inline) False V P16 J
lights $70 == False P8 B B
loadRoom $72 == False P8 None None
loadRoomWithEgo $24 == False P16 P8 NS
matrixOp $30 N/A False SO None None
matrixOp$01 $01 setBoxFlags False P8 P8 None
matrixOp$02 $02 setBoxScale False P8 P8 None
matrixOp$03 $03 SetBoxSlot False P8 P8 None
matrixOp$04 $04 createBoxMatrix False None None None
move $1A (inline) True P16 None None
multiply $1B (inline) True P16 None None
notEqualZero $A8 (inline) False V J None
oldRoomEffect $5C oldRoomEffect-fadein False SO None None
oldRoomEffect$03 $03 oldRoomEffect-set False P16 None None
or $57 (inline) True P16 None None
override $58 N/A False SO None None
override$00 $00 endOverride False None None None
override$01 $01 beginOverride False NS J None
panCameraTo $12 == False P16 None None
pickupObject $25 == False P16 P8 None
pickupObjectOld $50 pickupObject False P16 None None
print $14 == False P8 SO+ None
print$00 $00 Pos False P16 P16 None
print$01 $01 Color False P8 None None
print$02 $02 Clipped False P16 None None
print$03 $03 RestoreBG False P16 P16 None
print$04 $04 Center False None None None
print$06 $06 Left False None None None
print$07 $07 Overhead False None None None
print$08 $08 PlayCDTrack False P16 P16 None
print$0F $0F Text() False A1 None None
printEgo $D8 == False SO+ None None
printEgo$00 $00 Pos False P16 P16 None
printEgo$01 $01 Color False P8 None None
printEgo$02 $02 Clipped False P16 None None
printEgo$03 $03 RestoreBG False P16 P16 None
printEgo$04 $04 Center False None None None
printEgo$06 $06 Left False None None None
printEgo$07 $07 Overhead False None None None
printEgo$08 $08 PlayCDTrack False P16 P16 None
printEgo$0F $0F Text() False A1 None None
pseudoRoom $CC PsuedoRoom False B NS NS
putActor $01 == False P8 P16 P16
putActorAtObject $0E == False P8 P16 None
putActorInRoom $2D == False P8 P8 None
resourceRoutines $0C Resource. False SO None None
resourcesRoutines$01 $01 loadScript False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$02 $02 loadSound False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$03 $03 loadCostume False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$04 $04 loadRoom False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$05 $05 nukeScript False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$06 $06 nukeSound False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$07 $07 nukeCostume False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$08 $08 nukeRoom False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$09 $09 lockScript False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$0A $0A lockSound False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$0B $0B lockCostume False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$0C $0C lockRoom False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$0D $0D unlockScript False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$0E $0E unlockSound False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$0F $0F unlockCostume False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$10 $10 unlockRoom False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$11 $11 clearHeap False None None None
resourcesRoutines$12 $12 loadCharset False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$13 $13 nukeCharset False P8 None None
resourcesRoutines$14 $14 loadFlObject False P8 P16 None
roomOps $33 N/A False SO None None
roomOps$01 $01 RoomScroll False P16 P16 None
roomOps$03 $03 SetScreen False P16 P16 None
roomOps$04 $04 SetPalColor False P16 P16 NS
roomOps$05 $05 ShakeOn False None None None
roomOps$06 $06 ShakeOff False None None None
roomOps$07 $07 Unused False P8 P8 NS
roomOps$08 $08 RoomIntensity False P8 P8 P8
roomOps$09 $09 saveLoad? False P8 P8 None
roomOps$0A $0A screenEffect? False P16 None None
roomOps$0B $0B setRGBRoomIntensity False P16 P16 NS
roomOps$0C $0C setRoomShadow False P16 P16 NS
roomOps$0D $0D saveString False P8 A0 None
roomOps$0E $0E loadString False P8 A0 None
roomOps$0F $0F palManipulate False P8 NS NS
roomOps$10 $10 colorCycleDelay False P8 P8 None
saveRestoreVerbs $AB N/A False NS NS NS
saveRestoreVerbs$01 $01 saveVerbs False None None None
saveRestoreVerbs$02 $02 restoreVerbs False None None None
saveRestoreVerbs$03 $03 deleteVerbs False None None None
setCameraAt $32 == False P16 None None
setObjectName $54 == False P16 A0 None
setOwnerOf $29 == False P16 P8 None
setState $07 == False P16 P8 None
setVarRange $26 == True B NS NS
soundKludge $4C == False L None None
startMusic $02 == False P8 None None
startObject $37 == False P16 P8 L
startScript $0A == False P8 L None
startSound $1C == False P8 None None
stopMusic $20 == False None None None
stopObjectCode $A0 == False None None None
stopObjectScript $6E == False P16 None None
stopScript $62 == False P8 None None
stopSound $3C == False P8 None None
stringOps $27 == False SO None None
stringOps$01 $01 PutCodeInString False P8 A0 None
stringOps$02 $02 CopyString False P8 P8 None
stringOps$03 $03 SetStringChar False P8 P8 B
stringOps$04 $04 GetStringChar True P8 P8 None
stringOps$05 $05 CreateString False P8 P8 None
subtract $3A (inline) True P16 None None
systemOps $98 systemOps False SO None None
systemOps$01 $01 N/A False None None None
systemOps$02 $02 N/A False None None None
systemOps$03 $03 N/A False None None None
verbOps $7A VerbOps False P8 SO+ FF
verbOps$01 $01 Image False P16 None None
verbOps$02 $02 Text False A0 None None
verbOps$03 $03 Color False P8 None None
verbOps$04 $04 HiColor False P8 None None
verbOps$05 $05 SetXY False P16 P16 None
verbOps$06 $06 On False None None None
verbOps$07 $07 Off False None None None
verbOps$08 $08 Delete False None None None
verbOps$09 $09 New False None None None
verbOps$10 $10 DimColor False P8 None None
verbOps$11 $11 Dim False None None None
verbOps$12 $12 Key False P8 None None
verbOps$13 $13 Center False None None None
verbOps$14 $14 SetToString False P16 None None
verbOps$16 $16 SetToObject False P16 P8 None
verbOps$17 $17 BackColor False P8 None None
wait $AE N/A False SO None None
wait$01 $01 WaitForActor False P8 None None
wait$02 $02 WaitForMessage False None None None
wait$03 $03 WaitForCamera False None None None
wait$04 $04 WaitForSentence False None None None
walkActorTo $1E == False P8 P16 P16
walkActorToActor $0D == False P8 P8 B
walkActorToObject $36 == False P8 P16 None