Difference between revisions of "Where to get the games"

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949 bytes removed ,  09:36, 1 October 2021
Removed CDAccess links since CDAccess store has shut down permanently
(→‎Other Games: Add GOG entries for Elvira 1 and 2, and horror bundle)
(Removed CDAccess links since CDAccess store has shut down permanently)
Line 257: Line 257:
|- style="background:#efefef"
|- style="background:#efefef"
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds]]
|  width="25%" | Macintosh & Windows CD
|  width="25%" | English
|  width="25%" | <br />[http://cdaccess.com/html/quick/freddipo.htm CDAccess.com]
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds]]
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds]]
Line 267: Line 262:
|  width="25%" | English, French, German, Russian & Swedish
|  width="25%" | English, French, German, Russian & Swedish
|  width="25%" | {{SteamLink|283940}}
|  width="25%" | {{SteamLink|283940}}
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse]]
|  width="25%" | Macintosh & Windows CD
|  width="25%" | English
|  width="25%" | [http://cdaccess.com/html/quick/freddi2dj.htm CDAccess.com]
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse]]
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse]]
Line 277: Line 267:
|  width="25%" | Dutch, English, French, German & Russian
|  width="25%" | Dutch, English, French, German & Russian
|  width="25%" | {{SteamLink|294530}}
|  width="25%" | {{SteamLink|294530}}
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell]]
|  width="25%" | Macintosh & Windows CD
|  width="25%" | English
|  width="25%" | [http://cdaccess.com/html/quick/freddi3dj.htm CDAccess.com]
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell]]
|  width="25%" | [[Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell]]
Line 366: Line 351:
|  width="25%" | Macintosh, MS-DOS & Windows CD
|  width="25%" | Macintosh, MS-DOS & Windows CD
|  width="25%" | English
|  width="25%" | English
|  width="25%" | {{SteamLink|294650}}<br />[http://cdaccess.com/html/quick/puttmoondj.htm CDAccess.com]
|  width="25%" | {{SteamLink|294650}}
|  width="25%" | [[Putt-Putt Joins the Circus]]
|  width="25%" | [[Putt-Putt Joins the Circus]]
Line 665: Line 650:
|  width="25%" | Windows CD
|  width="25%" | Windows CD
|  width="25%" | English
|  width="25%" | English
|  width="25%" | [{{GOGLink|game/torins_passage}} GOG.com] (digital copy)<br />[http://www.cdaccess.com/html/quick/torinspr.htm CDAccess.com (Retail box)]<br />
|  width="25%" | [{{GOGLink|game/torins_passage}} GOG.com] (digital copy)
[http://www.cdaccess.com/html/quick/torinspj.htm CDAccess.com (Jewel Case)]

Line 717: Line 701:
|  width="25%" | Windows CD
|  width="25%" | Windows CD
|  width="25%" | English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
|  width="25%" | English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
|  width="25%" | [http://cdaccess.com/html/quick/brokens2pr.htm CDAccess.com]<br />[{{GOGLink|game/broken_sword_2__the_smoking_mirror}} GOG.com] (digital copy)
|  width="25%" | [{{GOGLink|game/broken_sword_2__the_smoking_mirror}} GOG.com] (digital copy)
|  width="25%" | [[Carol Reed 4: East Side Story]]
|  width="25%" | [[Carol Reed 4: East Side Story]]


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