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17 bytes added ,  14:53, 8 March 2023
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|Der Regenbogenfisch und der Wal||Win/Mac||educational||7.0.2r85||QuickTime6, Actor Control, Cursor Asset, Cursor Options, DirectSound, DM Changeres, DmFade, DmXtremePack, FileIO, Flash Asset Options ,Flash Asset ,Font Asset, Font Xtra, Marco Mix, Mui Dialog,QT3Asset,ShapeXtra,Text Asset, TextAuth, TextXtra    ||German only||
|Der Regenbogenfisch und der Wal||Win/Mac||educational||7.0.2r85||QuickTime6, Actor Control, Cursor Asset, Cursor Options, DirectSound, DM Changeres, DmFade, DmXtremePack, FileIO, Flash Asset Options ,Flash Asset ,Font Asset, Font Xtra, Marco Mix, Mui Dialog,QT3Asset,ShapeXtra,Text Asset, TextAuth, TextXtra    ||German Verion (Release 2004)||
|Artus against the Demon of the Museum||Win/Mac||adventure||7.0||||||
|Artus against the Demon of the Museum||Win/Mac||adventure||7.0||||||
