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Summer Of Code 2009

Decompiler plan:

Due time Estimated time to complete Description
26.06 4 days structure 'while' expressions
1.07 3 days structure 'if' expressions
unknown support for engine-specific callbacks/hacks/rewrites
7.07 4 days analyze stack effects and compress expressions within basic blocks
9.07 2 days support for named variables
unknown analysis of inter-block stack effects (what exactly will be needed)
13.07 2 days add sword1 and/or sword2 opcodes
17.07 4 days add kyra 1 and 2 opcodes
22.07 2 days refactor and finalize parser/reader infrastructure
24.07 2 days extend stack effect analysis to registers
unknown how to deal with kyra opcodes that manipulate stack 'deeply' (not so bad if they behave sanely and simply use separate stack space for local variable store)
25.07 1 days add scumm v7 opcodes
30.07 3 days add scumm v8 opcodes