AGIWiki/AGI Specs

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The AGI Specs (or AGI Specifications) are a set of documents, written by the people who figured out the AGI formats. detailing how the data for an AGI game is stored and how the interpreter works. This data includes the logic, picture, view, and sound resources, the WORDS.TOK file and OBJECT file, the directory files and the Vol files.

As indicated in the following excerpt from the AGI Specs, they are not really intended for a game author. To learn how to program AGI, see Logic language.

AGI specs is intended for people writing AGI programs such as editors, viewers and interpreters. It is not supposed to be a beginners' introduction to AGI, or a LOGIC programming guide for those who just want to create games (although it can serve as a reference for more advanced LOGIC programmers). If you want to learn the LOGIC programming language, we suggest you read the logic section of the AGI Studio help file, and the various other bits of documentation and tutorials available on-line. The programming info contained in this document is mostly from the AGDS package and uses different syntax and terminology for the language and can be confusing if you are using AGI Studio for your programming.

There have been three major revisions to the AGI Specs, and it is known that there are errors in the documentation as well as omissions that were accidently made between versions 2 and 3 of the specs.

The latest version of the AGI Specs can be viewed at