This is a list of things that still need to be handled properly:
- Add sound support
- Adlib
- Sound Blaster
- Midi (MT-32)
Known engine bugs:
- Pathfinding bug: when trying to exit scene 5200, the game enters an infinite loop. This happens because PlayerMover::proc1() keeps rejecting the path to the exit, as it supposedly returns to the original source region. Currently, there is a hack that changes the scene immediately after obtaining the stasis box.
Known hardcoded logic bugs:
- Scene 4000: Before using The Tech when everything else is complete, the hero says something that stays on screen and corrupt everything after
- Scene 7700: When you examine around, the default look/use action is referring to a tea cup
- Scene 7700: You are supposed to operate the stool after getting the sheet of paper and use the combination written on it. But when you look/use the stool, the stool hotspot isn't working, and the exit button below the closeup isn't working either.
Currently Playable until:
- Scene 7700 (sky lab)