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Status of the Kyra engine

The current Kyrandia engine in the ScummVM SVN repository can play through Kyrandia 1; some graphics glitches still exist and sound/music is not perfect yet. CD version (including voice output) is working. The data file (kyra.dat) needed can be found in the SVN section "engine-data" (latest version of kyra.dat).

Help is welcome. If you want to help look at our IRC channel for LordHoto or vinterstum and ask them how you could help.

Kyrandia 1 should be completeable now.


  • fix gfx bugs (room 109)
  • implement the missing opcodes (see Kyra opcodes for a list of unimplemented/unused opcodes)
  • make sound working properly (should be done, but still problems with the adlib emulation are left)
  • fully implement the menu (mostly done, just missing language specific strings)
  • implement the credits

Status of the Source Release

Negotiations for the release of the source to Kyrandia (and possible freeware release) have been conducted with Electronic Arts LA. The original code and assets from the Westwood-era have been confirmed to still exist on backups.

Action has stalled, mostly due to confusion over the franchise ownership and licensing. As of the last update, EA has reconfirmed their ownership of the rights.

Tech info

The items and the map list include tips for the game, do not look at them if you want to play the game on your own.

Kyrandia 1

Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate

External links