PlayStation 3

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ps3.png PlayStation 3 Port
Latest Released Version 2.8.1
Supported Audio Options MP3, OGG, FLAC, Uncompressed
Additional Webpage(s) None
Maintainer(s) aquadran
Packager(s) aquadran
Forum Port Forum
Status Maintained
First Official Version 1.4.0


ScummVM has been ported to the Sony PlayStation 3.

For more information, including how to install and use ScummVM, see the PlayStation 3 page in the ScummVM user documentation.

Developer information

Building from source

This port of ScummVM to the PS3 is based on SDL2. It uses the open-source PSL1GHT SDK, with local modifications.

The dependencies needed to build it are:

Once all the dependencies are correctly set up, an installable package can be obtained from source by issuing the following command:

./configure --host=ps3 && make ps3pkg

Alternatively, one may just the ScummVM Docker toolchain for PS3. It's cross-platform, reproducible, much easier and quicker to set up, and it guarantees that you are using the same libraries versions used to produce the daily development builds.