Page history
17 December 2020
13 December 2020
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC: added libfribidi-dev and libglew-dev installation to apt-get
Edited commands to create a distribution folder rather than a scummvm binary only
→Cross-compiling ScummVM on for Raspberry Pi
10 April 2020
9 April 2020
no edit summary
→Installing ScummVM on the Raspberry Pi
no edit summary
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
8 April 2020
→Configuring ScummVM
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Configuring ScummVM
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Configuring ScummVM
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Configuring ScummVM
→Configuring ScummVM
→Configuring ScummVM
no edit summary
→Configuring ScummVM
→Installing ScummVM on the Raspberry Pi
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing ScummVM on the Raspberry Pi
→Compiling ScummVM
→Compiling ScummVM
→Installing ScummVM
→Installing the official Raspberry Pi cross-compiler on PC
→Installing the official Raspberry Pi cross-compiler on PC
5 April 2020
16 March 2016
→Configuring ScummVM: Mention --no-keep-memory option for linking on a RPi itself.
→Configuring ScummVM: Remove note about dispmanx option which does not exist anymore.
15 February 2016
→Installing the official Raspberry Pi cross-compiler on PC
→Installing the official Raspberry Pi cross-compiler on PC
4 December 2015
18 October 2015
→Configuring ScummVM
→Configuring ScummVM
→Configuring ScummVM
→Configuring ScummVM
→Installing the needed Raspberry Pi headers and libraries on PC
→Installing the official Raspberry Pi cross-compiler on PC