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Engine developer dreammaster, strangerke
Companies that used it MP Entertainment
Games that use it Hopkins FBI
Date added to ScummVM Error: Invalid time.
First release containing it N/A

The Hopkins engine was used by MP Entertainment for the game Hopkins FBI, the only game they ever published. The game was released for several different operating systems, and due to a fortunate oversight, debug information (names of variables and methods) was left embedded in most of the applications. This made it much easier to reverse engineer and implement a ScummVM engine.



  • Linux full version and demo are completable
  • Windows demos are compleatable
  • Windows full version is playable, but the Doom-like maze is currently missing (so, not completable). When a map from another version is provided, the game is completable.
  • Polish and Spanish versions are yet to be tested, because they are not owned by developers
  • OS/2 and BeOS are full of glitches. They don't require the Doom-like level, so they may be completable anyway. They require a playthrough.. The following glitches are known:
    • Crash in Options menu when clicking on volume buttons
    • The bank animation is far too fast

Known Bugs

  • Palette glitches when exiting a dialog and when skipping cut-scenes. This is more visible now that a delay has been added in the fading animations.
  • Some random crashes when hitting F5/F7 due to text arrays memory issues
  • (to be compared to the original) some non-optimal path-finding issues
  • Path-finding Teleport error: When leaving Samantha's office, directly 'talk' with the green guy in front. Hopkins will go left, then right, then will go towards the camera through the desk, then will teleport back. This is the easiest way to reproduce the "teleport" bug (but it was detected in several other places)
  • Menu: after the fading, a button is moved by 1 or 2 pixels
  • City Map: The birds flying over the buildings are masked by the buildings. Same thing with the smoke from the chimney.
  • Mouse cursors are slightly off. It seems that ScummVM ends up with the same colour both for transparency and for black, so parts that aren't supposed to be transparent are. This can be seen when the gun is the cursor, or every time text is drawn because it's missing a black outline.

Original bug

  • While discussing with the man with the newspaper outside the apartment, there's a subtle glitch on the lips at the end of each sentence.

Original bug fixed

  • In the "Empty Lot", the animation when searching the empty box was corrupted and was crashing the game


Engine repository on github

External links