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Revision as of 17:18, 28 April 2024 by CrystalBen (talk | contribs) (update ToDo)
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Name Benjamin Funke
Team Member since not yet
Working on Gob DEV6 DEV7 DEV7 Debug Menu CNCSA Xpat Adi 4's Gamelist
Personal webpage/BLOG GitHub profile
Email bjnfne at web dot de


  • Gob Engine
    • adding Detection for Coktel / Adi / Adibou Games in different Languages.
    • add missing version numbers to some Coktel Vision games.
    • Add Debug Menu for older Adibou 2 versions which can be used in ScummVM directly. (I would like to add it as kind of an Enhancement which can be enabled/disabled by checkbox, if enable create DEBUGA.BOU file in game directory if disables delete the File again.)
    • Add support for DEV7 games / Add OBC Support
    • Reversing Adibou 2 Applications
    • Try to implement Space Shooter of Inca 2. (later at some day, currently not an high priority)
    • Trying to reconstruct the Online service of Adibou 3 called AdibouNet.
  • Wiki
    • Work on the Wiki (DEV6, DEV7, DEV7 Debug Menu, CNCSA, Xpat)
    • adding new Games to the Adi / Adibou list.
    • adding new Games to the Coktel Vision list.
    • adding new Games to the Atlas Game Engine list.
    • adding new Games to the Titan Game Engine list.
    • adding new Games to the Crux Game Engine list.


  • Coktel Vision Translation Github Repository can be found here