Since some games feature DLLs that need to be re-implemented, games will need to be targeted on a case-by-case, feature-by-feature basis, this is a list of the games that are currently known to work (games using AGS versions prior to 2.5 currently aren't supported) through to completion:
Required data files
For more information on how ScummVM uses game data files, see the user documentation.
The common needed files for AGS games are:
- *.ags or *.exe
- *.0??
- *.vox (usually audio.vox, music.vox, and/or speech.vox)
- *.tra (for the translations)
- acsetup.cfg (contains the default game settings)
However, specific AGS games may also require a variety of extra files for fonts, data, and other things not embedded in the game itself. Note also that the ScummVM AGS engine does not support external plugins, so their files are not needed.
Tested games
Game Name | Target Name | Status | Remarks |
10 Ways from Sunday | 10waysfromsunday | Good | Completable |
1 day a mosquito | 1dayamosquito | Good | Completable |
46 Memory Lane | 46memorylane | Good | Completable |
5 Days A Stranger | 5daysastranger | Good | |
Abducted: 10 Minutes!!! | abducted10mins | Good | Completable |
A Friend Indeed ... | afriendindeed | Good | Completable |
Among Thorns | amongthorns | Good | Completable |
Ben There, Dan That! | bentheredanthat | Broken | Steam/GOG version crashes with failed assertion when entering the first "world" |
Billy Masters Was Right | billymasterswasright | Good | Completable |
Black Sect 2: The Cursed Crypt | blacksect2 | Good | |
Dead Dimension | deaddimension | Good | Completable |
Downfall (2016) | downfall2016 | Broken | GOG version crashes to debugger with ERROR: Only theora YUV420 is supported!, when starting a new game |
A Golden Wake | goldenwake | Good | some minor pathfinding issues |
How Many | howmany | Good | Minor audio glitch after intro |
Indiana Jones and the Passage of Saints | indypassageofsaints | Good | Completable |
Indiana Jones and the Relic of the Viking | indyrelicoftheviking | Good | Completable. Some annoying pathfinding issues |
Kathy Rain | kathyrain | Good | |
King's Quest II: Romancing The Stones | kq2agdi | Good | Artificing issue in intro |
The Tale of Lonkey Island | lonkeyisland | Good | Felt a bit slow at times. There may be some issue with the Wak-A-Rat mini game and with the language selection. |
Lucas Maniac! | lucasmaniac | Good | Inventory scrolling is clunky |
Maniac Mansion Deluxe | maniacmansiondeluxe | Good | Completable. Minor graphical glitch |
MMM 001: Geschwisterliebe | mmm1 | Good | Latest version is completable |
MMM 002: Unruhen | mmm2 | Broken | Can't walk downstairs |
MMM 008: Die Abfuhr | mmm8 | Broken | Can't walk downstairs |
MMM 009: Radioaktiv | mmm9 | Broken | Can't walk downstairs |
Mord im Laufrad | mordimlaufrad | Good | Completable |
Off The Clock | offtheclock | Broken | Won't start |
Resonance | resonance | Good | Completable. Scalers may interfere with ingame rain effects |
Shardlight | shardlight | Good | First five minutes work fine |
Space Quest - A Son of Xenon | sqdote2 | Good | |
Space Quest II VGA | sq2vga | Good | |
The Adventures of Fatman | theadventuresoffatman | Good | |
The Cat Lady | thecatlady | Bugged | GOG version is extremely slow. Keystrokes often undetected. Almost unplayable |
Time Gentlemen, Please | timegentlemenplease | Broken | Steam/GOG version crashes with failed assertion during the introduction |
Urban Witch Story | urbanwitchstory | Good | |
Whispers of a Machine | whispersofamachine | Bugged | Starts up, but multiple errors as of 5 May build |
The New Adventures of Zak McKracken | zak2 | Broken | Won't start, unresolved import (plugin) |
Untested games
The following games could work but are still untested. Feel free to try any of the games in this list and then report your findings.
Game Name | Target Name | Status | Remarks |
1213 Episode 1 | 1213 | Untested | None |
15 Minutes | 15minutes | Untested | None |
2034 A.C. (After Canada) | 2034acaftercanada1 | Untested | None |
2034 A.C. (After Canada) II | 2034acaftercanada2 | Untested | None |
24 Hours | 24hours | Untested | None |
3 GEEKS | 3geeks | Untested | Commercial game |
3 piggies Alpha | 3piggiesalpha | Untested | None |
4 of Clubs | 4ofclubs | Untested | None |
5-O'clock Lock | 5oclocklock | Untested | None |
6 Days A Sacrifice | 6daysasacrifice | Untested | None |
6mornings | 6mornings | Untested | None |
7 Days A Skeptic | 7daysaskeptic | Untested | None |
9 Months In | 9monthsin | Untested | None |
Aazor | aazor | Untested | None |
Abducted | abducted | Untested | None |
Abduction | abduction | Untested | None |
A Better Mouse Trap | abettermousetrap | Untested | None |
Absent | absent | Untested | None |
Absent - Part I | absentpart1 | Untested | None |
Absurdistan | absurdistan | Untested | None |
Access | access | Untested | None |
Ace King | aceking | Untested | None |
Ace Quest | acequest | Untested | None |
Achar Chronicles: Oblitus | acharchronicles | Untested | None |
Ache Quest | achequest | Untested | None |
A Christmas Blunder | achristmasblunder | Untested | None |
A Christmas Wish | achristmaswish | Untested | None |
ACIDDD | aciddd | Untested | None |
A Cure for the Common Cold | acureforthecommoncold | Untested | None |
A Date in the Park | adateinthepark | Untested | None |
A Day with Michael | adaywithmichael | Untested | None |
Adventure: All In The Game | advallinthegame | Untested | None |
Adventure Quest | adventurequest | Untested | None |
Adventure Quest 2 | adventurequest2 | Untested | None |
Adventures of Josh and Dyan | adventuresofjoshanddyan | Untested | None |
Adventures of Max Fax (episode 1) | adventuresofmaxfaxepisode1 | Untested | None |
Adventures of Princess Marian | adventuresofprincessmarian | Untested | None |
Adventure: The Inside Job | adventuretheinsidejob | Untested | None |
Adventure: Welcome to the Game | advwelcome | Untested | None |
Aerinde | aerinde | Untested | None |
AeroNuts | aeronuts | Untested | None |
A Fragment of Her | afragmentofher | Untested | None |
Afro Jones | afrojones | Untested | None |
After a Shadow | afterashadow | Untested | None |
Agent Hudson | agenthudson | Untested | None |
Agent Trinity - Episode 0 - The Ultimatum | agenttrinityepisode0theultimatum | Untested | None |
A G-G-Ghost! | aggghost | Untested | None |
AGITPROP | agitprop | Untested | None |
Agnostic Chicken | agnosticchicken | Untested | None |
AGS Awards 2008 Ceremony | agsawards2008ceremony | Untested | None |
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 | agsawards2020 | Untested | None |
AGS Darts | agsdarts | Untested | None |
AGS Invaders | agsinvaders | Untested | None |
AGS JukeBox | agsjukebox | Untested | None |
AGS Magus | agsmagus | Untested | None |
AGS MI3 | ags-mi3 | Untested | None |
AGS Mittens Shooter | agsmittensshooter | Untested | None |
AGS Module Tester | agsmoduletester | Untested | None |
AGS Yahtzee 2 | agsyahtzee2 | Untested | None |
AGS Yathzee | agsyathzee | Untested | None |
A Gunshot in Room 37 | agunshotinroom37 | Untested | None |
Ahmet's AGS Fight Game Remix | ahmetsagsfightgameremix | Untested | None |
Aida's Strange Christmas | aidaschristmas | Untested | None |
A in the G of Fantabulous W | ainthegoffantabulousw | Untested | None |
Airbreak | airbreak | Untested | None |
~airwave~ - I Fought the Law, And the Law One | airwaveifoughtthelawandthelawone | Untested | None |
Akumayo's AGS Chess 2.75 | akumayosagschess275 | Untested | None |
A Landlord's Dream | alandlordsdream | Untested | None |
Alan saves Christmas (and most of the world too) | alansaveschristmas | Untested | None |
Alba the Explorer | albatheexplorer | Untested | None |
Al Emmo And The Lost Dutchman's Mine | alemmo | Untested | Commercial game |
Al Emmo's Postcards from Anozira | alemmoanozira | Untested | Commercial game |
Alien Attack | alienattack | Untested | None |
Alien Carniage | aliencarniage | Untested | None |
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! | aliencowrampage | Untested | None |
Alien Puzzle Invasion | alienpuzzleinvasion | Untested | None |
Alien Rape Escape | alienrapeescape | Untested | None |
Alien Threat | alienthreat | Untested | None |
Alien Time Zone | alientimezone | Untested | None |
All Gone Soon | allgonesoon | Untested | None |
All Gone Soon 2 | allgonesoon2 | Untested | None |
All Pigs Deserve To Burn In Hell | allpigs | Untested | None |
All The Way Down | allthewaydown | Untested | None |
Alone in the Night | aloneinthenight | Untested | None |
Alpha Dog | alphadog | Untested | None |
Alpha X | alphax | Untested | None |
Al-Quest 1 | alquest1 | Untested | None |
Alum | alum | Untested | Commercial game |
Alys vs. The Phantom Feline Foe | alysvsthephantomfelinefoe | Untested | None |
A magic stone | amagicstone | Untested | None |
Amotos Puf | amotospuf | Untested | None |
AMTAG | amtag | Untested | None |
A-Mused | amused | Untested | None |
An Alien's Work Is Never Done... | analienswork | Untested | None |
Ancient Aliens - The Roots of Sound | ancientaliens | Untested | None |
An Eternity, Reflecting | aneternityreflecting | Untested | None |
A Night That Wouldn't End | anightthatwouldntend | Untested | None |
A Night to Remember | anighttoremember | Untested | None |
Anna's Quest | anna | Untested | None |
Annie Android: Automated Affection | annieandroidautomatedaffection | Untested | None |
A Noble Game | anoblegame | Untested | None |
Anthony's Essay | anthonysessay | Untested | None |
Anticipating Murder | anticipatingmurder | Untested | None |
Anti-Heroes | antiheroes | Untested | None |
A pirates tale | apiratestale | Untested | None |
A Place In The Sun | aplaceinthesun | Untested | None |
A Place Without Frontier | aplacewithoutfrontier | Untested | None |
The Apotheosis Project | apotheosis | Untested | Commercial game |
Apprentice | apprentice | Untested | None |
Apprentice 2 | apprentice2 | Untested | None |
A Profound Journey | aprofoundjourney | Untested | None |
Aractaur | aractaur | Untested | None |
Archeos | archeos | Untested | None |
Arden's Value | ardensvale | Untested | None |
Ardent Fever | ardentfever | Untested | None |
Are we there yet? | arewethereyet | Untested | None |
Armageddon Margaret | armageddonmargaret | Untested | None |
A Room Without You In It | aroomwithoutyou | Untested | None |
A SECOND FACE | asecondface | Untested | None |
A Short Nightmare | ashortnightmare | Untested | None |
A Simple Fix | asimplefix | Untested | None |
Asporia | asporia | Untested | None |
Asterix | asterix | Untested | None |
Astranded | astranded | Untested | None |
Astroloco: Worst Contact | astroloco | Untested | Commercial game |
Astron | astron | Untested | None |
Aswin path | aswinpath | Untested | None |
A Tainted Treat | ataintedtreat | Untested | None |
A Tale Of Betrayal | ataleofbetrayal | Untested | None |
Atapi | atapi | Untested | None |
A Tale Of Two Kingdoms | atotk | Untested | None |
A Tale of Two Kingdoms: Deluxe Edition | atotkdeluxe | Untested | Commercial game |
ATOTK jukebox | atotkjukebox | Untested | None |
A Treat and Some Tricks | atreatandsometricks | Untested | None |
Au Naturel | aunaturel | Untested | None |
Automation | automation | Untested | None |
A very special dog | averyspecialdog | Untested | None |
Awakener | awakener | Untested | None |
Awakening | awakening | Untested | None |
Awakening of the Sphinx | awakeningofthesphinx | Untested | None |
A walk in da tomb | awalkindatomb | Untested | None |
A Walk in the Park | awalkinthepark | Untested | None |
Away in a Tower | awayinatower | Untested | None |
A Woman for All Seasons | awomanforallseasons | Untested | None |
A Xmas Eve Tale | axmasevetale | Untested | None |
Back Door Man | backdoorman | Untested | None |
Bad Bunker | badbunker | Untested | None |
BAD LUCK | badluck | Untested | None |
Baldy's Adventure | baldysadventure | Untested | None |
Baltazar the Familiar | baltazarthefamiliar | Untested | None |
Banana Man | bananaman | Untested | None |
Banana Racer | bananaracer | Untested | None |
Barn Dilemma | barndilemma | Untested | None |
Barn Runner Visual Novel 1: The Mayor's New Dress | barnrunner1 | Untested | None |
Barn Runner 5 (Part 1) | barnrunner5part1 | Untested | None |
Barn Runner 5 (Part 2) | barnrunner5part2 | Untested | None |
Barn Runner: Holiday 2 | barnrunnerholiday2 | Untested | None |
Bart's Quest For TV | bartsquestfortv | Untested | None |
Battle Warriors | battlewarriors | Untested | None |
Black Cauldron Remake | bcremake | Untested | None |
Beacon | beacon | Untested | None |
Bear | bear | Untested | None |
Bear in Venice | bearinvenice | Untested | None |
Beasts | beasts | Untested | None |
Beauties and Beasts | beautiesandbeasts | Untested | None |
Beer! | beer | Untested | Commercial game |
Before the Dark Crystal II | beforethedarkcrystal2 | Untested | None |
Below Zero | belowzero | Untested | None |
Bertha Butt's Boogie | berthabuttsboogie | Untested | None |
besieged | besieged | Untested | None |
Bestowers of Eternity | bestowersofeternity | Untested | None |
Between the Pillars of Creation | betweenpillars | Untested | None |
Beyond Reality | beyondreality | Untested | None |
BEYOND TERROR | beyondterror | Untested | None |
Beyond the horizon | beyondthehorizon | Untested | None |
Bic's Christmas Tale | bicschristmastale | Untested | None |
Big Bad Wolf & 3 Lil' Piggies | bigbadwolf3lilpiggies | Untested | None |
Big Blue World Domination | bigblue | Untested | None |
Biggles On Mars | bigglesonmars | Untested | None |
Big Trouble in Little Imola | bigtroubleinlittleimola | Untested | None |
Billy Boy's Important Wine Lottery | billyboysimportantwinelottery | Untested | None |
Billy B. Star and the Lapaset Travel Quest | billybstar | Untested | None |
Billy Goats Gruff | billygoatsgruff | Untested | None |
Bioluminescence | bioluminescence | Untested | None |
Birdy | birdy | Untested | None |
Bitstream | bitstream | Untested | None |
Biwa of Blood | biwa | Untested | None |
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 1 | bjcase1 | Untested | None |
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 2 | bjcase2 | Untested | None |
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 3 | bjcase3 | Untested | None |
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 4 | bjcase4 | Untested | None |
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 5 | bjcase5 | Untested | None |
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 6 | bjcase6 | Untested | None |
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 7 | bjcase7 | Untested | None |
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 8 | bjcase8 | Untested | None |
Blackmail In Brooklyn | blackmailinbrooklyn | Untested | None |
Black Morph | blackmorph | Untested | None |
Black Sect Remake | blacksect1 | Untested | None |
Blackudder: To Doubloon or not to Doubloon | blackuddertodoubloonornottodoubloon | Untested | None |
The Blackwell Legacy | blackwell1 | Untested | Commercial game |
Blackwell Unbound | blackwell2 | Untested | Commercial game |
The Blackwell Convergence | blackwell3 | Untested | Commercial game |
The Blackwell Deception | blackwell4 | Untested | Commercial game |
The Blackwell Epiphany | blackwell5 | Untested | Commercial game |
Blind to Siberia | blindtosiberia | Untested | None |
Blue Moon | bluemoon | Untested | None |
Board Quest | boardquest | Untested | None |
BOB | bob | Untested | None |
Bob en cavale | bobencavale | Untested | None |
Bob Goes Home | bobgoeshome | Untested | None |
Bob Goes Home Deluxe | bobgoeshomedeluxe | Untested | None |
Bob's Quest 1 | bobsquest1 | Untested | None |
Bog's Adventure | bogsadventure | Untested | None |
Boogie Bum's Roger Quest | boogiebum | Untested | None |
Boom | boom | Untested | None |
Bowser Quirk Quest | bowserquirkquest | Untested | None |
Box | box | Untested | None |
Boxfight | boxfight | Untested | None |
Boy in da hood | boyindahood | Untested | None |
Brad Bradson: Key Quest | bradbradsonkeyquest | Untested | None |
Breakage | breakage | Untested | None |
Breakdown by OneDollar | breakdownbyonedollar | Untested | None |
Broken Windows - Chapter 1 | brokenwindows1 | Untested | None |
Brothers & Wreckers | brotherswreckers | Untested | None |
Bruce Quest: The Secrets of the Outback | brucequest | Untested | None |
BSG78 - Unexpected at the Rising Star | bsg78unexpectedattherisingstar | Untested | None |
BTD | btd | Untested | None |
Back to the Future Part III - Timeline Of Monkey Island | bttf3 | Untested | None |
Back to the Future Part IV - The Multitasking Crystal | bttf4 | Untested | None |
Back to the Future Part V - Multidimensional Space-Timelines | bttf5 | Untested | None |
I'll Be Back to the Future With A Terminator | bttfwat | Untested | None |
Bubsy The Bobcat In Rip Van Bubsy Starring Bubsy | bubsythebobcatinripvanbubsystarringbubsy | Untested | None |
Buccaneer | buccaneer | Untested | None |
Bullet Train | bullettrain | Untested | None |
Buna Wants Beer | bunawantsbeer | Untested | None |
BunnyQuest | bunnyquest | Untested | None |
Bury Me in the Sand | burymeinthesand | Untested | None |
Bustin' the Bastille | bustinthebastille | Untested | None |
Butcher Stanys | butcherstanys | Untested | None |
By the Sword: Conspiracy | bytheswordconspiracy | Untested | None |
Cabbage Quest | cabbagequest | Untested | None |
CALEB'S DRUNKEN ADVENTURE | calebsdrunkenadventure | Untested | None |
Call Me George, Chapter 1: Prophecy | callmegeorge1 | Untested | None |
Calsoon 2 | calsoon2 | Untested | None |
Camp 1 | camp1 | Untested | None |
CAPRICORN | capricorn | Untested | None |
Captain Cringe | captaincringe | Untested | None |
Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots | captaindisaster | Untested | Commercial game |
Captain Disaster In: The Dark Side of the Moon | captaindisastermoon | Untested | None |
Carrin | carrin | Untested | None |
Carrot Bob in ZX speccy world | carrotbobinzxspeccyworld | Untested | None |
Cart Life | cartlife | Untested | None |
Casablanca The Day After | casablancathedayafter | Untested | None |
Case Noir | casenoir | Untested | None |
Castle of Fire | castleoffire | Untested | None |
Catacombic | catacombic | Untested | None |
CATapault | catapault | Untested | None |
CAYANNE PEPPER | cayannepepper | Untested | None |
Cedric and the Revolution | cedricandtherevolution | Untested | None |
Celtic Chaos 2 - Fishermen's fiends | celticchaos2fishermensfiends | Untested | None |
Chalk's Quest | chalksquest | Untested | None |
Chance Of The Dead | chanceofthedead | Untested | None |
Charamba, Chapter 2: Hallowe'en | charamba2 | Untested | None |
Charlie Foxtrot | charliefoxtrot | Untested | None |
The Charnel House Trilogy | charnelhousetrilogy | Untested | Commercial game |
Chatroom | chatroom | Untested | None |
Cheerful Science | cheerfulscience | Untested | None |
cheKKen | chekken | Untested | None |
Chemin | chemin | Untested | None |
Chez Apa | chezapa | Untested | None |
Chick Chaser | chickchaser | Untested | None |
Chicken | chicken | Untested | None |
Chicken Fraction | chickenfraction | Untested | None |
Chinese Checkers | chinesecheckers | Untested | None |
Christmas Present | christmaspresent | Untested | None |
Christmas Quest | christmasquest | Untested | None |
Christmas Quest 2 | christmasquest2 | Untested | None |
Christmas Quest 3: Santa's Little Helpdesk | christmasquest3 | Untested | None |
Chronicle of Innsmouth | chronicleofinnsmouth | Untested | Commercial game |
Cirque de Zale | cirquedezale | Untested | None |
City of Thieves: Rescue Sandy | cityofthieves | Untested | None |
Claire | claire | Untested | None |
Class Notes | classnotes | Untested | None |
Clip l2heb linna | clipl2heblinna | Untested | None |
Clotilde Soffritti in Never Buy a Used Spaceship | clotildesoffritti | Untested | None |
Clown at the Circus | clownatthecircus | Untested | None |
Club of Evil | clubofevil | Untested | None |
Coel Decka Flight Game | coeldeckaflightgame | Untested | None |
Coin Rush 2 | coinrush2 | Untested | None |
Colin Simpson Leaves Employme | colinsimpsonleavesemployme | Untested | None |
Colour Clash | colourclash | Untested | None |
ColourWise | colourwise | Untested | None |
ColourWise - Level Editor | colourwiseleveleditor | Untested | None |
Columbus Lander | columbuslander | Untested | None |
Comedy Quest | comedyquest | Untested | None |
Comrade Citizen (part 1) | comradecitizenpart1 | Untested | None |
Confessions Of A Cat Burglar | confessionsofacatburglar | Untested | None |
Conspiracy: Below-Zero | conspiracybelowzero | Untested | None |
Conspiracy of Songo | conspiracyofsongo | Untested | None |
Constance the Barbarian | constancethebarbarian | Untested | None |
Corner's Shiny (2013 edition) | cornersshiny | Untested | None |
Cosmos | cosmos | Untested | None |
Cosmos Quest I | cosmosquest1 | Untested | None |
Cosmos Quest II | cosmosquest2 | Untested | None |
Cosmos Quest III | cosmosquest3 | Untested | None |
Cougar's Quest for Freedom | cougarsquestforfreedom | Untested | None |
Counterfeit | counterfeit | Untested | None |
Coup de Cup | coupdecup | Untested | None |
cow | cow | Untested | None |
Coyote | coyote | Untested | None |
Craft Of Evil | craftofevil | Untested | None |
Crankosaurus Prime and the Blue Crystal Pursuit | crankosaurus | Untested | None |
Crash! Evade! Destroy! | crashevadedestroy | Untested | None |
Crave | crave | Untested | None |
Cryo | cryo | Untested | None |
Crypt | crypt | Untested | None |
Cryptic | cryptic | Untested | None |
Crystal Quest | crystalquest | Untested | None |
Crystal Shard Adventure Bundle | crystalshardadventurebundle | Untested | Commercial game |
CSI Hunt 1 | csihunt1 | Untested | None |
CSPB | cspb | Untested | None |
Cuentos Inconclusos | cuentosinconclusos | Untested | None |
cyberJACK | cyberjack | Untested | None |
Dacey in the Dark: Prelude | daceyinthedark | Untested | None |
Dakota | dakota | Untested | None |
Daleks | daleks | Untested | None |
Dale's Film Quest | dalesfilmquest | Untested | None |
Damsel | damsel | Untested | None |
Dance Til' You Drop! | dancetilyoudrop | Untested | None |
Da New Guys | danewguys | Untested | None |
Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass | danewguys2 | Untested | Commercial game |
DangerousLands Tournament+RPG | dangerouslandstournamentrpg | Untested | None |
Danny Dread is On Call | dannydreadisoncall | Untested | None |
Dark Cave | darkcave | Untested | None |
Dark of Night | darkofnight | Untested | None |
Dark Times (Merry Christmas) | darktimesmerrychristmas | Untested | None |
Darum | darum | Untested | None |
Dave Generic | davegeneric | Untested | None |
David Letterman | davidletterman | Untested | None |
Dawns Wondered: At Age's End | dawnswonderedatagesend | Untested | None |
Day of the Fish | dayofthefish | Untested | None |
DDDDD | ddddd | Untested | None |
Dead Dimension | deaddimension | Untested | None |
Dead Hand | deadhand | Untested | None |
Dead Meat | deadmeat | Untested | None |
Dead of Winter | deadofwinter | Untested | None |
Dead Pixels | deadpixels | Untested | None |
Death and Transfiguration | deathandtransfiguration | Untested | None |
Death of an Angel | deathofanangel | Untested | None |
Death's Door | deathsdoor | Untested | None |
Death's Quest | deathsquest | Untested | None |
Death Wore Endless Feathers Disk 1 | deathworeendlessfeathersdisk1 | Untested | None |
Demo Game | demogame | Untested | None |
Demon Day | demonday | Untested | None |
Demon Slayer 5 | demonslayer5 | Untested | None |
Der verschwundene Husky | derverschwundenehusky | Untested | None |
Detective Gallo | detectivegallo | Untested | Commercial game |
Detention | detention | Untested | None |
DevochkaQuest | devochkaquest | Untested | None |
DG: search of the batterie | dgsearchofthebatterie | Untested | None |
Diamonds in the Rough | diamondsintherough | Untested | Commercial game |
Die Masken Nyarlathoteps | diemaskennyarlathoteps | Untested | None |
Dinner for Pigeons | dinnerforpigeons | Untested | None |
Dislocation | dislocation | Untested | None |
Disquiet | disquiet | Untested | None |
Doc Apocalypse | docapocalypse | Untested | Commercial game |
DOCTOR MAZE | doctormaze | Untested | None |
Doctor Muttonchop | doctormuttonchop | Untested | None |
Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor | donalddowell | Untested | None |
Donna: Avenger of Blood | donnaavengerofblood | Untested | None |
Donnie Darko - The Adventure Game | donniedarko | Untested | None |
Don Spillacy Conspiracy Quest | donspillacyconspiracyquest | Untested | None |
Don the Dweeb: Dance Dilemma | donthedweebdancedilemma | Untested | None |
Don't Ice Your COol | donticeyourcool | Untested | Commercial game |
Don't Worry, I'll Bring The Beer! | dontworryillbringthebeer | Untested | None |
DooM - a Very Graphic Adventure | doomgraphicadventure | Untested | None |
DoVaDuLa'S BuRn | dovadulasburn | Untested | None |
Downfall (2009) | downfall2009 | Untested | Commercial game |
Dragon Orb | dragonorb | Untested | None |
DragonTales | dragontales | Untested | None |
Dread Mac Farlane | dreadmacfarlane | Untested | None |
Dread Mac Farlane 2 | dreadmacfarlane2 | Untested | None |
Dreamagine | dreamagine | Untested | None |
Dreamer | dreamer | Untested | None |
dream sequence | dreamsequence | Untested | None |
Dr.Lutz Time Travel Machine | drlutztimetravelmachine | Untested | None |
Dumb.Ass Drivers! | dumbassdrivers | Untested | None |
Dungeon Hands | dungeonhands | Untested | None |
Dusk Hunters | duskhunters | Untested | None |
Dustbowl | dustbowl | Untested | Commercial game |
Dust to Water | dusttowater | Untested | None |
Duty and Beyond | dutyandbeyond | Untested | None |
DuzzQuest | duzzquest | Untested | None |
DuzzQuest2 | duzzquest2 | Untested | None |
Dysmaton | dysmaton | Untested | None |
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo | earlbobbyislookingforaloo | Untested | None |
Earl Bobby is looking for his Shoes | earlbobbyislookingforhisshoes | Untested | None |
Earl Bobby's Balls | earlbobbysballs | Untested | None |
Earl Mansin: The Breakout | earlmansinthebreakout | Untested | None |
Earthling Priorities | earthlingpriorities | Untested | None |
Easter Island Defender | easterislanddefender | Untested | None |
Easy3D | easy3d | Untested | None |
Echoes of Terra | echoesofterra | Untested | None |
Edmund | edmund | Untested | None |
Educating Adventures of Girl and Rabbit | educatingadventuresofgirlandrabbit | Untested | None |
Eerie Blue | eerieblue | Untested | None |
Einstein Machine | einsteinmachine | Untested | None |
electrctGUI | electrctgui | Untested | None |
Elevator | elevator | Untested | None |
Elfer | elfer | Untested | None |
Elf Motors Inc. | elfmotorsinc | Untested | None |
ELFO: RESCUE CRABY | elforescuecraby | Untested | None |
Elimination by Improvisation | eliminationbyimprovisation | Untested | None |
Emerald Eyes | emeraldeyes | Untested | None |
Emily Enough | emilyenough | Untested | None |
Emma Rode | emmarode | Untested | None |
Empty Mind - Blank Fate | emptymindblankfate | Untested | None |
Enoworld | enoworld | Untested | None |
Enter The Story | enterthestory | Untested | None |
Equilibrium | equilibrium | Untested | None |
Eric the Anteater | erictheanteater | Untested | None |
Erk: Adventures in Stoneage Real Estate | erkadventuresinstoneagerealestate | Untested | None |
Errand | errand | Untested | None |
Escape | escape | Untested | None |
Escape From a Small Room | escapefromasmallroom | Untested | None |
Escape From Evergreen Forest | escapefromevergreenforest | Untested | None |
Escape from Lurrilous | escapefromlurrilous | Untested | None |
Escape From The Salem Moons | escapefromthesalemmoons | Untested | None |
Escape From The Zombie City | escapefromthezombiecity | Untested | None |
Escape the ship | escapetheship | Untested | None |
ESPER | esper | Untested | None |
Eternally Us | eternallyus | Untested | None |
Event Timer | eventtimer | Untested | None |
Evil Dead 4 | evildead4 | Untested | None |
! | exclamation | Untested | None |
Exit | exit | Untested | None |
Fading Shades | fadingshades | Untested | None |
Fake the moon landing | fakethemoonlanding | Untested | None |
Falcon City | falconcity | Untested | Commercial game |
Fallen Angel | fallenangel | Untested | None |
fallen soldier | fallensoldier | Untested | None |
Der neue Wahnsinn der Familie Herfurth | familieherfurth | Untested | None |
Fanbots | fanbots | Untested | None |
The Far Corners of the World | farcorners | Untested | None |
FAR NOWHERE | farnowhere | Untested | None |
Fasmo! | fasmo | Untested | None |
Fasmo Goes West | fasmogoeswest | Untested | None |
Faye King: Jungle Jeopardy | fayeking | Untested | None |
FBI Quest | fbiquest | Untested | None |
FEARAPHOBIA | fearaphobia | Untested | None |
Featherweight | featherweight | Untested | None |
FemSpray | femspray | Untested | None |
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception | fengshuiandtheartoftvreception | Untested | None |
Feria d'Arles | feriadarles | Untested | Commercial game |
Feuersturm - Kapitel 1 | feuersturmkapitel1 | Untested | None |
Feuersturm - Kapitel 2 | feuersturmkapitel2 | Untested | None |
Feuersturm - Kapitel 3 | feuersturmkapitel3 | Untested | None |
Fhaloness | fhaloness | Untested | None |
Fifa2003Pro | fifa2003pro | Untested | None |
Fight Game | fightgame | Untested | None |
Firefly story 3D | fireflystory3d | Untested | None |
Flame Barrel | flamebarrel | Untested | None |
Flashbax | flashbax | Untested | None |
flowergirl | flowergirl | Untested | None |
Flux World | fluxworld | Untested | None |
Football Game | footballgame | Untested | Commercial game |
Force majeure II: The Zone | forcemajeureiithezone | Untested | None |
FOR FROGS SAKE! GET THE FROG OUT! | forfrogssakegetthefrogout | Untested | None |
Forge | forge | Untested | None |
Forgetten Death | forgettendeath | Untested | None |
Fortress of Wonders | fortressofwonders | Untested | None |
Foundations | foundations | Untested | None |
Fountain of Unicorns | fountainofunicorns | Untested | None |
Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth | fountainofyouth | Untested | None |
Framed! | framed | Untested | None |
Frankenpooper | frankenpooper | Untested | None |
Frank the Farmhand Part 1 | frankthefarmhandpart1 | Untested | None |
Frank the Farmhand Part 2 | frankthefarmhandpart2 | Untested | None |
Frantic Franko: A Bergzwerg Gone Berserk | franticfrankoabergzwerggoneberserk | Untested | None |
Frasier Crane: Seattle Rampage | frasiercraneseattlerampage | Untested | None |
Fred and Barney meet the future | fredandbarneymeetthefuture | Untested | None |
Fribbeldib | fribbeldib | Untested | None |
Frog Island | frogisland | Untested | None |
FSi's $1000000 Quest! | fsis1000000quest | Untested | None |
FSi's Alienation! | fsisalienation | Untested | None |
FSi's CotMATtCEHotSVD | fsiscotmattcehotsvd | Untested | None |
FSi's MHCFHR! | fsismhcfhr | Untested | None |
FSi's POWERCOW FROM URANUS! | fsispowercowfromuranus | Untested | None |
fulk in the dreamt haus | fulkinthedreamthaus | Untested | None |
Fun, Sun & Mishaps | funsunmishaps | Untested | None |
Fun With Numbers | funwithnumbers | Untested | None |
GabyKing | gabyking | Untested | None |
GAMES GALORE | gamesgalore | Untested | None |
Gasse Suit Tollis 3 | gassesuittollis3 | Untested | None |
Gateway Remake | gatewayremake | Untested | None |
Gemini Rue | geminirue | Untested | Commercial game |
Genbu | genbu | Untested | None |
Geometric Shapes 1: Circleboy | geometricshapes1circleboy | Untested | None |
Gesundheit! | gesundheit | Untested | None |
Get away from PLUTO | getawayfrompluto | Untested | None |
Get food | getfood | Untested | None |
Ghostdream | ghostdream | Untested | Commercial game |
Ghost Voyage | ghostvoyage | Untested | None |
Glitch Quest | glitchquest | Untested | None |
Glitch Quest (nofun) | glitchquestnofun | Untested | None |
Gnome's Homebrewing Adventure | gnomeshomebrewingadventure | Untested | None |
Gnrblex_AGS | gnrblexags | Untested | None |
Gone Boat Fishin' | goneboatfishin | Untested | None |
Good Man | goodman | Untested | None |
Good Morning, Mr. Gingerbread! | goodmorningmrgingerbread | Untested | None |
Good Santa, Bad Santa | goodsantabadsanta | Untested | None |
Got a Light? | gotalight | Untested | None |
G P's Lost Adventure | gpslostadventure | Untested | None |
Graveyard | graveyard | Untested | None |
Gremlin | gremlin | Untested | None |
Grizzly Goose of Gosse | grizzlygooseofgosse | Untested | None |
Grok | grok | Untested | None |
Grr! | grr | Untested | None |
Guard Duty | guardduty | Untested | Commercial game |
Guardians of Gold | guardiansofgold | Untested | None |
Guy Slug | guyslug | Untested | None |
Guyver Quest I: Sho Adventure | guyverquest1 | Untested | None |
Guyver Quest II: Cronos | guyverquest2 | Untested | None |
G-ville 1 | gville1 | Untested | None |
Hack | hack | Untested | None |
Halloween | halloween | Untested | None |
Halloween Horror | halloweenhorror | Untested | None |
Hallway of Adventures | hallwayofadventures | Untested | None |
Hang On | hangon | Untested | None |
Hansen Hotel | hansenhotel | Untested | None |
Happy Duckie Adventure | happyduckieadventure | Untested | None |
Hard Space: Conquest of the Gayliks | hardspaceconquestofthegayliks | Untested | None |
Harry's 21st Birthday | harrys21stbirthday | Untested | None |
Haven - The Small World | haventhesmallworld | Untested | None |
Heartland | heartland | Untested | None |
Heartland Deluxe | heartlanddeluxe | Untested | None |
Heatwave | heatwave | Untested | None |
Heavy Metal Nannulf: The Strange Stage | heavymetalnannulfthestrangestage | Untested | None |
Heed | heed | Untested | None |
HELP! the game | helpthegame | Untested | None |
Henk Stroem Lost In Cellar | henkstroemlostincellar | Untested | None |
Hen Man | henman | Untested | None |
Herby | herby | Untested | None |
Herd is Coming | herdiscoming | Untested | Commercial game |
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok | heroinesquest | Untested | None |
He's Gone Historical | hesgonehistorical | Untested | None |
H2G2: Towel Day | hhgtgtowelday | Untested | None |
Hidden Plains | hiddenplains | Untested | None |
Hidden Treasure: Ryan's Fortune | hiddentreasureryansfortune | Untested | None |
Hide | hide | Untested | None |
Hilia Derole against Hell | hiliaderoleagainsthell | Untested | None |
Him | him | Untested | None |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Remake | hitchhikersguidetothegalaxyremake | Untested | None |
Hit the Freak | hitthefreak | Untested | None |
HLoBB | hlobb | Untested | None |
Hood | hood | Untested | None |
Hope | hope | Untested | None |
Horse Park DeLuxe | horseparkdeluxe | Untested | None |
Horse Park Fantasy | horseparkfantasy | Untested | None |
Hotel | hotel | Untested | None |
Hotel Hijinks | hotelhijinks | Untested | None |
House of Horror | houseofhorror | Untested | None |
How They Found Silence | howtheyfoundsilence | Untested | None |
Huong Jiao Ping | huongjiaoping | Untested | None |
Huxz Adventure | huxzadventure | Untested | None |
Hyde and Seek | hydeandseek | Untested | None |
IAMJASON | iamjason | Untested | None |
iD | id | Untested | None |
I forgot... | iforgot | Untested | None |
IGS | igs | Untested | None |
IIISpy | iiispy | Untested | None |
IlluminationDiminishing | illuminationdiminishing | Untested | None |
I'm not crazy, right? - The Cell | imnotcrazyrightthecell | Untested | None |
I'm not crazy, right? - The Well | imnotcrazyrightthewell | Untested | None |
Indiana Rodent and the Raiders of the Lost Cheese | indianarodent | Untested | None |
Indiana Jones - Coming of Age | indycomingofage | Untested | None |
IndyCoS - Italian ver | indycositalianver | Untested | None |
Indiana Jones and the Passage of Saints | indypassageofsaints | Untested | None |
Infection_Ep_II | infectionep2 | Untested | None |
Infection I - The ship | infectionitheship | Untested | None |
Inferno | inferno | Untested | None |
Infinite Monkeys | infinitemonkeys | Untested | None |
Inside Monkey Island | insidemonkeyisland | Untested | None |
Inside Monkey Island: 2nd chapter | insidemonkeyisland2 | Untested | None |
Inspector Gismoe | inspectorgismoe | Untested | None |
Integer Battleship | integerbattleship | Untested | None |
Intergalactic Space Pancake! | intergalacticspacepancake | Untested | None |
Into The Light | intothelight | Untested | None |
Invincible Island | invincibleisland | Untested | None |
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers | ioawn4t | Untested | None |
ISN: Kill! | isnkill | Untested | None |
ISOS | isos | Untested | None |
It's a Bugs Life | itsabugslife | Untested | None |
I walked a path | iwalkedapath | Untested | None |
I want out! | iwantout | Untested | None |
IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! | iwwhiiwwhitomirotpgthegame | Untested | None |
Jacob | jacob | Untested | None |
Jacqueline White - Curse of the Mummies | jacquelinewhitecurseofthemummies | Untested | None |
James Bond | jamesbond | Untested | None |
James in Neverland | jamesinneverland | Untested | None |
James Peris | jamesperis | Untested | None |
James Peris 2 | jamesperis2 | Untested | None |
Javelin Catch | javelincatch | Untested | None |
Jimm's Quest III | jimmsquest3 | Untested | None |
Jimmy's Day | jimmysday | Untested | None |
Jimmy The Troublemaker | jimmythetroublemaker | Untested | None |
Joe's Horrible Hell | joeshorriblehell | Untested | None |
Joe's Miserable Life | joesmiserablelife | Untested | None |
John Harris and the Treasure of the Pharaoh | johnharris | Untested | None |
John Jebediah Gun e l'Isola di Sepheret | johnjebediahgunelisoladisepheret | Untested | None |
John Lost his key | johnlosthiskey | Untested | None |
Johnny_Rocket | johnnyrocket | Untested | None |
John Sinclair - Voodoo in London | johnsinclair | Untested | None |
Jonny Smallvalley | jonnysmallvalley | Untested | None |
Jorry | jorry | Untested | None |
Julius Dangerous 2 | juliusdangerous2 | Untested | None |
Julius Dangerous .. and the space invaders | juliusdangerousandthespaceinvaders | Untested | None |
Just Another Point n Click Adventure | justanotherpointnclickadventure | Untested | None |
Just Ignore Them | justignorethem | Untested | Commercial game |
Just Ignore Them (Remake) | justignorethemremake | Untested | Commercial game |
Kanji Gakusei | kanjigakusei | Untested | None |
Kart-Quest | kartquest | Untested | None |
Keptosh I | keptoshi | Untested | None |
Keys | keys | Untested | None |
Killer Eye | killereye | Untested | None |
Kill Joseda | killjoseda | Untested | None |
Kill The Lights | killthelights | Untested | None |
Kill Yourself | killyourself | Untested | Commercial game |
Kingdom Legends | kingdomlegends | Untested | None |
King's Quest for Orgy | kingsquestfororgy | Untested | None |
Kinky Island | kinkyisland | Untested | None |
Knight Quest for Golden Ring | knightquestforgoldenring | Untested | None |
Knight's Quest III | knightsquest3 | Untested | None |
Knight's Quest IV | knightsquest4 | Untested | None |
The Knobbly Crook | knobblycrook | Untested | None |
Kod Durova | koddurova | Untested | None |
Koffee Krisis | koffeekrisis | Untested | None |
Koschei The Immortal | koscheitheimmortal | Untested | None |
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown Remake | kq1agdi | Untested | None |
King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is Human | kq3agdi | Untested | None |
Kings Quest III+ | kq3plus | Untested | None |
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human VGA Remake | kq3vga | Untested | None |
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella Retold | kq4retold | Untested | None |
Kristmas Krisis | kristmaskrisis | Untested | None |
KTX-1 | ktx1 | Untested | None |
Kuma Story | kumastory | Untested | None |
Labor | labor | Untested | None |
Lab Rat Escape | labratescape | Untested | None |
Labyrinth | labyrinth | Untested | None |
La Cicuta1 | lacicuta1 | Untested | None |
La Croix Pan | lacroixpan | Untested | None |
L'Affaire Aspirox | laffaireaspirox | Untested | None |
La Gran Castanya | lagrancastanya | Untested | None |
LA LLAVE Y FABIAN SHONES | lallaveyfabianshones | Untested | None |
Lamplight City | lamplightcity | Untested | Commercial game |
La Odisea del Fracaso II | laodiseadelfracaso2 | Untested | None |
La porte noire | laportenoire | Untested | None |
Larry Lotter and the Test of Time // aka Warthogs | larrylotter | Untested | None |
Last'n'Furious | lastnfurious | Untested | None |
Laundry Day | laundryday | Untested | None |
Lava Blava | lavablava | Untested | None |
Lazarus Wants Pants | lazaruswantspants | Untested | None |
LazyTown: The New Kid | lazytownthenewkid | Untested | None |
LB: Story of Cedrick DUSCE! | lbstoryofcedrickdusce | Untested | None |
LeChuck Stories | lechuckstories | Untested | None |
Legend of Hand | legendofhand | Untested | Commercial game |
Legend of Rovendale | legendofrovendale | Untested | None |
Legend of Seth the Bard | legendofseththebard | Untested | None |
Legends of Mardaram | legendsofmardaram | Untested | None |
Leisure Suit Larry 2 - Point and Click | leisuresuitlarry2 | Untested | None |
Leisure Suit Larry: L i L | leisuresuitlarrylil | Untested | None |
Les Miserables | lesmiserables | Untested | None |
Less Than Three | lessthanthree | Untested | None |
Les Survivants | lessurvivants | Untested | None |
Lichdom - Where's did I put that... | lichdomwheresdidiputthat | Untested | None |
Life | life | Untested | None |
Lifeboat: Story of Cedrick | lifeboatstoryofcedrick | Untested | None |
Life of D. Duck | lifeofdduck | Untested | None |
Life of D. Duck II | lifeofdduck2 | Untested | None |
Lif Treasure of the Tanones | liftreasureofthetanones | Untested | None |
AGS Cycles | lightcycles | Untested | None |
Lightning Master | lightningmaster | Untested | None |
Like a Fox! | likeafox | Untested | None |
Limbo | limbo | Untested | None |
Limey Lizard: Waste Wizard | limeylizardwastewizard | Untested | None |
LitN Unforgettable Memories | litnunforgettablememories | Untested | None |
Little Girl in Underland | littlegirlinunderland | Untested | None |
Living Nightmare Deluxe | livingnightmaredeluxe | Untested | None |
Living Nightmare: Endless Dream | livingnightmareendlessdream | Untested | None |
Living Nightmare: Freedom | livingnightmarefreedom | Untested | None |
Locked Out | lockedout | Untested | None |
Loftus and the Sky Cap | loftusandtheskycap | Untested | None |
LoneCase | lonecase | Untested | None |
Lone Case 2 | lonecase2 | Untested | None |
LoneCase3:Showdown | lonecase3showdown | Untested | None |
Lonely night | lonelynight | Untested | None |
Long expected Friday | longexpectedfriday | Untested | None |
Loom II: Return of the Swans | loomiireturnoftheswans | Untested | None |
Los Jovenes De La Guerra | losjovenesdelaguerra | Untested | None |
Lost Answers | lostanswers | Untested | None |
Lost In Paradise | lostinparadise | Untested | None |
Lost In The Nightmare | lostinthenightmare | Untested | None |
Lost In The Tomb | lostinthetomb | Untested | None |
Lost In The Woods | lostinthewoods | Untested | None |
LUCID LUCY | lucidlucy | Untested | None |
Lucy Lavender | lucylavender | Untested | None |
Luke's Existential Nightmare | lukesexistentialnightmare | Untested | None |
Lunar Lander Prototype | lunarlanderprototype | Untested | None |
Lunchtime Of The Damned | lunchtimeofthedamned | Untested | None |
Lydia and the Mystery of Nellreno Manor | lydiaandthemysteryofnellrenomanor | Untested | None |
Mage's Initiation: Reign of the Elements | mage | Untested | Commercial game |
Maggie and Max | maggieandmax | Untested | None |
Magic-8-Ball | magic8ball | Untested | None |
Magical Whatever Girl Rocks Out In The Stone Age | magicalwhatevergirlrocksoutinthestoneage | Untested | None |
Magic Ball of Fortune | magicballoffortune | Untested | None |
Magnum, P.M. | magnumpm | Untested | None |
Mags Game | magsgame | Untested | None |
Magsic | magsic | Untested | None |
Magsic II | magsic2 | Untested | None |
MAGS-Jan | magsjan | Untested | None |
MAGS june 2017 | magsjune2017 | Untested | None |
MAGS Sep 2007 | magssep2007 | Untested | None |
Man Boy | manboy | Untested | None |
Maniacland | maniacland | Untested | None |
Maniac Metalhead Mania | maniacmetalheadmania | Untested | None |
Mard's Revenge by TK | mardsrevengebytk | Untested | None |
Marty aus dem All | martyausdemall | Untested | None |
M*A*S*H*: The Point n' Click Adventure | mash | Untested | None |
Masters of Sound | mastersofsound | Untested | None |
Matt to the Future | matttothefuture | Untested | None |
Medical Theories of Dr Kur | medicaltheoriesofdrkur | Untested | None |
Me Go 2008: Silvester Edition | mego2008silvesteredition | Untested | None |
Me Go... Away! | megoaway | Untested | None |
Me Go Cannibal Jungle! | megocannibaljungle | Untested | None |
Me Go Store! | megostore | Untested | None |
Melrin: The Disciple Ordeal | melrin1 | Untested | None |
Melrin: The Pendant Quest | melrin2 | Untested | None |
Melrin: The Dragon Menace | melrin3 | Untested | None |
Melt & Drake 3 Chapter 1 | meltdrake3chapter1 | Untested | None |
Memories Fade | memoriesfade | Untested | None |
Men In Hats | meninhats | Untested | None |
Merry Christmas | merrychristmas | Untested | None |
Messed-Up Mother Goose - DELUXE MY ASS: ENHANCED | messedupmothergoosedeluxemyassenhanced | Untested | None |
META | meta | Untested | None |
Metal Dead | metaldead | Untested | Commercial game |
Metaphobia | metaphobia | Untested | None |
METEORHEAD RECYCLED | meteorheadrecycled | Untested | None |
Monkey Island 5: The Return of LeChuck | mi5thereturnoflechuck | Untested | None |
MI:Bad Day to be Dead | mibaddaytobedead | Untested | None |
MI:Carnival of the Damned | micarnivalofthedamned | Untested | None |
Mickey Mauser: Part 1 | mickeymauserpart1 | Untested | None |
midastouch | midastouch | Untested | None |
Mike Lechey | mikelechey | Untested | None |
Mikes Room2 | mikesroom2 | Untested | None |
Milkshake | milkshake | Untested | None |
MINDBOGGLER | mindboggler | Untested | None |
Mind's Eye | mindseye | Untested | None |
Mini Game 3 | minigame3 | Untested | None |
Mini Game 4 | minigame4 | Untested | None |
Missing since Midnight | missingsincemidnight | Untested | None |
Mist. de la Escuela de Arte | mistdelaescueladearte | Untested | None |
Mixer Test | mixertest | Untested | None |
MMM 010: Tales of the Weird Ed | mmm10 | Untested | None |
MMM 100: Money Mansion | mmm100 | Untested | None |
MMM 011: Ein haariger Ausflug | mmm11 | Untested | None |
MMM 012: Serien-Special: GIGA Mansion | mmm12 | Untested | None |
MMM 013: Nur geträumt | mmm13 | Untested | None |
MMM 014: Ed's Rache für den Hamsterbraten | mmm14 | Untested | None |
MMM 015: Ortmaschine | mmm15 | Untested | None |
MMM 016: Meteor Family - Die Rückkehr des Meteoriten | mmm16 | Untested | None |
MMM 017: Das Labor | mmm17 | Untested | None |
MMM 018: Shit Happens! | mmm18 | Untested | None |
MMM 021: Rettet Kanal 13! | mmm21 | Untested | None |
MMM 022: Presserummel | mmm22 | Untested | None |
MMM 023: Das verflixte Geschenk | mmm23 | Untested | None |
MMM 024: Time Machine | mmm24 | Untested | None |
MMM 026: Zeitenwende | mmm26 | Untested | None |
MMM 027: Hamsternator | mmm27 | Untested | None |
MMM 028: Time Machine 2 | mmm28 | Untested | None |
MMM 029: Flucht des Meteoriten | mmm29 | Untested | None |
MMM 003: Stubenarrest | mmm3 | Untested | None |
MMM 030: Memories of Zak | mmm30 | Untested | None |
MMM 031: Britneys Suche | mmm31 | Untested | None |
MMM 032: The Secret of Maniac Mansion | mmm32 | Untested | None |
MMM 033: Carry on Smiley! | mmm33 | Untested | None |
MMM 034: Helden des Tages | mmm34 | Untested | None |
MMM 035: Weggebeamt | mmm35 | Untested | None |
MMM 036: Der Liebesbrief | mmm36 | Untested | None |
MMM 037: Verabredung mit Dave | mmm37 | Untested | None |
MMM 038: Rescue Mission | mmm38 | Untested | None |
MMM 039: Erinnerungen | mmm39 | Untested | None |
MMM 004: Mimikry der Emotionen | mmm4 | Untested | None |
MMM 040: Verflixte Türen | mmm40 | Untested | None |
MMM 041: Das neue Jugendschutzgesetz | mmm41 | Untested | None |
MMM 042: Die furchtbaren Pläne des Psycho Bernie | mmm42 | Untested | None |
MMM 043: Vorsicht, Edna kommt! | mmm43 | Untested | None |
MMM 044: Razors grosser Auftritt | mmm44 | Untested | None |
MMM 045: Maniac Monday | mmm45 | Untested | None |
MMM 046: Verschollen | mmm46 | Untested | None |
MMM 047: Maniac Ostern | mmm47 | Untested | None |
MMM 048: Wendy und das Buch des Todes | mmm48 | Untested | None |
MMM 049: Clouso's grösster Coup | mmm49 | Untested | None |
MMM 005: Rhythmen zum Reinbeißen | mmm5 | Untested | None |
MMM 050: Das Date 3 | mmm50 | Untested | None |
MMM 051: Ortmaschine II | mmm51 | Untested | None |
MMM 052: Ein irrer Tag eines Ronvillers | mmm52 | Untested | None |
MMM 053: Der Klaus schlägt zurück | mmm53 | Untested | None |
MMM 054: CSI:RONVILLE | mmm54 | Untested | None |
MMM 055: Hamsters of the mysterious man: Chapter of dream | mmm55 | Untested | None |
MMM 056: Grotten-Urlaub | mmm56 | Untested | None |
MMM 057: Ein geheimnisvoller Ausflug | mmm57 | Untested | None |
MMM 058: The People's Court | mmm58 | Untested | None |
MMM 059: Computerliebe | mmm59 | Untested | None |
MMM 006: Er is' weg | mmm6 | Untested | None |
MMM 060: Jahrmarkt der Verdammten | mmm60 | Untested | None |
MMM 061: Bernards Room | mmm61 | Untested | None |
MMM 063: Books - Deals unter Nachbarn | mmm63 | Untested | None |
MMM 064: Baranoia | mmm64 | Untested | None |
MMM 065: Save Smiley! | mmm65 | Untested | None |
MMM 066: Hoagies neuer Freund | mmm66 | Untested | None |
MMM 066: Hoagies neuer Freund - Akt 3: Der verbotene Akt | mmm66akt3 | Untested | None |
MMM 067: Die Schöne und das Biest | mmm67 | Untested | None |
MMM 068: MaMMa ante Portas | mmm68 | Untested | None |
MMM 069: Samstag | mmm69 | Untested | None |
MMM 007: Right said Fred!?! | mmm7 | Untested | None |
MMM 070: Maniac Mansion Begins | mmm70 | Untested | None |
MMM 071: Neue Abenteuer auf Terra | mmm71 | Untested | None |
MMM 072: Mindbending TV | mmm72 | Untested | None |
MMM 073: Even a broken Clock | mmm73 | Untested | None |
MMM 074: Ted Edison and the Curse of King RootenTooten | mmm74 | Untested | None |
MMM 075: Das Necronomicon | mmm75 | Untested | None |
MMM 076: The Bernoulli-Show | mmm76 | Untested | None |
MMM 077: Schwer verquer | mmm77 | Untested | None |
MMM 078: Dumm geholfen | mmm78 | Untested | None |
MMM 079: Der Wunsch-O-Mat | mmm79 | Untested | None |
MMM 080: Spiel des Lebens | mmm80 | Untested | None |
MMM 081: Bernard bricht aus! | mmm81 | Untested | None |
MMM 082: Freundin mit Hindernissen | mmm82 | Untested | None |
MMM 083: Chasing Hoagie | mmm83 | Untested | None |
MMM 084: Surf'n'Ronville | mmm84 | Untested | None |
MMM 085: Freundin mit Hindernissen - Part 2 | mmm85 | Untested | None |
MMM 086: Bernard bekommt Besuch | mmm86 | Untested | None |
MMM 087: Das Geheimnis des Blakes Hotel von Ronville | mmm87 | Untested | None |
MMM 088: Der alltaegliche Wahnsinn | mmm88 | Untested | None |
MMM 089: Der Weltrettungsalgorithmus - Die neue Version | mmm89 | Untested | None |
MMM 090: Kofferpacken | mmm90 | Untested | None |
MMM 091: Fels in der Brandung | mmm91 | Untested | None |
MMM 093: Murder at the Moonshine Mansion | mmm93 | Untested | None |
MMM 094: Maniac on the Mississippi | mmm94 | Untested | None |
MMM 095: Britney's Flucht | mmm95 | Untested | None |
MMM 096: Dave's Home Odyssey | mmm96 | Untested | None |
MMM 097: Tollhaus-Weihnachten | mmm97 | Untested | None |
MMM 098: Maniac Apartment | mmm98 | Untested | None |
MMM 099: Die Premiere | mmm99 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 05-1 | mmmhw1 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 10-3: Und Bernard läutet zur Geisterstunde | mmmhw10 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 10-4: Bad and Mad | mmmhw11 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 05-2: Escape from Maniac Mansion | mmmhw2 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 05-3: Day of the Dead | mmmhw3 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 05-4: MMM-Horror | mmmhw4 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 05-5: Redrum | mmmhw5 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 06-1: The Curse of Maniac Mansion | mmmhw6 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 06-2: Hä? Ich glaub' ich spinne! | mmmhw7 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 10-1: Das Monster aus der Racoon Lagoon | mmmhw8 | Untested | None |
MMM Halloween 10-2: TMMCMFH | mmmhw9 | Untested | None |
Mon Cul! | moncul | Untested | None |
Monkeys to the Moon | monkeystothemoon | Untested | None |
monkeywrench | monkeywrench | Untested | None |
Monster from the hounted hill | monsterfromthehountedhill | Untested | None |
Moonlight Moggy | moonlightmoggy | Untested | None |
Moose | moose | Untested | None |
Moose 2 | moose2 | Untested | None |
Mordy2 | mordy2 | Untested | None |
Mothers Day | mothersday | Untested | None |
MOTLPAA | motlpaa | Untested | None |
Mountain of Madness | mountainofmadness | Untested | None |
Mourir en mer | mourirenmer | Untested | None |
Mr Bee | mrbee | Untested | None |
Mr. Danger's Contest | mrdangerscontest | Untested | None |
Mudlarks | mudlarks | Untested | None |
Murder in the Mansion | murderinthemansion | Untested | None |
Murder of Adrian Elkwood | murderofadrianelkwood | Untested | None |
Murphy's Salvage: Just My Luck | murphyssalvagejustmyluck | Untested | None |
Murran Chronicles 1 | murranchronicles1 | Untested | None |
Murran Chronicles 2 | murranchronicles2 | Untested | None |
Murran Chronicles 3 - Life Drinker | murranchronicles3 | Untested | None |
My Big Sister | mybigsister | Untested | Commercial game |
My Burden to Keep | myburdentokeep | Untested | None |
Mysterious house | mysterioushouse | Untested | None |
Mystic Seer | mysticseer | Untested | None |
Mythical Gambit: Flawless Fatality | mythicalgambitflawlessfatality | Untested | None |
Mission Zukunftia | mzi | Untested | None |
Mission Zukunftia 2 | mzi2 | Untested | None |
Nanobots | nanobots | Untested | None |
Necroquest | necroquest | Untested | None |
Nedy's adventure | nedysadventure | Untested | None |
Neku's new trip | nekusnewtrip | Untested | None |
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! | nellycootalot | Untested | None |
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! HD | nellycootalot-hd | Untested | None |
Neofeud | neofeud | Untested | Commercial game |
NES Quest | nesquest | Untested | None |
N.E.W.S. | news | Untested | None |
Nick it and Run!!! | nickitandrun | Untested | None |
Das Niemandsland | niemandsland | Untested | None |
Night of the Raving Feminist | nightoftheravingfeminist | Untested | None |
Nightwork | nightwork | Untested | None |
No-Action Jackson | noactionjackson | Untested | None |
Noah's Quest | noahsquest | Untested | None |
Nobody Cares | nobodycares | Untested | None |
No, I Am Spartacus! | noiamspartacus | Untested | None |
Noisy Mountain | noisymountain | Untested | None |
No Monkey's Banana | nomonkeysbanana | Untested | None |
Norbi's quest | norbisquest | Untested | None |
Norbi's quest 1,5 | norbisquest15 | Untested | None |
Norbi's quest 2 | norbisquest2 | Untested | None |
Norbi winter special | norbiwinterspecial | Untested | None |
Norman Cooks | normancooks | Untested | None |
Norse Rune Reader | norserunereader | Untested | None |
Noughts & Crosses | noughtscrosses | Untested | None |
Oceanspirit Dennis: Scourge of the Underworld | oceanspiritdennisscourgeoftheunderworld | Untested | None |
Odot Tamat On | odottamaton | Untested | None |
Oh du lieber Augustin | ohdulieber | Untested | None |
Omnipotent Tarot | omnipotenttarot | Untested | None |
Once Upon A Crime | onceuponacrime | Untested | None |
Once Upon A Time | onceuponatime | Untested | None |
One | one | Untested | None |
One More Fathom | onemorefathom | Untested | None |
One Of A Kind: A Divine Comedy of Mistakes | oneofakindadivinecomedyofmistakes | Untested | None |
One spy too many | onespytoomany | Untested | None |
One Week One Room | oneweekoneroom | Untested | None |
Onironauta | onironauta | Untested | Commercial game |
On Leaving The Building | onleavingthebuilding | Untested | None |
Only The Good Die Young - english version | onlythegooddieyoungenglishversion | Untested | None |
Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge | oott | Untested | Commercial game |
OpenQuest! | openquest | Untested | None |
Operation Novi | operationnovi | Untested | None |
Operation Save Blue Cup | operationsavebluecup | Untested | None |
Orange man | orangeman | Untested | None |
ORow Game | orowgame | Untested | None |
OSD: A Ray of Hope | osdarayofhope | Untested | None |
OSD:OCD | osdocd | Untested | None |
OSD.The lost world ep 2 | osdthelostworldep2 | Untested | None |
Boundless Osher - Osher Bli Gvulot | osher | Untested | None |
Otaku Rivals | otakurivals | Untested | None |
Other Worlds | otherworlds | Untested | None |
Otis Builds a Fire | otisbuildsafire | Untested | None |
Ouja | ouja | Untested | None |
Outbreak by Abhijit Kamat | outbreakbyabhijitkamat | Untested | None |
Out of Gas | outofgas | Untested | None |
The Journey Down: Over the Edge | overtheedge | Untested | None |
Owl's Quest | owlsquest | Untested | None |
Palette Quest 2 | palettequest2 | Untested | None |
Panda In Space | pandainspace | Untested | None |
Pandor | pandor | Untested | None |
Paper Planes | paperplanes | Untested | None |
Paradise Lost | paradiselost | Untested | None |
Paramecium Complex | parameciumcomplex | Untested | None |
Paranormal Warrior Within | paranormalwarriorwithin | Untested | None |
Party | party | Untested | None |
Patchwork | patchwork | Untested | None |
Paula im Wunderland | paulaimwunderland | Untested | None |
Paul Moose In Space World | paulmooseinspaceworld | Untested | None |
Paul Quest | paulquest | Untested | None |
Pennis: The Ultimate in Pong! | pennistheultimateinpong | Untested | None |
The Perfidious Petrol Station | perfidiouspetrolstation | Untested | None |
PERILS OF POOM | perilsofpoom | Untested | None |
Pester Quest | pesterquest | Untested | None |
Petal Rose | petalrose | Untested | None |
The Phantom Fellows | phantomfellows | Untested | Commercial game |
Pharmacist Jones | pharmacistjones | Untested | None |
Pickpocket RPG | pickpocketrpg | Untested | None |
Pilot Light | pilotlight | Untested | None |
Pimpin On Parakuss | pimpinonparakuss | Untested | None |
Pirate Fry 2 | piratefry2 | Untested | None |
Pirate Fry 3 | piratefry3 | Untested | None |
Pirates! | pirates | Untested | None |
Piratess | piratess | Untested | None |
PISS | piss | Untested | None |
Pixel Hunt | pixelhunt | Untested | None |
Pixia | pixia | Untested | None |
Pixxxelhunter The Epic | pixxxelhuntertheepic | Untested | None |
Pizza Nostra | pizzanostra | Untested | None |
Plan 10 from MY PANTS!!! | plan10frommypants | Untested | None |
Planet Xmas | planetxmas | Untested | None |
Platformerius | platformerius | Untested | None |
Platform Horde | platformhorde | Untested | None |
Pledge Quest 1 | pledgequest1 | Untested | None |
Pledge Quest 2 | pledgequest2 | Untested | None |
Pleurghburg: Dark Ages | pleurghburgdarkages | Untested | None |
Plumberboy | plumberboy | Untested | None |
PM Cute | pm-cute | Untested | None |
PMUVCHVT | pmuvchvt | Untested | None |
PMXI | pmxi | Untested | None |
PocketFluff_yay! | pocketfluffyay | Untested | None |
Politically Yours | politicallyyours | Untested | None |
Ponderabilia | ponderabilia | Untested | None |
Pong | pong | Untested | None |
The Postman Only Dies Once | postmanonlydiesonce | Untested | None |
Postman's Quest | postmansquest | Untested | None |
PotterRPG | potterrpg | Untested | None |
Power Nap | powernap | Untested | None |
Power Unlimited | powerunlimited | Untested | None |
PQT Adventure | pqtadventure | Untested | None |
Practice Script | practicescript | Untested | None |
Predators Prey For Plants | predatorspreyforplants | Untested | None |
A Prelude to an Adventure | preludetoadventure | Untested | None |
Primordia | primordia | Untested | Commercial game |
Princess and all the kingdom | princessandallthekingdom | Untested | None |
Princess Marian IX | princessmarianix | Untested | None |
Princess Marian Snow Fight! | princessmariansnowfight | Untested | None |
Princess Marian's Pigeon Pinger | princessmarianspigeonpinger | Untested | None |
Princess Marian X: Magic Hat | princessmarianxmagichat | Untested | None |
Principles of Evil | principlesofevil | Untested | None |
Principles of Evil II | principlesofevil2 | Untested | None |
Prisoners of Ice | prisonersofice | Untested | None |
Prodigal | prodigal | Untested | None |
Professor Neely And The Death Ray Of Doom | profneely | Untested | None |
Project Evilspy II | projectevilspy2 | Untested | None |
Proof of Fiction | proofoffiction | Untested | None |
Prototypical | prototypical | Untested | None |
Proxecto | proxecto | Untested | None |
Psychopomp | psychopomp | Untested | None |
pub master quest.2 | pubmasterquest2 | Untested | None |
Pub Masters Quest | pubmastersquest | Untested | None |
Puddy Penguin | puddypenguin | Untested | None |
Pupu Pupulaisen Seikkailut | pupupupulaisenseikkailut | Untested | None |
Purgatorio | purgatorio | Untested | None |
Purity of the Surf | purityofthesurf | Untested | None |
Pussie Hunt | pussiehunt | Untested | None |
Puzzle Bots | puzzlebots | Untested | None |
Puzzle of the Pulchritudinous Pumice | puzzlepumice | Untested | None |
PXenophobe | pxenophobe | Untested | None |
Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Remake | qfg2agdi | Untested | None |
Quest for Infamy | qfi | Untested | Commercial game |
QUANTUMNAUTS | quantumnauts | Untested | None |
Quest Fighter | questfighter | Untested | None |
Quest Fighter II | questfighter2 | Untested | None |
QuestForCinema | questforcinema | Untested | None |
Quest for Jesus | questforjesus | Untested | None |
Quest for Palette | questforpalette | Untested | None |
Quest for the Blue Cup | questforthebluecup | Untested | None |
Quest for Yeti | questforyeti | Untested | None |
Quest for Yrolg | questforyrolg | Untested | None |
Quiero Morir | quieromorir | Untested | None |
Quimby Quest: A New Dope | quimbyquestanewdope | Untested | None |
R.ACE | race | Untested | None |
Racist | racist | Untested | None |
Rackham | rackham | Untested | None |
Ralph the Raven | ralphtheraven | Untested | None |
RAM Ghost | ramghost | Untested | None |
Ramses Porter and the Relay for Love | ramsesporter | Untested | None |
Rango | rango | Untested | None |
Rat Channel | ratchannel | Untested | None |
Ray and the Guitar | rayandtheguitar | Untested | None |
Ray Bexter | raybexter | Untested | None |
Razors in the Night | razorsinthenight | Untested | None |
Re-Agent Orange | reagentorange | Untested | None |
Reality-on-the-Norm | realityonthenorm | Untested | None |
Recess | recess | Untested | None |
Recess 2 | recess2 | Untested | None |
Red Bow | redbow | Untested | None |
Red Dwarf | reddwarf | Untested | None |
Red Flagg | redflagg | Untested | None |
Red Hot Overdrive | redhotoverdrive | Untested | None |
Redpants meets Robinson Clauseau | redpantsmeetsrobinsonclauseau | Untested | None |
Redpants: The Princess and the Beanstalk | redpantstheprincessandthebeanstalk | Untested | None |
Reef Rivers: Quest for Ekoban | reefriversquestforekoban | Untested | None |
Return Journey | returnjourney | Untested | None |
Return To Civilization | returntocivilization | Untested | None |
Revelation | revelation | Untested | None |
Richard & Alice | richardandalice | Untested | Commercial game |
Ricky Quest | rickyquest | Untested | None |
Righteous City | righteouscity | Untested | None |
Road of Destiny | roadofdestiny | Untested | None |
Road Racer | roadracer | Untested | None |
Roast Mother Goose | roastmothergoose | Untested | None |
Robbing The Princess | robbingtheprincess | Untested | None |
Robert Redford saves the day Ep 1 | robertredford1 | Untested | None |
Robert Redford saves the day Ep 2 | robertredford2 | Untested | None |
Robert Redford saves the day Ep 3 | robertredford3 | Untested | None |
Rob: Massacre of Chainsawness | robmassacreofchainsawness | Untested | None |
Robotragedy | robotragedy | Untested | None |
Robotragedy 2 | robotragedy2 | Untested | None |
Roccio Quest | roccioquest | Untested | None |
Rockabilly Kid | rockabillykid | Untested | None |
Rock Burgers & Tree Houses | rockburgerstreehouses | Untested | None |
Rock Paper Scissors Reboot | rockpaperscissors2 | Untested | None |
Rock Rock Rock | rockrockrock | Untested | None |
Rocky roams | rockyroams | Untested | None |
Rode Quest 2 | rodequest2 | Untested | None |
Rogue State | roguestate | Untested | Commercial game |
Ron- before the legacy | ronbeforethelegacy | Untested | None |
RON: Sixteen | ronsixteen | Untested | None |
RON: Time Out Intro | rontimeoutintro | Untested | None |
Room of fear | roomoffear | Untested | None |
Root of All Evil | rootofallevil | Untested | None |
Rosaura Docelestial: Rescue from Despair | rosauradocelestialrescuefromdespair | Untested | None |
RotN:Belusebius Arrival | rotnbelusebiusarrival | Untested | None |
Rowen Goes To Work | rowengoestowork | Untested | None |
rs15 | rs15 | Untested | None |
Rude Awakening | rudeawakening | Untested | None |
Runestones! | runestones | Untested | None |
Ryan's Day Out | ryansdayout | Untested | None |
Saddson Issein | saddsonissein | Untested | None |
Salazar's evil plan | salazarsevilplan | Untested | None |
The Samaritan Paradox | samaritan | Untested | Commercial game |
Sammy's Quest | sammysquest | Untested | None |
Santa Claus Down | santaclausdown | Untested | None |
Santas Sidekick | santassidekick | Untested | None |
Satan Quest | satanquest | Untested | None |
Satch's Quest | satchsquest | Untested | None |
Saturday School | saturdayschool | Untested | None |
Saw | saw | Untested | None |
Saw 2 | saw2 | Untested | None |
Scared Stiff a | scaredstiffa | Untested | None |
Scary Maze | scarymaze | Untested | None |
SchwarzWeissRot | schwarzweissrot | Untested | None |
Scnider | scnider | Untested | None |
Scythe Island | scytheisland | Untested | None |
Search for Sanity | searchforsanity | Untested | None |
Seashells | seashells | Untested | None |
Season Greetings 2002 | seasongreetings2002 | Untested | None |
Secret Quest Remake | secretquestremake | Untested | None |
Secrets | secrets | Untested | None |
seega16_engl_5 | seega16engl5 | Untested | None |
seegame15 | seegame15 | Untested | None |
Seven Doors | sevendoors | Untested | None |
Shades of Greye | shadesofgreye | Untested | None |
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Tech Demo) | shadowsoftheempire | Untested | None |
Shai-la du Sith : l'Enquete | shailadusithlenquete | Untested | None |
Shai-la of the Sith | shailaofthesith | Untested | None |
The Shawshank Redemption | shawshank | Untested | None |
SheepQuest | sheepquest | Untested | None |
Shem | shem | Untested | None |
Sherlock | sherlock | Untested | None |
Shifter's Box - Outside In | shiftersboxoutsidein | Untested | None |
Shivah | shivah | Untested | Commercial game |
Shoot | shoot | Untested | None |
Shoot my Valentine | shootmyvalentine | Untested | None |
ShortCut | shortcut | Untested | None |
Shrivel | shrivel | Untested | None |
Shunday | shunday | Untested | None |
Sierra Quest 1 - Roberta in Love | sierraquest1 | Untested | None |
Silent Knight | silentknight1 | Untested | None |
Silent Knight II | silentknight2 | Untested | None |
Simon the Sorcerer 3 | simonthesorcerer3 | Untested | None |
SimsHogwarts | simshogwarts | Untested | None |
Skippy Saves The Day | skippysavestheday | Untested | None |
Slay the Dragon | slaythedragon | Untested | None |
Slay the Dragon II | slaythedragon2 | Untested | None |
Slay the Dragon III | slaythedragon3 | Untested | None |
Sleepy Island | sleepyisland | Untested | None |
Slime-Quest for Pizza | slimequestforpizza | Untested | None |
A Sloth For Both Seasons | slothforseasons | Untested | None |
Slug Princess | slugprincess | Untested | None |
Second Moon Adventure Part 1 - Night | sma1 | Untested | None |
Second Moon Adventure Part 2 | sma2 | Untested | None |
Second Moon Adventure Part 3 - Rest In Peace | sma3 | Untested | None |
Second Moon Adventure Part 4 | sma4 | Untested | None |
Second Moon Adventure Part VI | sma6 | Untested | None |
Smiley's Quest | smileysquest | Untested | None |
Smiley's Quest 2 | smileysquest2 | Untested | None |
Smooth Hide | smoothhide | Untested | None |
SNAKE - a MAGS game | snakeamagsgame | Untested | None |
Snakes of Avalon | snakesofavalon | Untested | None |
Snakes on a plane! | snakesonaplane | Untested | None |
Sniper and spotter serving the motherland | sniperandspotterservingthemotherland | Untested | None |
May the Best Snowman Eat a Carrot | snowmaneatcarrot | Untested | None |
Snowy Adventures | snowyadventures | Untested | None |
Sonic and friends in: Club house | sonicandfriendsinclubhouse | Untested | None |
Sophia McGrath | sophiamcgrath | Untested | None |
Sosk | sosk | Untested | None |
The Soviet Union Strikes Back | sovietunionstrikesback | Untested | None |
Soviet Unterzoegersdorf | sovietunterzoegersdorf | Untested | None |
Soviet Unterzoegersdorf: Sector II | sovietunterzoegersdorf2 | Untested | None |
Space Freakers | spacefreakers | Untested | None |
Space Lynxes | spacelynxes | Untested | None |
Space Pirates | spacepirates | Untested | None |
Space Pool Alpha | spacepoolalpha | Untested | None |
Space Rangers | spacerangers | Untested | None |
Space Rangers Ep 52 | spacerangersep52 | Untested | None |
Space war | spacewar | Untested | None |
Spacewar episode 2( | spacewarepisode2strikba | Untested | None |
Spellbound | spellbound | Untested | None |
Spilakassinn | spilakassinn | Untested | None |
Spooks | spooks | Untested | None |
Spoons III - The Unauthorized Edition | spoonsiiitheunauthorizededition | Untested | None |
Spot The Difference | spottd_boyd | Untested | None |
Spot The Difference | spottd_captainid | Untested | None |
Sprouts of evil | sproutsofevil | Untested | None |
Space Quest for Glory | sq2fg | Untested | None |
Space Quest III VGA Preview | sq3vga | Untested | None |
Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco And The Voyage Home | sq45 | Untested | None |
Space Quest 5.5 | sq55 | Untested | None |
Space Quest Minus 1: Decisions of the Elders | sqdote | Untested | None |
Space Quest: Incinerations | sqinc | Untested | None |
SQ Kubik (Get ready?) | sqkubikgetready | Untested | None |
Space Quest Mania 1x1 | sqm11 | Untested | None |
Space Quest Mania 1x1 (Remake) | sqm11remake | Untested | None |
Space Quest Mania 1x2 | sqm12 | Untested | None |
Space Quest Mania 1x2 (Remake) | sqm12remake | Untested | None |
Space Quest Mania 1x3 | sqm13 | Untested | None |
Space Quest Mania 1x4 | sqm14 | Untested | None |
Space Quest Mania 1x5 | sqm15 | Untested | None |
Space Quest Mania 1x6 | sqm16 | Untested | None |
Space Quest: Planet of the Incredible Menace | sqpotim | Untested | None |
Space Quest Visual Novel | sqvn | Untested | None |
Space Quest: Vohaul Strikes Back | sqvsb | Untested | None |
SRAM 2 - Cinomeh's Revenge | sram2 | Untested | None |
Stable Pete and the Joust | stablepeteandthejoust | Untested | None |
Stair Quest | stairquest | Untested | None |
Stan Ames PI, Episode 1 | stanamespiepisode1 | Untested | None |
Stan's Revenge | stansrevenge | Untested | None |
Stargate Adventure | stargateadv | Untested | None |
Starship Caramba | starshipcaramba | Untested | None |
Starship Poseidon | starshipposeidon | Untested | None |
Starship Quasar | starshipquasar | Untested | None |
Start | start | Untested | None |
Star Trek: Newton (Part 1 - Anomaly) | startreknewton | Untested | None |
Stediddy IP1 - Employment | stediddyip1employment | Untested | None |
Stickmen I | stickmeni | Untested | None |
Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House | stickythestickfigurepart1thecrimsonhouse | Untested | None |
STRANDED | stranded | Untested | None |
Strangeland | strangeland | Untested | Commercial game |
Stranger | stranger | Untested | None |
Stranger in Stickworld | strangerinstickworld | Untested | None |
Stranger Things | strangerthings | Untested | None |
Suli Fallen Harmony | sulifallenharmony | Untested | None |
Sumatra: Fate of Yandi | sumatra | Untested | Commercial game |
Supa-EviL | supaevil | Untested | None |
Supergirl | supergirl | Untested | None |
Super Hammer Quest | superhammerquest | Untested | None |
Super Jazz Man | superjazzman | Untested | Commercial game |
Super Pitstop Racing | superpitstopracing | Untested | None |
Surreality | surreality | Untested | None |
Suspicious Mind | suspiciousmind | Untested | None |
Sweed | sweed | Untested | None |
Sword | sword | Untested | None |
Sydney Finds Employment | sydneyfindsemployment | Untested | None |
Sydney Treads the Catwalk | sydneytreadsthecatwalk | Untested | None |
Symploke. Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 1) | symploke1 | Untested | None |
Symploke: Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 2) | symploke2 | Untested | None |
Symploke: Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 3) | symploke3 | Untested | None |
A Tale of a Legacy | taleofalegacy | Untested | None |
Tales | tales | Untested | Commercial game |
Tales of Chickenry | talesofchickenry | Untested | None |
Tao | tao | Untested | None |
Tarthenia | tarthenia | Untested | None |
The BAD day in year | tbdiy | Untested | None |
Teamwork | teamwork | Untested | None |
Technobabylon | technobabylon | Untested | Commercial game |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Spheres | templeofspheres | Untested | None |
Tenhum's Tomb Part 1 | tenhumstombpart1 | Untested | None |
Terror of the Vampire! | terrorofthevampire | Untested | None |
Test | test | Untested | None |
test5 | test5 | Untested | None |
Text Parser Game | textparsergame | Untested | None |
The Fan Game - The Goonies | tfg-goonies | Untested | None |
The Fan Game - Ghostbusters and The Secret of Monkey Island | tfg-mi | Untested | None |
The Fan Game - The Pixel Has You - Disk 1 | tfg-pixel | Untested | None |
The Fan Game - Zak McKracken: A Mansion, a Meteor, and the Alien Mindbenders | tfg-zak2 | Untested | None |
Tales From The Outer Zone: Cyborg Seppuku | tftoz1 | Untested | None |
Tales From The Outer Zone: The Goat Crone | tftoz2 | Untested | None |
Tales From The Outer Zone: Fleshworms | tftoz3 | Untested | None |
ThatDay | thatday | Untested | None |
The 30 Minute War | the30minutewar | Untested | None |
The 7th Sense | the7thsense | Untested | None |
The Adventure of the Hero | theadventureofthehero | Untested | None |
The Adventures of Turquoise M | theadventuresofturquoisem | Untested | None |
The Antidote | theantidote | Untested | Commercial game |
The Assassin | theassassin | Untested | None |
The Awakening | theawakening | Untested | None |
The bad neighbours | thebadneighbours | Untested | None |
The Bar | thebar | Untested | None |
The Beard in the Mirror | thebeardinthemirror | Untested | Commercial game |
The Broken Brain | thebrokenbrain | Untested | None |
The Bunker | thebunker | Untested | None |
The Burn | theburn | Untested | None |
The cadaver synod | thecadaversynod | Untested | None |
The Can | thecan | Untested | None |
The Castle | thecastle | Untested | Commercial game |
The Cell | thecell | Untested | None |
The Chrysalis | thechrysalis | Untested | None |
The Crackwell Legacy | thecrackwelllegacy | Untested | None |
The Cube | thecube | Untested | None |
The Curious Silence | thecurioussilence | Untested | None |
The Curse of Life | thecurseoflife | Untested | None |
The Day Of Darkness | thedayofdarkness | Untested | None |
The Death of Luke Simpson | thedeathoflukesimpson | Untested | None |
The Devil's Shroud-part1 | thedevilsshroudpart1 | Untested | None |
The Digital Spell | thedigitalspell | Untested | None |
The Dusseldorf Conspiracy | thedusseldorfconspiracy | Untested | None |
The Dwarven Dagger of Blitz | thedwarvendaggerofblitz | Untested | None |
The Elevator | theelevator | Untested | None |
The Energizer | theenergizer | Untested | None |
The epic adventures | theepicadventures | Untested | None |
The Ever-Beginning Tale | theeverbeginningtale | Untested | None |
The Execution of Anne Boleyn | theexecutionofanneboleyn | Untested | None |
the farm | thefarm | Untested | None |
The Fickle Hands of Fate | theficklehandsoffate | Untested | None |
The Find | thefind | Untested | None |
The Gourmet | thegourmet | Untested | None |
The Great Casserole Caper | thegreatcasserolecaper | Untested | None |
The Great Stroke-Off! | thegreatstrokeoff | Untested | None |
The Grug Legends | thegruglegends | Untested | None |
The Hamlet | thehamlet | Untested | None |
The Haunted House | thehauntedhouse | Untested | None |
The Heist | theheist | Untested | None |
The Hobbit: Rise of the Dragon King | thehobbitriseofthedragonking | Untested | None |
The house that ate my soul | thehousethatatemysoul | Untested | None |
The hunt for Goldbeard | thehuntforgoldbeard | Untested | None |
The hunt for Shaun Binda | thehuntforshaunbinda | Untested | None |
The Hunt For Shaun Binda Deluxe Edition | thehuntforshaunbindadeluxeedition | Untested | None |
The Iraqi Paradox | theiraqiparadox | Untested | None |
The Jackyard | thejackyard | Untested | None |
The Journey Home | thejourneyhome | Untested | None |
The Journey of Iesir | thejourneyofiesir | Untested | None |
The Last Harvest | thelastharvest | Untested | None |
The Last Supper, A Whodunnit | thelastsupperawhodunnit | Untested | None |
The Lone Loser | theloneloser | Untested | None |
The Long Trip | thelongtrip | Untested | None |
The Majestic Conspiracy | themajesticconspiracy | Untested | None |
The Marionette | themarionette | Untested | None |
The McCarthy Chronicles Chapter 1 | themccarthychronicleschapter1 | Untested | None |
The McReed Case by TK | themcreedcasebytk | Untested | None |
The Mysteries of Stiego Moors | themysteriesofstiegomoors | Untested | None |
The Mystery of Haunted Hollow | themysteryofhauntedhollow | Untested | None |
The Netherworld | thenetherworld | Untested | None |
The Next Curse | thenextcurse | Untested | None |
The Oracle | theoracle | Untested | None |
The Paparazzi Prince; and the Quest for Headlines | thepaparazziprince | Untested | None |
The Park | thepark | Untested | None |
The Perfect Murder | theperfectmurder | Untested | None |
The Phantom Inheritance | thephantominheritance | Untested | None |
The Quest for the Holy Salsa | thequestfortheholysalsa | Untested | None |
The Quest To Zooloo | thequesttozooloo | Untested | None |
The Rail | therail | Untested | None |
Laura Bow in The Road to Murder | theroadtomurder | Untested | None |
The Robolovers | therobolovers | Untested | None |
The Rotary Club | therotaryclub | Untested | None |
The Search | thesearch | Untested | None |
The Secret of Chunky Salsa | thesecretofchunkysalsa | Untested | None |
The Secret of Golden River | thesecretofgoldenriver | Untested | None |
The Secret of Hutton Grammar School | thesecretofhuttongrammarschool | Untested | None |
The secret of Mount Monkey | thesecretofmountmonkey | Untested | None |
The Secret Plan 1 - Running to stand still | thesecretplan1runningtostandstill | Untested | None |
The Secrets of Jesus | thesecretsofjesus | Untested | Commercial game |
The Shaft | theshaft | Untested | None |
The Shortest Journey | theshortestjourney | Untested | None |
The Smallest Points | thesmallestpoints | Untested | None |
The Snaplock | thesnaplock | Untested | None |
The spoons | thespoons | Untested | None |
The Starry Sky Above Me | thestarryskyaboveme | Untested | None |
The String | thestring | Untested | None |
The Sundown mystery | thesundownmystery | Untested | None |
The Terrible Old Man | theterribleoldman | Untested | Commercial game |
The Tomb of the Moon | thetombofthemoon | Untested | None |
The Trap | thetrap | Untested | None |
The Treasured Medallion | thetreasuredmedallion | Untested | None |
The Treasure of Loch Inch | thetreasureoflochinch | Untested | None |
The Uncertainty Machine | theuncertaintymachine | Untested | None |
The Uplift Mofo Party Plan | theupliftmofopartyplan | Untested | None |
The Vacuum | thevacuum | Untested | None |
The Visitor 3 | thevisitor3 | Untested | None |
The Witch, ... | thewitch | Untested | None |
This Game | thisgame | Untested | None |
Three Guys Walk Into Heaven | threeguyswalkintoheaven | Untested | None |
Tile Puzzle Game | tilepuzzlegame | Untested | None |
Tiltor | tiltor | Untested | None |
Time Quest | timequest1 | Untested | None |
Time Quest 2 | timequest2 | Untested | None |
Timesink of Chronos | timesinkofchronos | Untested | None |
Time Stone | timestone | Untested | None |
Timothy Lande | timothylande | Untested | None |
TMNT: Turtles in Time | tmntturtlesintime | Untested | None |
Toffee Trouble | toffeetrouble | Untested | None |
Tomate un descanso | tomateundescanso | Untested | None |
Tom Hanks Away | tomhanksaway | Untested | None |
Too Many Kittens | toomanykittens | Untested | None |
Total Hangover ExtreamZz! | totalhangoverextreamzz | Untested | None |
tq | tq | Untested | None |
Trapped in a building | trappedinabuilding | Untested | None |
Trevor Daison in outer space | trevordaisoninouterspace | Untested | None |
Trex and Muscle SAM big trouble in SPF | trexandmusclesambigtroubleinspf | Untested | None |
Trilby's Notes | trilbysnotes | Untested | None |
Trilby: The Art Of Theft | trilbytheartoftheft | Untested | None |
Trivial Pass You It | trivialpassyouit | Untested | None |
Tube Rainbow | tuberainbow | Untested | None |
Tv? Br?der | tvbrder | Untested | None |
Twelve Thirteen, episode 1 | twelvethirteen | Untested | None |
Twelve Thirteen, episode 2 | twelvethirteenepisode2 | Untested | None |
Twelve Thirteen, episode 3 | twelvethirteenepisode3 | Untested | None |
Twelve Thirteen Special Edition | twelvethirteense | Untested | None |
Twenties Flappers vs The Mummy | twentiesflappersvsthemummy | Untested | None |
Two of a Kind | twoofakind | Untested | None |
Bob Smith and the Unsolved Case of Mystery | ucom | Untested | None |
Ugly Files | uglyfiles | Untested | None |
Ulitsa Dimitrova | ulitsadimitrova | Untested | None |
Unavowed | unavowed | Untested | Commercial game |
Unbound | unbound | Untested | None |
unfinished | unfinished | Untested | None |
UNGA needs MUMBA | unganeedsmumba | Untested | None |
Unintelligent Design | unintelligentdesign | Untested | None |
Un Profe | unprofe | Untested | None |
Until I Have You | untilihaveyou | Untested | Commercial game |
Update Quest | updatequest | Untested | None |
Utopia of Tyrant | utopiaoftyrant | Untested | None |
Vacation Quest... Thing | vacationquestthing | Untested | None |
Valhalla Extinction | valhallaextinction | Untested | None |
valis | valis | Untested | None |
van K. Airbreak | vankairbreak | Untested | None |
Vegetable Patch Extreem Turbo | vegetablepatchextreemturbo | Untested | None |
Veggie Tales 3D | veggietales3d | Untested | None |
Venator | venator | Untested | None |
Vengeance of the Chicken | vengeanceofthechicken | Untested | None |
Veteran shootout | veteranshootout | Untested | None |
Vic Wreckle's Halloween Costume | vicwreckleshalloweencostume | Untested | None |
Virtual Piano | virtualpiano | Untested | None |
Space Quest XII: Vohaul's Revenge II | vohaulsrevenge2 | Untested | None |
Voodoo Dave and the Tablecloth Mystery | voodoodave | Untested | None |
V P x T ! 2 ! | vpxt2 | Untested | None |
Waiting For the Loop | waitingfortheloop | Untested | Commercial game |
The Wacky World of Wally Weasel | wallyweasel | Untested | None |
Walters-Asteroid | waltersasteroid | Untested | None |
War Stars | warstars | Untested | None |
Washed Ashore | washedashore | Untested | None |
Washed Ashore Deluxe | washedashoredeluxe | Untested | None |
Wasted | wasted | Untested | None |
WATER QUEST | waterquest | Untested | None |
WCEdit... | wcedit | Untested | None |
We Are Vectors | wearevectors | Untested | None |
Welcome to Dark Lake | welcometodarklake | Untested | None |
Welcome to Sunny Munarvagir | welcometosunnymunarvagir | Untested | Commercial game |
WET | wet | Untested | None |
what! | what | Untested | None |
what is that thing | whatisthatthing | Untested | None |
What Linus Bruckman Sees | whatlinusbruckmansees | Untested | None |
Where Be Dragons? | wherebedragons | Untested | None |
Where did Sam go? | wheredidsamgo | Untested | None |
Where's M' Hat Ma? | wheresmhatma | Untested | None |
Who Killed Kenny Rogers | whokilledkennyrogers | Untested | None |
James Bond - Who wants to live again? | whowantstoliveagain | Untested | None |
Who wants to live forever? | whowantstoliveforever | Untested | None |
Williams Nightmare | williamsnightmare | Untested | None |
Willow House | willowhouse | Untested | None |
Winners Don't Do Drugs | winnersdontdodrugs | Untested | None |
Winter Rose | winterrose | Untested | None |
Witch | witch | Untested | None |
Witch Night | witchnight | Untested | None |
Witness! | witness | Untested | None |
Wizardhood | wizardhood | Untested | None |
Woo | woo | Untested | None |
Wooly Rockbottom | woolyrockbottom | Untested | None |
World of Warcraft Quest | worldofwarcraftquest | Untested | None |
Worm | worm | Untested | None |
Wrath of the Solonoids | wrathofthesolonoids | Untested | None |
Yoda | yoda | Untested | None |
Your late! | yourlate | Untested | None |
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders - repixeled | zakrepixeled | Untested | None |
Zniw Adventure | zniwadventure | Untested | Commercial game |
Zombie Attack | zombieattack | Untested | None |
Zombie Fish | zombiefish | Untested | None |
ZooReal | zooreal | Untested | None |
Zugzwang | zugzwang | Untested | None |
Unsupported games
The following games use an AGS version older than the 2.5 release and are not supported (yet).
Game Name | Target Name | Status | Remarks |
The 6 Day Assassin | 6da | Unsupported | None |
Aaron's Epic Journey | aaronsepicjourney | Unsupported | None |
Ace Duswell - Where's The Ace | aceduswell | Unsupported | None |
A Christmas Tale | achristmastale | Unsupported | None |
A Day In The Future | adayinthefuture | Unsupported | None |
Adventure Game | adventuregame | Unsupported | None |
ASAP Adventure | asapadventure | Unsupported | None |
Bert the Newsreader | bertthenewsreader | Unsupported | None |
Bob's Quest 2: The quest for the AGS Blue cup award | bobsquest2 | Unsupported | None |
Book of Spells 1 | bookofspells1 | Unsupported | None |
Book of Spells 2 | bookofspells2 | Unsupported | None |
Book of Spells 3 | bookofspells3 | Unsupported | None |
BLUECUP - on the run | bluecupontherun | Unsupported | None |
Calsoon | calsoon | Unsupported | None |
The Secret of Carver Island | carverisland1 | Unsupported | None |
Carver Island 2: Mrs. Rodriguez's Revenge | carverisland2 | Unsupported | None |
Chamber | chamber | Unsupported | None |
Compensation | compensation | Unsupported | None |
Darts | darts | Unsupported | None |
Demon Slayer 1 | demonslayer1 | Unsupported | None |
Demon Slayer 2 | demonslayer2 | Unsupported | None |
Demon Slayer 3 | demonslayer3 | Unsupported | None |
Demon Slayer 4 | demonslayer4 | Unsupported | None |
Deepbright | deepbright | Unsupported | None |
Dirk Chafberg | dirkchafberg | Unsupported | None |
Earwig Is Angry! | earwigisangry | Unsupported | None |
Eclair 1 | eclair1 | Unsupported | None |
Eclair 2 | eclair2 | Unsupported | None |
El Burro | elburro | Unsupported | None |
Ernie's Big Adventure | erniesbigadventure1 | Unsupported | None |
Ernie's Big Adventure 2 | erniesbigadventure2 | Unsupported | None |
Exile | exile | Unsupported | None |
Eyes of the Jade Sphinx | eyesofthejadesphinx | Unsupported | None |
Firewall | firewall | Unsupported | None |
Floyd | floyd | Unsupported | None |
Gaea Fallen | gaeafallen | Unsupported | None |
Gorther of the Cave People | gorthor | Unsupported | None |
Granny Zombiekiller in: Mittens Murder Mystery | grannyzombiekiller | Unsupported | None |
Greg's Mountainous Adventure | gregsmountainousadventure | Unsupported | None |
Mr. Grey's Greyt Adventure | greysgreytadv | Unsupported | None |
Hermit | hermit | Unsupported | None |
James Bondage | jamesbondage | Unsupported | None |
Jingle Bells | jinglebells | Unsupported | None |
Kidnapped | kidnapped | Unsupported | None |
Larry Vales: Traffic Division | larryvales1 | Unsupported | None |
Larry Vales II: Dead Girls are Easy | larryvales2 | Unsupported | None |
Larry Vales III: Time Heals All 'Burns | larryvales3 | Unsupported | None |
Lassi and Roger | lassi | Unsupported | None |
Lassi and Roger Meet God | lassiandrogermeetgod | Unsupported | None |
Lassi Quest I | lassiquest1 | Unsupported | None |
Little Jonny Evil | littlejonnyevil | Unsupported | None |
Little Willie | littlewillie | Unsupported | None |
VonLudwig | ludwig | Unsupported | None |
Lupo Inutile | lupoinutile | Unsupported | None |
Mafio | mafio | Unsupported | None |
Men In Brown | meninbrown | Unsupported | None |
Anton Ulvfot's Mid-Town Shootout | midtownshootout | Unsupported | None |
Monkey Island - Carnaval Vudu - Parte 1 - La Busqueda | micv | Unsupported | None |
Monkey Island - La Maldicion Vudu | mimv | Unsupported | None |
Monkey Island - La Venganza de Largo | mivl | Unsupported | None |
Mom's Quest | momsquest | Unsupported | None |
Monkey Plank | monkeyplank | Unsupported | None |
Moose Wars: Desire For More Cows | moosewars | Unsupported | None |
Murder | murder | Unsupported | None |
Nicholas Wolfe part I: Framed | nicholaswolfe1 | Unsupported | None |
Night of the Plumber | nightoftheplumber | Unsupported | None |
Novo Mestro | novomestro | Unsupported | None |
The Trials of Odysseus Kent | odysseus | Unsupported | None |
Permanent Daylight | permanentdaylight | Unsupported | None |
Perpetrator | perpetrator | Unsupported | None |
Pizza Quest | pizzaquest | Unsupported | None |
Point Blank | pointblank | Unsupported | None |
Porn Quest | pornquest | Unsupported | None |
Quest For Colours | qfc | Unsupported | None |
Quest for Glory 4 1/2 | qfg412 | Unsupported | None |
Racing Manager | racingmanager | Unsupported | None |
Raymond's Keys | raymondskeys | Unsupported | None |
Red | red | Unsupported | None |
Richard Longhurst and the Box That At | richardlonghurst | Unsupported | None |
Ricky Longhurst and the Box that Ate Time | rickylonghurst | Unsupported | None |
RIPP | ripp | Unsupported | None |
Rob Blanc I: Better Days of a Defender of the Universe | robblanc1 | Unsupported | None |
Rob Blanc II: Planet of the Pasteurised Pestilence | robblanc2 | Unsupported | None |
Rob Blanc III: The Temporal Terrorists | robblanc3 | Unsupported | None |
Rode Kill: A Day In the Life | rodekill | Unsupported | None |
Rode Quest | rodequest | Unsupported | None |
Rollinfoy | rollinfoy | Unsupported | None |
Sam The Pirate Monkey | samthepiratemonkey | Unsupported | None |
Slacker Quest | slackerquest | Unsupported | None |
Snail Quest | snailquest1 | Unsupported | None |
Snail Quest 2 | snailquest2 | Unsupported | None |
Snail Quest 3 | snailquest3 | Unsupported | None |
Sol | sol | Unsupported | None |
Space | space | Unsupported | None |
Stickmen | stickmen | Unsupported | None |
Superdisk | superdisk | Unsupported | None |
The Crown of Gold | thecrownofgold | Unsupported | None |
The Inexperienced Assassin | theinexperiencedassassin | Unsupported | None |
The Island | theisland | Unsupported | None |
Thendor | thendor | Unsupported | None |
The Tower | thetower | Unsupported | None |
The Warp | thewarp | Unsupported | None |
Tom Mato's Grand Wing-Ding | tommato | Unsupported | None |
Tullie's World 1: The Roving of Candale | tulliesworld1 | Unsupported | None |
TV Quest | tvquest | Unsupported | None |
Interface Show-off | uishowoff | Unsupported | None |
WaitKey(); | waitkey | Unsupported | None |
Winfry | winfry | Unsupported | None |