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Revision as of 19:09, 30 September 2021 by Tag2015 (talk | contribs) (tested games update)

Since some games feature DLLs that need to be re-implemented, games will need to be targeted on a case-by-case, feature-by-feature basis, this is a list of the games that are currently known to work (games using AGS versions prior to 2.5 currently aren't supported):

Required data files

For more information on how ScummVM uses game data files, see the user documentation.

The common needed files for AGS games are:

  • *.ags or *.exe
  • *.0??
  • *.vox (usually audio.vox, music.vox, and/or speech.vox)
  • *.tra (for the translations)
  • acsetup.cfg (contains the default game settings)

However, specific AGS games may also require a variety of extra files for fonts, data, and other things not embedded in the game itself. Note also that the ScummVM AGS engine does not support external plugins, so their files are not needed.

Tested games

Game Name Target Name Status Remarks
10 Ways from Sunday 10waysfromsunday Good Completable
1 day a mosquito 1dayamosquito Good Completable
46 Memory Lane 46memorylane Good Completable
5 Days A Stranger 5daysastranger Good
Abducted: 10 Minutes!!! abducted10mins Good Completable
Absurdistan absurdistan Good Completable
A Date in the Park adateinthepark Good Completable (Steam version). When examining a particular inventory item, text renders behind the picture and is unreadable
Adventures of Max Fax (episode 1) adventuresofmaxfaxepisode1 Good Completable
A Friend Indeed ... afriendindeed Good Completable
A Fragment of Her afragmentofher Good Completable
After a Shadow afterashadow Broken Crashes to debugger with ERROR: Unknown tag 'PrmL' found!
A G-G-Ghost! aggghost Good Top save/load menu bar is hard to open (pointer bounces back)
A Gunshot in Room 37 agunshotinroom37 Good Completable
Adventures in the Galaxy of Fantabulous Wonderment ainthegoffantabulousw Good
~airwave~ - I Fought the Law, And the Law One airwaveifoughtthelawandthelawone Good
A Landlord's Dream alandlordsdream Good Completable
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! aliencowrampage Good
All Pigs Deserve To Burn In Hell allpigs Good Completable
All Gone Soon allgonesoon Bugged Completable, but text looks "stretched" and hard to read
All The Way Down allthewaydown Broken Requires unsupported LUA plugin
Alone in the Night aloneinthenight Good Completable
Alum alum Good Overall slowness in scenes with heavy graphical effects
Among Thorns amongthorns Good Completable
An Eternity, Reflecting aneternityreflecting Good Completable. Some small graphical glitches
A Night That Wouldn't End anightthatwouldntend Good Completable
Annie Android: Automated Affection annieandroidautomatedaffection Good Completable
A Place In The Sun aplaceinthesun Good Completable
Aractaur aractaur Good Completable
Archeos archeos Good Completable
A Room Without You In It aroomwithoutyou Good Completable
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is watching Us asecondface Good Character spacing in texts is sometimes off
Astranded astranded Good Completable
Automation automation Good Completable
Awakener awakener Good Completable
A Walk in the Park awalkinthepark Good Completable
A Woman for All Seasons awomanforallseasons Good Completable
Back Door Man backdoorman Good Completable
Bart's Quest For TV bartsquestfortv Good Completable
Black Cauldron Remake bcremake Good
Beacon beacon Good Completable. Text renders behind the inventory window and is sometimes unreadable
Bear Story bear Broken Requires unsupported AGS_Collision_Detector plugin
Bear in Venice bearinvenice Good Completable
Beauties and Beasts beautiesandbeasts Good Completable
Before the Dark Crystal II beforethedarkcrystal2 Good
Ben There, Dan That! bentheredanthat Good
Bertha Butt's Boogie berthabuttsboogie Good Completable
Bic's Christmas Tale bicschristmastale Good Completable
Big Blue World Domination bigblue Good
Big Trouble in Little Imola bigtroubleinlittleimola Good
Billy Masters Was Right billymasterswasright Good Completable
Bitstream bitstream Good Completable
Biwa of Blood biwa Good Completable
Black Sect Remake blacksect Good
Black Sect 2: The Cursed Crypt blacksect2 Good
Blind to Siberia blindtosiberia Good Completable
Bog's Adventure in the Underworld bogsadventure Good
Breakage breakage Bugged General slowness. Text renders behind the inventory, so items descriptions can't be read
Breakdown breakdown Good Completable
Broken Windows - Chapter 1 brokenwindows1 Good Must "force text antialiasing" for popup textboxes to display properly
Brothers & Wreckers brotherswreckers Bugged Episode 1 is completable. Episode 7 crashes at the beginning. Must "force text antialiasing"
Bruce Quest: The Secrets of the Outback brucequest Good Completable
Back to the Future Part III - Timeline Of Monkey Island bttf3 Good
Back to the Future Part IV - The Multitasking Crystal bttf4 Good
Back to the Future Part V - Multidimensional Space-Timelines bttf5 Good
I'll Be Back to the Future With A Terminator bttfwat Good
Bubsy The Bobcat In Rip Van Bubsy Starring Bubsy bubsythebobcatinripvanbubsystarringbubsy Good
Buccaneer buccaneer Good Completable
Buna Wants Beer bunawantsbeer Good Completable
Bury Me in the Sand burymeinthesand Good
Bustin' the Bastille bustinthebastille Good Completable. Slow transitions and initial movie
Call Me George, Chapter 1: Prophecy callmegeorge1 Good Completable
Camp 1 camp1 Good Completable
Chronicles of Captain Cringe captaincringe Good Completable
Tropic of Capricorn capricorn Bugged Text spacing is wrong. Some dialogues unreadable
Cart Life cartlife Good
Casablanca The Day After casablancathedayafter Good Completable
Case Noir casenoir Good Completable. Must "force text antialiasing"
Cayanne Pepper cayannepepper Good
Cedric and the Revolution cedricandtherevolution Good
Chalk's Quest chalkquest Good Completable
Chance Of The Dead chanceofthedead Good Completable
The Charnel House Trilogy charnelhousetrilogy Good Completable
Chatroom chatroom Good
Cheerful Science cheerfulscience Good Completable
Chez Apa chezapa Good Completable
Chick Chaser chickchaser Good
Chronicle of Innsmouth chronicleofinnsmouth Good
Cirque de Zale cirquedezale Good Completable
Claire claire Good Completable
Class Notes classnotes Good Completable
Clip Goes to Town clipl2heblinna Good Completable
Clotilde Soffritti in Never Buy a Used Spaceship clotildesoffritti Good Completable
Colin Simpson Leaves Employment colinsimpsonleavesemployme Good Completable. Text is occasionally cut off
ColourWise colourwise Good
Conspiracy: Below-Zero conspiracybelowzero Good
Cougar's Quest for Freedom cougarsquestforfreedom Good Completable
Counterfeit counterfeit Good Completable
Coyote Episode I: The Mexican coyote1 Good Completable
Craft Of Evil craftofevil Good
Crave crave Good
Cryo cryo Good
Crypt crypt Good Completable
Cryptic cryptic Good
Crystal Quest crystalquest Good Completable
cyberJACK cyberjack Bugged Text is often partially or completely unreadable
Dacey in the Dark: Prelude daceyinthedark Broken Can't enter the code to solve the padlock puzzle
Dance Til' You Drop! dancetilyoudrop Good Completable
Dark of Night darkofnight Broken Runtime error when leaving the starting location
Dark Times (Merry Christmas) darktimesmerrychristmas Good Completable
David Letterman davidletterman Good
Day of the Fish dayofthefish Good Completable
Dead Dimension deaddimension Good Completable
Dead Pixels deadpixels Good Completable
Death and Transfiguration deathandtransfiguration Good Completable
Death's Door deathsdoor Good Completable
Death Wore Endless Feathers Disk 1 deathworeendlessfeathersdisk1 Broken Requires unsupported AGSTrans plugin
Demon Slayer 5 demonslayer5 Good Completable
Detective Gallo detectivegallo Bugged Seems to work properly, but very slow in scrolling scenes and screen transitions
Diamonds in the Rough diamondsintherough Broken Freezes during the introduction
Dinner for Pigeons dinnerforpigeons Good Completable
Dislocation dislocation Good Completable
Disquiet disquiet Good Completable
Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor donalddowell Good
Donna: Avenger of Blood donnaavengerofblood Broken Crashes to debugger with ERROR: Unknown tag 'PrmA' found!
Don't Ice Your Cool donticeyourcool Good Completable
Don't Worry, I'll Bring The Beer! dontworryillbringthebeer Good Completable
Doom - a Very Graphic Adventure doomgraphicadventure Good Completable
Downfall (2009) downfall2009 Broken Crashes to debugger soon after leaving the hotel
Downfall (2016) downfall2016 Broken GOG version crashes to debugger with ERROR: Only theora YUV420 is supported!, when starting a new game
Dreamagine dreamagine Good Completable
Dr.Lutz Time Travel Machine drlutztimetravelmachine Good Completable
Dumbass Drivers! dumbassdrivers Good
Dustbowl dustbowl Good
Dust to Water dusttowater Good Completable
Duty and Beyond dutyandbeyond Good
Dysmaton dysmaton Good Completable. Slowdowns in areas with graphical effects
A Golden Wake goldenwake Good some minor pathfinding issues
How Many howmany Good Minor audio glitch after intro
Indiana Jones and the Passage of Saints indypassageofsaints Good Completable
Indiana Jones and the Relic of the Viking indyrelicoftheviking Good Completable. Some annoying pathfinding issues
Kathy Rain kathyrain Good Some graphical glitches. Not confirmed as completable
King's Quest II: Romancing The Stones kq2agdi Good Artificing issue in intro
The Tale of Lonkey Island lonkeyisland Good Felt a bit slow at times. There may be some issue with the Wak-A-Rat mini game and with the language selection.
Lucas Maniac! lucasmaniac Good Inventory scrolling is clunky
Maniac Mansion Deluxe maniacmansiondeluxe Good Completable
Monkey Island 5: The Return of LeChuck mi5thereturnoflechuck Good Completable
Monkey Island: Bad Day to be Dead mibaddaytobedead Broken Crashes silently during the introduction. Videos don't work
Monkey Island: Carnival of the Damned micarnivalofthedamned Broken Won't start
Maniac Mansion Mania 001: Geschwisterliebe mmm1 Good Latest version is completable
Maniac Mansion Mania 002: Unruhen mmm2 Bugged Due to pathfinding bug, accessing the lower floor may require multiple clicks
Maniac Mansion Mania 008: Die Abfuhr mmm8 Bugged Due to pathfinding bug, accessing the lower floor may require multiple clicks
Maniac Mansion Mania 009: Radioaktiv mmm9 Bugged Due to pathfinding bug, accessing the lower floor may require multiple clicks
Maniac Mansion Mania 015: Ortmaschine mmm15 Good Completable
Maniac Mansion Mania 016: Meteor Family - Die Rückkehr des Meteoriten mmm16 Bugged Due to pathfinding bug, accessing the lower floor may require multiple clicks
Mord im Laufrad mordimlaufrad Good Completable
My Burden to Keep myburdentokeep Good
Off The Clock offtheclock Broken Won't start
Resonance resonance Good Completable. Scalers may interfere with ingame rain effects
Sepulchre sepulchre Good Completable
Shardlight shardlight Good First five minutes work fine
Space Quest II VGA sq2vga Good
Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco And The Voyage Home sq45 Good Completable
Space Quest Minus 1: Decisions of the Elders sqdote Good Completable
Space Quest - A Son of Xenon sqdote2 Good
Space Quest: Incinerations sqinc Good Completable
Space Quest: Vohaul Strikes Back sqvsb Good Completable
Suspicious Mind suspiciousmind Good Completable. Must "force text antialiasing"
The Adventures of Fatman theadventuresoffatman Good
The Cat Lady thecatlady Bugged GOG version is extremely slow. Keystrokes often undetected. Almost unplayable
Time Gentlemen, Please timegentlemenplease Good Some graphical issues Bugreport
Urban Witch Story urbanwitchstory Good
Whispers of a Machine whispersofamachine Bugged Multiple graphics issues. Uses a modified AGS interpreter. Bugreport
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders - repixeled zakrepixeled Good
The New Adventures of Zak McKracken zak2 Broken Uses custom resources and interpreter. Bugreport

Untested games

The following games could work but are still untested. Feel free to try any of the games in this list and then report your findings.

Game Name Target Name Status Remarks
1213 Episode 1 1213 Untested None
15 Minutes 15minutes Untested None
2034 A.C. (After Canada) 2034acaftercanada1 Untested None
2034 A.C. (After Canada) II 2034acaftercanada2 Untested None
24 Hours 24hours Untested None
3 GEEKS 3geeks Untested Commercial game
3 piggies Alpha 3piggiesalpha Untested None
4 of Clubs 4ofclubs Untested None
5-O'clock Lock 5oclocklock Untested None
6 Days A Sacrifice 6daysasacrifice Untested None
6mornings 6mornings Untested None
7 Days A Skeptic 7daysaskeptic Untested None
9 Months In 9monthsin Untested None
Aazor aazor Untested None
Abducted abducted Untested None
Abduction abduction Untested None
A Better Mouse Trap abettermousetrap Untested None
Absent absent Untested None
Absent - Part I absentpart1 Untested None
Access access Untested None
Ace King aceking Untested None
Ace Quest acequest Untested None
Achar Chronicles: Oblitus acharchronicles Untested None
Ache Quest achequest Untested None
A Christmas Blunder achristmasblunder Untested None
A Christmas Wish achristmaswish Untested None
ACIDDD aciddd Untested None
A Cure for the Common Cold acureforthecommoncold Untested None
A Day with Michael adaywithmichael Untested None
Adventure: All In The Game advallinthegame Untested None
Adventure Quest adventurequest Untested None
Adventure Quest 2 adventurequest2 Untested None
Adventures of Josh and Dyan adventuresofjoshanddyan Untested None
Adventures of Princess Marian adventuresofprincessmarian Untested None
Adventure: The Inside Job adventuretheinsidejob Untested None
Adventure: Welcome to the Game advwelcome Untested None
Aerinde aerinde Untested None
AeroNuts aeronuts Untested None
Afro Jones afrojones Untested None
Agent Hudson agenthudson Untested None
Agent Trinity - Episode 0 - The Ultimatum agenttrinityepisode0theultimatum Untested None
Agitprop agitprop Untested None
Agnostic Chicken agnosticchicken Untested None
AGS Awards 2008 Ceremony agsawards2008ceremony Untested None
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 agsawards2020 Untested None
AGS Darts agsdarts Untested None
AGS Invaders agsinvaders Untested None
AGS JukeBox agsjukebox Untested None
AGS Magus agsmagus Untested None
AGS MI3 ags-mi3 Untested None
AGS Mittens Shooter agsmittensshooter Untested None
AGS Module Tester agsmoduletester Untested None
AGS Yahtzee 2 agsyahtzee2 Untested None
AGS Yathzee agsyathzee Untested None
Ahmet's AGS Fight Game Remix ahmetsagsfightgameremix Untested None
Aida's Strange Christmas aidaschristmas Untested None
Airbreak airbreak Untested None
Akumayo's AGS Chess 2.75 akumayosagschess275 Untested None
Alan saves Christmas (and most of the world too) alansaveschristmas Untested None
Alba the Explorer albatheexplorer Untested None
Al Emmo And The Lost Dutchman's Mine alemmo Untested Commercial game
Al Emmo's Postcards from Anozira alemmoanozira Untested Commercial game
Alien Attack alienattack Untested None
Alien Carniage aliencarniage Untested None
Alien Puzzle Invasion alienpuzzleinvasion Untested None
Alien Rape Escape alienrapeescape Untested None
Alien Threat alienthreat Untested None
Alien Time Zone alientimezone Untested None
All Gone Soon 2 allgonesoon2 Untested None
Alpha Dog alphadog Untested None
Alpha X alphax Untested None
Al-Quest 1 alquest1 Untested None
Alys vs. The Phantom Feline Foe alysvsthephantomfelinefoe Untested None
A magic stone amagicstone Untested None
Amotos Puf amotospuf Untested None
AMTAG amtag Untested None
A-Mused amused Untested None
An Alien's Work Is Never Done... analienswork Untested None
Ancient Aliens - The Roots of Sound ancientaliens Untested None
A Night to Remember anighttoremember Untested None
Anna anna Untested None
A Noble Game anoblegame Untested None
Anthony's Essay anthonysessay Untested None
Anticipating Murder anticipatingmurder Untested None
Anti-Heroes antiheroes Untested None
A pirates tale apiratestale Untested None
A Place Without Frontier aplacewithoutfrontier Untested None
The Apotheosis Project apotheosis Untested Commercial game
Apprentice apprentice Untested None
Apprentice 2 apprentice2 Untested None
A Profound Journey aprofoundjourney Untested None
Arden's Vale ardensvale Untested None
Ardent Fever ardentfever Untested None
Are we there yet? arewethereyet Untested None
Armageddon Margaret armageddonmargaret Untested None
A Short Nightmare ashortnightmare Untested None
A Simple Fix asimplefix Untested None
Asporia asporia Untested None
Asterix asterix Untested None
Astroloco: Worst Contact astroloco Untested Commercial game
Astron astron Untested None
Aswin's Dream aswindream Untested None
A Tainted Treat ataintedtreat Untested None
A Tale Of Betrayal ataleofbetrayal Untested None
Atapi atapi Untested None
A Tale Of Two Kingdoms atotk Untested None
A Tale of Two Kingdoms: Deluxe Edition atotkdeluxe Untested Commercial game
ATOTK jukebox atotkjukebox Untested None
A Treat and Some Tricks atreatandsometricks Untested None
Au Naturel aunaturel Untested None
A very special dog averyspecialdog Untested None
Awakening awakening Untested None
Awakening of the Sphinx awakeningofthesphinx Untested None
A walk in da tomb awalkindatomb Untested None
Away in a Tower awayinatower Untested None
A Xmas Eve Tale axmasevetale Untested None
Bad Bunker badbunker Untested None
BAD LUCK badluck Untested None
Baldy's Adventure baldysadventure Untested None
Baltazar the Familiar baltazarthefamiliar Untested None
Banana Man bananaman Untested None
Banana Racer bananaracer Untested None
Barn Dilemma barndilemma Untested None
Barn Runner Visual Novel 1: The Mayor's New Dress barnrunner1 Untested None
Barn Runner 5 (Part 1) barnrunner5part1 Untested None
Barn Runner 5 (Part 2) barnrunner5part2 Untested None
Barn Runner: Holiday 2 barnrunnerholiday2 Untested None
Battle Warriors battlewarriors Untested None
Beasts beasts Untested None
Beer! beer Untested Commercial game
Below Zero belowzero Untested None
besieged besieged Untested None
Bestowers of Eternity bestowersofeternity Untested None
Between the Pillars of Creation betweenpillars Untested None
Beyond Reality beyondreality Untested None
BEYOND TERROR beyondterror Untested None
Beyond the horizon beyondthehorizon Untested None
Big Bad Wolf & 3 Lil' Piggies bigbadwolf3lilpiggies Untested None
Biggles On Mars bigglesonmars Untested None
Billy Boy's Important Wine Lottery billyboysimportantwinelottery Untested None
Billy B. Star and the Lapaset Travel Quest billybstar Untested None
Billy Goats Gruff billygoatsgruff Untested None
Bioluminescence bioluminescence Untested None
Birdy birdy Untested None
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 1 bjcase1 Untested None
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 2 bjcase2 Untested None
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 3 bjcase3 Untested None
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 4 bjcase4 Untested None
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 5 bjcase5 Untested None
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 6 bjcase6 Untested None
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 7 bjcase7 Untested None
Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator Case 8 bjcase8 Untested None
Blackmail In Brooklyn blackmailinbrooklyn Untested None
Black Morph blackmorph Untested None
Blackudder: To Doubloon or not to Doubloon blackuddertodoubloonornottodoubloon Untested None
The Blackwell Legacy blackwell1 Untested Commercial game
Blackwell Unbound blackwell2 Untested Commercial game
The Blackwell Convergence blackwell3 Untested Commercial game
The Blackwell Deception blackwell4 Untested Commercial game
The Blackwell Epiphany blackwell5 Untested Commercial game
Blue Moon bluemoon Untested None
Board Quest boardquest Untested None
BOB bob Untested None
Bob en cavale bobencavale Untested None
Bob Goes Home bobgoeshome Untested None
Bob Goes Home Deluxe bobgoeshomedeluxe Untested None
Bob's Quest 1 bobsquest1 Untested None
Boogie Bum's Roger Quest boogiebum Untested None
Boom boom Untested None
Bowser Quirk Quest bowserquirkquest Untested None
Box box Untested None
Boxfight boxfight Untested None
Boy in da hood boyindahood Untested None
Brad Bradson: Key Quest bradbradsonkeyquest Untested None
Broken Windows - Chapter 2 brokenwindows2 Untested None
Broken Windows - Chapter 3 brokenwindows3 Untested None
BSG78 - Unexpected at the Rising Star bsg78unexpectedattherisingstar Untested None
BTD btd Untested None
Bullet Train bullettrain Untested None
BunnyQuest bunnyquest Untested None
Butcher Stanys butcherstanys Untested None
By the Sword: Conspiracy bytheswordconspiracy Untested None
Cabbage Quest cabbagequest Untested None
CALEB'S DRUNKEN ADVENTURE calebsdrunkenadventure Untested None
Calsoon 2 calsoon2 Untested None
Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots captaindisaster Untested Commercial game
Captain Disaster In: The Dark Side of the Moon captaindisastermoon Untested None
Carrin carrin Untested None
Carrot Bob in ZX speccy world carrotbobinzxspeccyworld Untested None
Castle of Fire castleoffire Untested None
Catacombic catacombic Untested None
CATapault catapault Untested None
Celtic Chaos 2 - Fishermen's fiends celticchaos2fishermensfiends Untested None
Charamba, Chapter 2: Hallowe'en charamba2 Untested None
Charlie Foxtrot charliefoxtrot Untested None
cheKKen chekken Untested None
Chemin chemin Untested None
Chicken chicken Untested None
Chicken Fraction chickenfraction Untested None
Chinese Checkers chinesecheckers Untested None
Christmas Present christmaspresent Untested None
Christmas Quest christmasquest Untested None
Christmas Quest 2 christmasquest2 Untested None
Christmas Quest 3: Santa's Little Helpdesk christmasquest3 Untested None
City of Thieves: Rescue Sandy cityofthieves Untested None
Clown at the Circus clownatthecircus Untested None
Club of Evil clubofevil Untested None
Coel Decka Flight Game coeldeckaflightgame Untested None
Coin Rush 2 coinrush2 Untested None
Colour Clash colourclash Untested None
ColourWise - Level Editor colourwiseleveleditor Untested None
Columbus Lander columbuslander Untested None
Comedy Quest comedyquest Untested None
Comrade Citizen (part 1) comradecitizenpart1 Untested None
Confessions Of A Cat Burglar confessionsofacatburglar Untested None
Conspiracy of Songo conspiracyofsongo Untested None
Constance the Barbarian constancethebarbarian Untested None
Corner's Shiny (2013 edition) cornersshiny Untested None
Cosmos cosmos Untested None
Cosmos Quest I cosmosquest1 Untested None
Cosmos Quest II cosmosquest2 Untested None
Cosmos Quest III cosmosquest3 Untested None
Coup de Cup coupdecup Untested None
cow cow Untested None
Crankosaurus Prime and the Blue Crystal Pursuit crankosaurus Untested None
Crash! Evade! Destroy! crashevadedestroy Untested None
Crystal Shard Adventure Bundle crystalshardadventurebundle Untested Commercial game
CSI Hunt 1 csihunt1 Untested None
CSPB cspb Untested None
Cuentos Inconclusos cuentosinconclusos Untested None
Dakota dakota Untested None
Daleks daleks Untested None
Dale's Film Quest dalesfilmquest Untested None
Damsel damsel Untested None
Da New Guys danewguys Untested None
Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass danewguys2 Untested Commercial game
DangerousLands Tournament+RPG dangerouslandstournamentrpg Untested None
Danny Dread is On Call dannydreadisoncall Untested None
Dark Cave darkcave Untested None
Darum darum Untested None
Dave Generic davegeneric Untested None
Dawns Wondered: At Age's End dawnswonderedatagesend Untested None
DDDDD ddddd Untested None
Dead Hand deadhand Untested None
Dead Meat deadmeat Untested None
Dead of Winter deadofwinter Untested None
Death of an Angel deathofanangel Untested None
Death's Quest deathsquest Untested None
Demo Game demogame Untested None
Demon Day demonday Untested None
Der verschwundene Husky derverschwundenehusky Untested None
Detention detention Untested None
DevochkaQuest devochkaquest Untested None
DG: search of the batterie dgsearchofthebatterie Untested None
Die Masken Nyarlathoteps diemaskennyarlathoteps Untested None
Doc Apocalypse docapocalypse Untested Commercial game
DOCTOR MAZE doctormaze Untested None
Doctor Muttonchop doctormuttonchop Untested None
Donnie Darko - The Adventure Game donniedarko Untested None
Don Spillacy Conspiracy Quest donspillacyconspiracyquest Untested None
Don the Dweeb: Dance Dilemma donthedweebdancedilemma Untested None
DoVaDuLa'S BuRn dovadulasburn Untested None
Dragon Orb dragonorb Untested None
DragonTales dragontales Untested None
Dread Mac Farlane dreadmacfarlane Untested None
Dread Mac Farlane 2 dreadmacfarlane2 Untested None
Dreamer dreamer Untested None
dream sequence dreamsequence Untested None
Dungeon Hands dungeonhands Untested None
Dusk Hunters duskhunters Untested None
DuzzQuest duzzquest Untested None
DuzzQuest2 duzzquest2 Untested None
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo earlbobbyislookingforaloo Untested None
Earl Bobby is looking for his Shoes earlbobbyislookingforhisshoes Untested None
Earl Bobby's Balls earlbobbysballs Untested None
Earl Mansin: The Breakout earlmansinthebreakout Untested None
Earthling Priorities earthlingpriorities Untested None
Easter Island Defender easterislanddefender Untested None
Easy3D easy3d Untested None
Echoes of Terra echoesofterra Untested None
Edmund edmund Untested None
Educating Adventures of Girl and Rabbit educatingadventuresofgirlandrabbit Untested None
Eerie Blue eerieblue Untested None
Einstein Machine einsteinmachine Untested None
electrctGUI electrctgui Untested None
Elevator elevator Untested None
Elfer elfer Untested None
Elf Motors Inc. elfmotorsinc Untested None
ELFO: RESCUE CRABY elforescuecraby Untested None
Elimination by Improvisation eliminationbyimprovisation Untested None
Emerald Eyes emeraldeyes Untested None
Emily Enough emilyenough Untested None
Emma Rode emmarode Untested None
Empty Mind - Blank Fate emptymindblankfate Untested None
Enoworld enoworld Untested None
Enter The Story enterthestory Untested None
Equilibrium equilibrium Untested None
Eric the Anteater erictheanteater Untested None
Erk: Adventures in Stoneage Real Estate erkadventuresinstoneagerealestate Untested None
Errand errand Untested None
Escape escape Untested None
Escape From a Small Room escapefromasmallroom Untested None
Escape From Evergreen Forest escapefromevergreenforest Untested None
Escape from Lurrilous escapefromlurrilous Untested None
Escape From The Salem Moons escapefromthesalemmoons Untested None
Escape From The Zombie City escapefromthezombiecity Untested None
Escape the ship escapetheship Untested None
ESPER esper Untested None
Eternally Us eternallyus Untested None
Event Timer eventtimer Untested None
Evil Dead 4 evildead4 Untested None
! exclamation Untested None
Exit exit Untested None
Fading Shades fadingshades Untested None
Fake the moon landing fakethemoonlanding Untested None
Falcon City falconcity Untested Commercial game
Fallen Angel fallenangel Untested None
fallen soldier fallensoldier Untested None
Der neue Wahnsinn der Familie Herfurth familieherfurth Untested None
Fanbots fanbots Untested None
The Far Corners of the World farcorners Untested None
FAR NOWHERE farnowhere Untested None
Fasmo! fasmo Untested None
Fasmo Goes West fasmogoeswest Untested None
Faye King: Jungle Jeopardy fayeking Untested None
FBI Quest fbiquest Untested None
FEARAPHOBIA fearaphobia Untested None
Featherweight featherweight Untested None
FemSpray femspray Untested None
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception fengshuiandtheartoftvreception Untested None
Feria d'Arles feriadarles Untested Commercial game
Feuersturm - Kapitel 1 feuersturmkapitel1 Untested None
Feuersturm - Kapitel 2 feuersturmkapitel2 Untested None
Feuersturm - Kapitel 3 feuersturmkapitel3 Untested None
Fhaloness fhaloness Untested None
Fifa2003Pro fifa2003pro Untested None
Fight Game fightgame Untested None
Firefly story 3D fireflystory3d Untested None
Flame Barrel flamebarrel Untested None
Flashbax flashbax Untested None
flowergirl flowergirl Untested None
Flux World fluxworld Untested None
Football Game footballgame Untested Commercial game
Force majeure II: The Zone forcemajeureiithezone Untested None
FOR FROGS SAKE! GET THE FROG OUT! forfrogssakegetthefrogout Untested None
Forge forge Untested None
Forgetten Death forgettendeath Untested None
Fortress of Wonders fortressofwonders Untested None
Foundations foundations Untested None
Fountain of Unicorns fountainofunicorns Untested None
Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth fountainofyouth Untested None
Framed! framed Untested None
Frankenpooper frankenpooper Untested None
Frank the Farmhand Part 1 frankthefarmhandpart1 Untested None
Frank the Farmhand Part 2 frankthefarmhandpart2 Untested None
Frantic Franko: A Bergzwerg Gone Berserk franticfrankoabergzwerggoneberserk Untested None
Frasier Crane: Seattle Rampage frasiercraneseattlerampage Untested None
Fred and Barney meet the future fredandbarneymeetthefuture Untested None
Fribbeldib fribbeldib Untested None
Frog Island frogisland Untested None
FSi's $1000000 Quest! fsis1000000quest Untested None
FSi's Alienation! fsisalienation Untested None
FSi's CotMATtCEHotSVD fsiscotmattcehotsvd Untested None
FSi's MHCFHR! fsismhcfhr Untested None
FSi's POWERCOW FROM URANUS! fsispowercowfromuranus Untested None
fulk in the dreamt haus fulkinthedreamthaus Untested None
Fun, Sun & Mishaps funsunmishaps Untested None
Fun With Numbers funwithnumbers Untested None
GabyKing gabyking Untested None
GAMES GALORE gamesgalore Untested None
Gasse Suit Tollis 3 gassesuittollis3 Untested None
Gateway Remake gatewayremake Untested None
Gemini Rue geminirue Untested Commercial game
Genbu genbu Untested None
Geometric Shapes 1: Circleboy geometricshapes1circleboy Untested None
Gesundheit! gesundheit Untested None
Get away from PLUTO getawayfrompluto Untested None
Get food getfood Untested None
Ghostdream ghostdream Untested Commercial game
Ghost Voyage ghostvoyage Untested None
Glitch Quest glitchquest Untested None
Glitch Quest (nofun) glitchquestnofun Untested None
Gnome's Homebrewing Adventure gnomeshomebrewingadventure Untested None
Gnrblex_AGS gnrblexags Untested None
Gone Boat Fishin' goneboatfishin Untested None
Good Man goodman Untested None
Good Morning, Mr. Gingerbread! goodmorningmrgingerbread Untested None
Good Santa, Bad Santa goodsantabadsanta Untested None
Got a Light? gotalight Untested None
G P's Lost Adventure gpslostadventure Untested None
Graveyard graveyard Untested None
Gremlin gremlin Untested None
Grizzly Goose of Gosse grizzlygooseofgosse Untested None
Grok grok Untested None
Grr! grr Untested None
Guard Duty guardduty Untested Commercial game
Guardians of Gold guardiansofgold Untested None
Guy Slug guyslug Untested None
Guyver Quest I: Sho Adventure guyverquest1 Untested None
Guyver Quest II: Cronos guyverquest2 Untested None
G-ville 1 gville1 Untested None
Hack hack Untested None
Halloween halloween Untested None
Halloween Horror halloweenhorror Untested None
Hallway of Adventures hallwayofadventures Untested None
Hang On hangon Untested None
Hansen Hotel hansenhotel Untested None
Happy Duckie Adventure happyduckieadventure Untested None
Hard Space: Conquest of the Gayliks hardspaceconquestofthegayliks Untested None
Harry's 21st Birthday harrys21stbirthday Untested None
Haven - The Small World haventhesmallworld Untested None
Heartland heartland Untested None
Heartland Deluxe heartlanddeluxe Untested None
Heatwave heatwave Untested None
Heavy Metal Nannulf: The Strange Stage heavymetalnannulfthestrangestage Untested None
Heed heed Untested None
HELP! the game helpthegame Untested None
Henk Stroem Lost In Cellar henkstroemlostincellar Untested None
Hen Man henman Untested None
Herby herby Untested None
Herd is Coming herdiscoming Untested Commercial game
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok heroinesquest Untested None
He's Gone Historical hesgonehistorical Untested None
H2G2: Towel Day hhgtgtowelday Untested None
Hidden Plains hiddenplains Untested None
Hidden Treasure: Ryan's Fortune hiddentreasureryansfortune Untested None
Hide hide Untested None
Hilia Derole against Hell hiliaderoleagainsthell Untested None
Him him Untested None
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Remake hitchhikersguidetothegalaxyremake Untested None
Hit the Freak hitthefreak Untested None
HLoBB hlobb Untested None
Hood hood Untested None
Hope hope Untested None
Horse Park DeLuxe horseparkdeluxe Untested None
Horse Park Fantasy horseparkfantasy Untested None
Hotel hotel Untested None
Hotel Hijinks hotelhijinks Untested None
House of Horror houseofhorror Untested None
How They Found Silence howtheyfoundsilence Untested None
Huong Jiao Ping huongjiaoping Untested None
Huxz Adventure huxzadventure Untested None
Hyde and Seek hydeandseek Untested None
IAMJASON iamjason Untested None
iD id Untested None
I forgot... iforgot Untested None
IGS igs Untested None
IIISpy iiispy Untested None
IlluminationDiminishing illuminationdiminishing Untested None
I'm not crazy, right? - The Cell imnotcrazyrightthecell Untested None
I'm not crazy, right? - The Well imnotcrazyrightthewell Untested None
Indiana Rodent and the Raiders of the Lost Cheese indianarodent Untested None
Indiana Jones - Coming of Age indycomingofage Untested None
IndyCoS - Italian ver indycositalianver Untested None
Indiana Jones and the Passage of Saints indypassageofsaints Untested None
Infection_Ep_II infectionep2 Untested None
Infection I - The ship infectionitheship Untested None
Inferno inferno Untested None
Infinite Monkeys infinitemonkeys Untested None
Inside Monkey Island insidemonkeyisland Untested None
Inside Monkey Island: 2nd chapter insidemonkeyisland2 Untested None
Inspector Gismoe inspectorgismoe Untested None
Integer Battleship integerbattleship Untested None
Intergalactic Space Pancake! intergalacticspacepancake Untested None
Into The Light intothelight Untested None
Invincible Island invincibleisland Untested None
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers ioawn4t Untested None
ISN: Kill! isnkill Untested None
ISOS isos Untested None
It's a Bugs Life itsabugslife Untested None
I walked a path iwalkedapath Untested None
I want out! iwantout Untested None
IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! iwwhiiwwhitomirotpgthegame Untested None
Jacob jacob Untested None
Jacqueline White - Curse of the Mummies jacquelinewhitecurseofthemummies Untested None
James Bond jamesbond Untested None
James in Neverland jamesinneverland Untested None
James Peris jamesperis Untested None
James Peris 2 jamesperis2 Untested None
Javelin Catch javelincatch Untested None
Jimm's Quest III jimmsquest3 Untested None
Jimmy's Day jimmysday Untested None
Jimmy The Troublemaker jimmythetroublemaker Untested None
Joe's Horrible Hell joeshorriblehell Untested None
Joe's Miserable Life joesmiserablelife Untested None
John Harris and the Treasure of the Pharaoh johnharris Untested None
John Jebediah Gun e l'Isola di Sepheret johnjebediahgunelisoladisepheret Untested None
John Lost his key johnlosthiskey Untested None
Johnny_Rocket johnnyrocket Untested None
John Sinclair - Voodoo in London johnsinclair Untested None
Jonny Smallvalley jonnysmallvalley Untested None
Jorry jorry Untested None
Julius Dangerous 2 juliusdangerous2 Untested None
Julius Dangerous .. and the space invaders juliusdangerousandthespaceinvaders Untested None
Just Another Point n Click Adventure justanotherpointnclickadventure Untested None
Just Ignore Them justignorethem Untested Commercial game
Just Ignore Them (Remake) justignorethemremake Untested Commercial game
Kanji Gakusei kanjigakusei Untested None
Kart-Quest kartquest Untested None
Keptosh I keptoshi Untested None
Keys keys Untested None
Killer Eye killereye Untested None
Kill Joseda killjoseda Untested None
Kill The Lights killthelights Untested None
Kill Yourself killyourself Untested Commercial game
Kingdom Legends kingdomlegends Untested None
King's Quest for Orgy kingsquestfororgy Untested None
Kinky Island kinkyisland Untested None
Knight Quest for Golden Ring knightquestforgoldenring Untested None
Knight's Quest III knightsquest3 Untested None
Knight's Quest IV knightsquest4 Untested None
The Knobbly Crook knobblycrook Untested None
Kod Durova koddurova Untested None
Koffee Krisis koffeekrisis Untested None
Koschei The Immortal koscheitheimmortal Untested None
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown Remake kq1agdi Untested None
King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is Human kq3agdi Untested None
Kings Quest III+ kq3plus Untested None
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human VGA Remake kq3vga Untested None
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella Retold kq4retold Untested None
Kristmas Krisis kristmaskrisis Untested None
KTX-1 ktx1 Untested None
Kuma Story kumastory Untested None
Labor labor Untested None
Lab Rat Escape labratescape Untested None
Labyrinth labyrinth Untested None
La Cicuta1 lacicuta1 Untested None
La Croix Pan lacroixpan Untested None
L'Affaire Aspirox laffaireaspirox Untested None
La Gran Castanya lagrancastanya Untested None
LA LLAVE Y FABIAN SHONES lallaveyfabianshones Untested None
Lamplight City lamplightcity Untested Commercial game
La Odisea del Fracaso II laodiseadelfracaso2 Untested None
La porte noire laportenoire Untested None
Larry Lotter and the Test of Time // aka Warthogs larrylotter Untested None
Last'n'Furious lastnfurious Untested None
Laundry Day laundryday Untested None
Lava Blava lavablava Untested None
Lazarus Wants Pants lazaruswantspants Untested None
LazyTown: The New Kid lazytownthenewkid Untested None
LB: Story of Cedrick DUSCE! lbstoryofcedrickdusce Untested None
LeChuck Stories lechuckstories Untested None
Legend of Hand legendofhand Untested Commercial game
Legend of Rovendale legendofrovendale Untested None
Legend of Seth the Bard legendofseththebard Untested None
Legends of Mardaram legendsofmardaram Untested None
Leisure Suit Larry 2 - Point and Click leisuresuitlarry2 Untested None
Leisure Suit Larry: L i L leisuresuitlarrylil Untested None
Les Miserables lesmiserables Untested None
Less Than Three lessthanthree Untested None
Les Survivants lessurvivants Untested None
Lichdom - Where's did I put that... lichdomwheresdidiputthat Untested None
Life life Untested None
Lifeboat: Story of Cedrick lifeboatstoryofcedrick Untested None
Life of D. Duck lifeofdduck Untested None
Life of D. Duck II lifeofdduck2 Untested None
Lif Treasure of the Tanones liftreasureofthetanones Untested None
AGS Cycles lightcycles Untested None
Lightning Master lightningmaster Untested None
Like a Fox! likeafox Untested None
Limbo limbo Untested None
Limey Lizard: Waste Wizard limeylizardwastewizard Untested None
LitN Unforgettable Memories litnunforgettablememories Untested None
Little Girl in Underland littlegirlinunderland Untested None
Living Nightmare Deluxe livingnightmaredeluxe Untested None
Living Nightmare: Endless Dream livingnightmareendlessdream Untested None
Living Nightmare: Freedom livingnightmarefreedom Untested None
Locked Out lockedout Untested None
Loftus and the Sky Cap loftusandtheskycap Untested None
LoneCase lonecase Untested None
Lone Case 2 lonecase2 Untested None
LoneCase3:Showdown lonecase3showdown Untested None
Lonely night lonelynight Untested None
Long expected Friday longexpectedfriday Untested None
Loom II: Return of the Swans loomiireturnoftheswans Untested None
Los Jovenes De La Guerra losjovenesdelaguerra Untested None
Lost Answers lostanswers Untested None
Lost In Paradise lostinparadise Untested None
Lost In The Nightmare lostinthenightmare Untested None
Lost In The Tomb lostinthetomb Untested None
Lost In The Woods lostinthewoods Untested None
LUCID LUCY lucidlucy Untested None
Lucy Lavender lucylavender Untested None
Luke's Existential Nightmare lukesexistentialnightmare Untested None
Lunar Lander Prototype lunarlanderprototype Untested None
Lunchtime Of The Damned lunchtimeofthedamned Untested None
Lydia and the Mystery of Nellreno Manor lydiaandthemysteryofnellrenomanor Untested None
Mage's Initiation: Reign of the Elements mage Untested Commercial game
Maggie and Max maggieandmax Untested None
Magic-8-Ball magic8ball Untested None
Magical Whatever Girl Rocks Out In The Stone Age magicalwhatevergirlrocksoutinthestoneage Untested None
Magic Ball of Fortune magicballoffortune Untested None
Magnum, P.M. magnumpm Untested None
Mags Game magsgame Untested None
Magsic magsic Untested None
Magsic II magsic2 Untested None
MAGS-Jan magsjan Untested None
MAGS june 2017 magsjune2017 Untested None
MAGS Sep 2007 magssep2007 Untested None
Man Boy manboy Untested None
Maniacland maniacland Untested None
Maniac Metalhead Mania maniacmetalheadmania Untested None
Mard's Revenge by TK mardsrevengebytk Untested None
Marty aus dem All martyausdemall Untested None
M*A*S*H*: The Point n' Click Adventure mash Untested None
Masters of Sound mastersofsound Untested None
Matt to the Future matttothefuture Untested None
Medical Theories of Dr Kur medicaltheoriesofdrkur Untested None
Me Go 2008: Silvester Edition mego2008silvesteredition Untested None
Me Go... Away! megoaway Untested None
Me Go Cannibal Jungle! megocannibaljungle Untested None
Me Go Store! megostore Untested None
Melrin: The Disciple Ordeal melrin1 Untested None
Melrin: The Pendant Quest melrin2 Untested None
Melrin: The Dragon Menace melrin3 Untested None
Melt & Drake 3 Chapter 1 meltdrake3chapter1 Untested None
Memories Fade memoriesfade Untested None
Men In Hats meninhats Untested None
Merry Christmas merrychristmas Untested None
Messed-Up Mother Goose - DELUXE MY ASS: ENHANCED messedupmothergoosedeluxemyassenhanced Untested None
META meta Untested None
Metal Dead metaldead Untested Commercial game
Metaphobia metaphobia Untested None
METEORHEAD RECYCLED meteorheadrecycled Untested None
Mickey Mauser: Part 1 mickeymauserpart1 Untested None
midastouch midastouch Untested None
Mike Lechey mikelechey Untested None
Mikes Room2 mikesroom2 Untested None
Milkshake milkshake Untested None
MINDBOGGLER mindboggler Untested None
Mind's Eye mindseye Untested None
Mini Game 3 minigame3 Untested None
Mini Game 4 minigame4 Untested None
Missing since Midnight missingsincemidnight Untested None
Mist. de la Escuela de Arte mistdelaescueladearte Untested None
Mixer Test mixertest Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 010: Tales of the Weird Ed mmm10 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 100: Money Mansion mmm100 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 011: Ein haariger Ausflug mmm11 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 012: Serien-Special: GIGA Mansion mmm12 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 013: Nur geträumt mmm13 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 014: Ed's Rache für den Hamsterbraten mmm14 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 017: Das Labor mmm17 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 018: Shit Happens! mmm18 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 021: Rettet Kanal 13! mmm21 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 022: Presserummel mmm22 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 023: Das verflixte Geschenk mmm23 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 024: Time Machine mmm24 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 026: Zeitenwende mmm26 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 027: Hamsternator mmm27 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 028: Time Machine 2 mmm28 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 029: Flucht des Meteoriten mmm29 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 003: Stubenarrest mmm3 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 030: Memories of Zak mmm30 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 031: Britneys Suche mmm31 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 032: The Secret of Maniac Mansion mmm32 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 033: Carry on Smiley! mmm33 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 034: Helden des Tages mmm34 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 035: Weggebeamt mmm35 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 036: Der Liebesbrief mmm36 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 037: Verabredung mit Dave mmm37 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 038: Rescue Mission mmm38 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 039: Erinnerungen mmm39 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 004: Mimikry der Emotionen mmm4 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 040: Verflixte Türen mmm40 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 041: Das neue Jugendschutzgesetz mmm41 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 042: Die furchtbaren Pläne des Psycho Bernie mmm42 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 043: Vorsicht, Edna kommt! mmm43 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 044: Razors grosser Auftritt mmm44 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 045: Maniac Monday mmm45 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 046: Verschollen mmm46 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 047: Maniac Ostern mmm47 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 048: Wendy und das Buch des Todes mmm48 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 049: Clouso's grösster Coup mmm49 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 005: Rhythmen zum Reinbeißen mmm5 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 050: Das Date 3 mmm50 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 051: Ortmaschine II mmm51 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 052: Ein irrer Tag eines Ronvillers mmm52 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 053: Der Klaus schlägt zurück mmm53 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 054: CSI:RONVILLE mmm54 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 055: Hamsters of the mysterious man: Chapter of dream mmm55 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 056: Grotten-Urlaub mmm56 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 057: Ein geheimnisvoller Ausflug mmm57 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 058: The People's Court mmm58 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 059: Computerliebe mmm59 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 006: Er is' weg mmm6 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 060: Jahrmarkt der Verdammten mmm60 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 061: Bernards Room mmm61 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 063: Books - Deals unter Nachbarn mmm63 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 064: Baranoia mmm64 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 065: Save Smiley! mmm65 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 066: Hoagies neuer Freund mmm66 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 066: Hoagies neuer Freund - Akt 3: Der verbotene Akt mmm66akt3 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 067: Die Schöne und das Biest mmm67 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 068: MaMMa ante Portas mmm68 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 069: Samstag mmm69 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 007: Right said Fred!?! mmm7 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 070: Maniac Mansion Begins mmm70 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 071: Neue Abenteuer auf Terra mmm71 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 072: Mindbending TV mmm72 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 073: Even a broken Clock mmm73 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 074: Ted Edison and the Curse of King RootenTooten mmm74 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 075: Das Necronomicon mmm75 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 076: The Bernoulli-Show mmm76 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 077: Schwer verquer mmm77 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 078: Dumm geholfen mmm78 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 079: Der Wunsch-O-Mat mmm79 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 080: Spiel des Lebens mmm80 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 081: Bernard bricht aus! mmm81 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 082: Freundin mit Hindernissen mmm82 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 083: Chasing Hoagie mmm83 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 084: Surf'n'Ronville mmm84 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 085: Freundin mit Hindernissen - Part 2 mmm85 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 086: Bernard bekommt Besuch mmm86 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 087: Das Geheimnis des Blakes Hotel von Ronville mmm87 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 088: Der alltaegliche Wahnsinn mmm88 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 089: Der Weltrettungsalgorithmus - Die neue Version mmm89 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 090: Kofferpacken mmm90 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 091: Fels in der Brandung mmm91 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 093: Murder at the Moonshine Mansion mmm93 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 094: Maniac on the Mississippi mmm94 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 095: Britney's Flucht mmm95 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 096: Dave's Home Odyssey mmm96 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 097: Tollhaus-Weihnachten mmm97 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 098: Maniac Apartment mmm98 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania 099: Die Premiere mmm99 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 05-1 mmmhw1 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 10-3: Und Bernard läutet zur Geisterstunde mmmhw10 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 10-4: Bad and Mad mmmhw11 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 05-2: Escape from Maniac Mansion mmmhw2 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 05-3: Day of the Dead mmmhw3 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 05-4: MMM-Horror mmmhw4 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 05-5: Redrum mmmhw5 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 06-1: The Curse of Maniac Mansion mmmhw6 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 06-2: Hä? Ich glaub' ich spinne! mmmhw7 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 10-1: Das Monster aus der Racoon Lagoon mmmhw8 Untested None
Maniac Mansion Mania Halloween 10-2: TMMCMFH mmmhw9 Untested None
Mon Cul! moncul Untested None
Monkeys to the Moon monkeystothemoon Untested None
monkeywrench monkeywrench Untested None
Monster from the hounted hill monsterfromthehountedhill Untested None
Moonlight Moggy moonlightmoggy Untested None
Moose moose Untested None
Moose 2 moose2 Untested None
Mordy2 mordy2 Untested None
Mothers Day mothersday Untested None
MOTLPAA motlpaa Untested None
Mountain of Madness mountainofmadness Untested None
Mourir en mer mourirenmer Untested None
Mr Bee mrbee Untested None
Mr. Danger's Contest mrdangerscontest Untested None
Mudlarks mudlarks Untested None
Murder in the Mansion murderinthemansion Untested None
Murder of Adrian Elkwood murderofadrianelkwood Untested None
Murphy's Salvage: Just My Luck murphyssalvagejustmyluck Untested None
Murran Chronicles 1 murranchronicles1 Untested None
Murran Chronicles 2 murranchronicles2 Untested None
Murran Chronicles 3 - Life Drinker murranchronicles3 Untested None
My Big Sister mybigsister Untested Commercial game
Mysterious house mysterioushouse Untested None
Mystic Seer mysticseer Untested None
Mythical Gambit: Flawless Fatality mythicalgambitflawlessfatality Untested None
Mission Zukunftia mzi Untested None
Mission Zukunftia 2 mzi2 Untested None
Nanobots nanobots Untested None
Necroquest necroquest Untested None
Nedy's adventure nedysadventure Untested None
Neku's new trip nekusnewtrip Untested None
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! nellycootalot Untested None
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! HD nellycootalot-hd Untested None
Neofeud neofeud Untested Commercial game
NES Quest nesquest Untested None
N.E.W.S. news Untested None
Nick it and Run!!! nickitandrun Untested None
Das Niemandsland niemandsland Untested None
Night of the Raving Feminist nightoftheravingfeminist Untested None
Nightwork nightwork Untested None
No-Action Jackson noactionjackson Untested None
Noah's Quest noahsquest Untested None
Nobody Cares nobodycares Untested None
No, I Am Spartacus! noiamspartacus Untested None
Noisy Mountain noisymountain Untested None
No Monkey's Banana nomonkeysbanana Untested None
Norbi's quest norbisquest Untested None
Norbi's quest 1,5 norbisquest15 Untested None
Norbi's quest 2 norbisquest2 Untested None
Norbi winter special norbiwinterspecial Untested None
Norman Cooks normancooks Untested None
Norse Rune Reader norserunereader Untested None
Noughts & Crosses noughtscrosses Untested None
Oceanspirit Dennis: Scourge of the Underworld oceanspiritdennisscourgeoftheunderworld Untested None
Odot Tamat On odottamaton Untested None
Oh du lieber Augustin ohdulieber Untested None
Omnipotent Tarot omnipotenttarot Untested None
Once Upon A Crime onceuponacrime Untested None
Once Upon A Time onceuponatime Untested None
One one Untested None
One More Fathom onemorefathom Untested None
One Of A Kind: A Divine Comedy of Mistakes oneofakindadivinecomedyofmistakes Untested None
One spy too many onespytoomany Untested None
One Week One Room oneweekoneroom Untested None
Onironauta onironauta Untested Commercial game
On Leaving The Building onleavingthebuilding Untested None
Only The Good Die Young - english version onlythegooddieyoungenglishversion Untested None
Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge oott Untested Commercial game
OpenQuest! openquest Untested None
Operation Novi operationnovi Untested None
Operation Save Blue Cup operationsavebluecup Untested None
Orange man orangeman Untested None
ORow Game orowgame Untested None
OSD: A Ray of Hope osdarayofhope Untested None
OSD:OCD osdocd Untested None
OSD.The lost world ep 2 osdthelostworldep2 Untested None
Boundless Osher - Osher Bli Gvulot osher Untested None
Otaku Rivals otakurivals Untested None
Other Worlds otherworlds Untested None
Otis Builds a Fire otisbuildsafire Untested None
Ouja ouja Untested None
Outbreak by Abhijit Kamat outbreakbyabhijitkamat Untested None
Out of Gas outofgas Untested None
The Journey Down: Over the Edge overtheedge Untested None
Owl's Quest owlsquest Untested None
Palette Quest 2 palettequest2 Untested None
Panda In Space pandainspace Untested None
Pandor pandor Untested None
Paper Planes paperplanes Untested None
Paradise Lost paradiselost Untested None
Paramecium Complex parameciumcomplex Untested None
Paranormal Warrior Within paranormalwarriorwithin Untested None
Party party Untested None
Patchwork patchwork Untested None
Paula im Wunderland paulaimwunderland Untested None
Paul Moose In Space World paulmooseinspaceworld Untested None
Paul Quest paulquest Untested None
Pennis: The Ultimate in Pong! pennistheultimateinpong Untested None
The Perfidious Petrol Station perfidiouspetrolstation Untested None
PERILS OF POOM perilsofpoom Untested None
Pester Quest pesterquest Untested None
Petal Rose petalrose Untested None
The Phantom Fellows phantomfellows Untested Commercial game
Pharmacist Jones pharmacistjones Untested None
Pickpocket RPG pickpocketrpg Untested None
Pilot Light pilotlight Untested None
Pimpin On Parakuss pimpinonparakuss Untested None
Pirate Fry 2 piratefry2 Untested None
Pirate Fry 3 piratefry3 Untested None
Pirates! pirates Untested None
Piratess piratess Untested None
PISS piss Untested None
Pixel Hunt pixelhunt Untested None
Pixia pixia Untested None
Pixxxelhunter The Epic pixxxelhuntertheepic Untested None
Pizza Nostra pizzanostra Untested None
Plan 10 from MY PANTS!!! plan10frommypants Untested None
Planet Xmas planetxmas Untested None
Platformerius platformerius Untested None
Platform Horde platformhorde Untested None
Pledge Quest 1 pledgequest1 Untested None
Pledge Quest 2 pledgequest2 Untested None
Pleurghburg: Dark Ages pleurghburgdarkages Untested None
Plumberboy plumberboy Untested None
PM Cute pm-cute Untested None
PMUVCHVT pmuvchvt Untested None
PMXI pmxi Untested None
PocketFluff_yay! pocketfluffyay Untested None
Politically Yours politicallyyours Untested None
Ponderabilia ponderabilia Untested None
Pong pong Untested None
The Postman Only Dies Once postmanonlydiesonce Untested None
Postman's Quest postmansquest Untested None
PotterRPG potterrpg Untested None
Power Nap powernap Untested None
Power Unlimited powerunlimited Untested None
PQT Adventure pqtadventure Untested None
Practice Script practicescript Untested None
Predators Prey For Plants predatorspreyforplants Untested None
A Prelude to an Adventure preludetoadventure Untested None
Primordia primordia Untested Commercial game
Princess and all the kingdom princessandallthekingdom Untested None
Princess Marian IX princessmarianix Untested None
Princess Marian Snow Fight! princessmariansnowfight Untested None
Princess Marian's Pigeon Pinger princessmarianspigeonpinger Untested None
Princess Marian X: Magic Hat princessmarianxmagichat Untested None
Principles of Evil principlesofevil Untested None
Principles of Evil II principlesofevil2 Untested None
Prisoners of Ice prisonersofice Untested None
Prodigal prodigal Untested None
Professor Neely And The Death Ray Of Doom profneely Untested None
Project Evilspy II projectevilspy2 Untested None
Proof of Fiction proofoffiction Untested None
Prototypical prototypical Untested None
Proxecto proxecto Untested None
Psychopomp psychopomp Untested None
pub master quest.2 pubmasterquest2 Untested None
Pub Masters Quest pubmastersquest Untested None
Puddy Penguin puddypenguin Untested None
Pupu Pupulaisen Seikkailut pupupupulaisenseikkailut Untested None
Purgatorio purgatorio Untested None
Purity of the Surf purityofthesurf Untested None
Pussie Hunt pussiehunt Untested None
Puzzle Bots puzzlebots Untested None
Puzzle of the Pulchritudinous Pumice puzzlepumice Untested None
PXenophobe pxenophobe Untested None
Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Remake qfg2agdi Untested None
Quest for Infamy qfi Untested Commercial game
QUANTUMNAUTS quantumnauts Untested None
Quest Fighter questfighter Untested None
Quest Fighter II questfighter2 Untested None
QuestForCinema questforcinema Untested None
Quest for Jesus questforjesus Untested None
Quest for Palette questforpalette Untested None
Quest for the Blue Cup questforthebluecup Untested None
Quest for Yeti questforyeti Untested None
Quest for Yrolg questforyrolg Untested None
Quiero Morir quieromorir Untested None
Quimby Quest: A New Dope quimbyquestanewdope Untested None
R.ACE race Untested None
Racist racist Untested None
Rackham rackham Untested None
Ralph the Raven ralphtheraven Untested None
RAM Ghost ramghost Untested None
Ramses Porter and the Relay for Love ramsesporter Untested None
Rango rango Untested None
Rat Channel ratchannel Untested None
Ray and the Guitar rayandtheguitar Untested None
Ray Bexter raybexter Untested None
Razors in the Night razorsinthenight Untested None
Re-Agent Orange reagentorange Untested None
Reality-on-the-Norm realityonthenorm Untested None
Recess recess Untested None
Recess 2 recess2 Untested None
Red Bow redbow Untested None
Red Dwarf reddwarf Untested None
Red Flagg redflagg Untested None
Red Hot Overdrive redhotoverdrive Untested None
Redpants meets Robinson Clauseau redpantsmeetsrobinsonclauseau Untested None
Redpants: The Princess and the Beanstalk redpantstheprincessandthebeanstalk Untested None
Reef Rivers: Quest for Ekoban reefriversquestforekoban Untested None
Return Journey returnjourney Untested None
Return To Civilization returntocivilization Untested None
Revelation revelation Untested None
Richard & Alice richardandalice Untested Commercial game
Ricky Quest rickyquest Untested None
Righteous City righteouscity Untested None
Road of Destiny roadofdestiny Untested None
Road Racer roadracer Untested None
Roast Mother Goose roastmothergoose Untested None
Robbing The Princess robbingtheprincess Untested None
Robert Redford saves the day Ep 1 robertredford1 Untested None
Robert Redford saves the day Ep 2 robertredford2 Untested None
Robert Redford saves the day Ep 3 robertredford3 Untested None
Rob: Massacre of Chainsawness robmassacreofchainsawness Untested None
Robotragedy robotragedy Untested None
Robotragedy 2 robotragedy2 Untested None
Roccio Quest roccioquest Untested None
Rockabilly Kid rockabillykid Untested None
Rock Burgers & Tree Houses rockburgerstreehouses Untested None
Rock Paper Scissors Reboot rockpaperscissors2 Untested None
Rock Rock Rock rockrockrock Untested None
Rocky roams rockyroams Untested None
Rode Quest 2 rodequest2 Untested None
Rogue State roguestate Untested Commercial game
Ron- before the legacy ronbeforethelegacy Untested None
RON: Sixteen ronsixteen Untested None
RON: Time Out Intro rontimeoutintro Untested None
Room of fear roomoffear Untested None
Root of All Evil rootofallevil Untested None
Rosaura Docelestial: Rescue from Despair rosauradocelestialrescuefromdespair Untested None
RotN:Belusebius Arrival rotnbelusebiusarrival Untested None
Rowen Goes To Work rowengoestowork Untested None
rs15 rs15 Untested None
Rude Awakening rudeawakening Untested None
Runestones! runestones Untested None
Ryan's Day Out ryansdayout Untested None
Saddson Issein saddsonissein Untested None
Salazar's evil plan salazarsevilplan Untested None
The Samaritan Paradox samaritan Untested Commercial game
Sammy's Quest sammysquest Untested None
Santa Claus Down santaclausdown Untested None
Santas Sidekick santassidekick Untested None
Satan Quest satanquest Untested None
Satch's Quest satchsquest Untested None
Saturday School saturdayschool Untested None
Saw saw Untested None
Saw 2 saw2 Untested None
Scared Stiff a scaredstiffa Untested None
Scary Maze scarymaze Untested None
SchwarzWeissRot schwarzweissrot Untested None
Scnider scnider Untested None
Scythe Island scytheisland Untested None
Search for Sanity searchforsanity Untested None
Seashells seashells Untested None
Season Greetings 2002 seasongreetings2002 Untested None
Secret Quest Remake secretquestremake Untested None
Secrets secrets Untested None
seega16_engl_5 seega16engl5 Untested None
seegame15 seegame15 Untested None
Seven Doors sevendoors Untested None
Shades of Greye shadesofgreye Untested None
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Tech Demo) shadowsoftheempire Untested None
Shai-la du Sith : l'Enquete shailadusithlenquete Untested None
Shai-la of the Sith shailaofthesith Untested None
The Shawshank Redemption shawshank Untested None
SheepQuest sheepquest Untested None
Shem shem Untested None
Sherlock sherlock Untested None
Shifter's Box - Outside In shiftersboxoutsidein Untested None
Shivah shivah Untested Commercial game
Shoot shoot Untested None
Shoot my Valentine shootmyvalentine Untested None
ShortCut shortcut Untested None
Shrivel shrivel Untested None
Shunday shunday Untested None
Sierra Quest 1 - Roberta in Love sierraquest1 Untested None
Silent Knight silentknight1 Untested None
Silent Knight II silentknight2 Untested None
Simon the Sorcerer 3 simonthesorcerer3 Untested None
SimsHogwarts simshogwarts Untested None
Skippy Saves The Day skippysavestheday Untested None
Slay the Dragon slaythedragon Untested None
Slay the Dragon II slaythedragon2 Untested None
Slay the Dragon III slaythedragon3 Untested None
Sleepy Island sleepyisland Untested None
Slime-Quest for Pizza slimequestforpizza Untested None
A Sloth For Both Seasons slothforseasons Untested None
Slug Princess slugprincess Untested None
Second Moon Adventure Part 1 - Night sma1 Untested None
Second Moon Adventure Part 2 sma2 Untested None
Second Moon Adventure Part 3 - Rest In Peace sma3 Untested None
Second Moon Adventure Part 4 sma4 Untested None
Second Moon Adventure Part VI sma6 Untested None
Smiley's Quest smileysquest Untested None
Smiley's Quest 2 smileysquest2 Untested None
Smooth Hide smoothhide Untested None
SNAKE - a MAGS game snakeamagsgame Untested None
Snakes of Avalon snakesofavalon Untested None
Snakes on a plane! snakesonaplane Untested None
Sniper and spotter serving the motherland sniperandspotterservingthemotherland Untested None
May the Best Snowman Eat a Carrot snowmaneatcarrot Untested None
Snowy Adventures snowyadventures Untested None
Sonic and friends in: Club house sonicandfriendsinclubhouse Untested None
Sophia McGrath sophiamcgrath Untested None
Sosk sosk Untested None
The Soviet Union Strikes Back sovietunionstrikesback Untested None
Soviet Unterzoegersdorf sovietunterzoegersdorf Untested None
Soviet Unterzoegersdorf: Sector II sovietunterzoegersdorf2 Untested None
Space Freakers spacefreakers Untested None
Space Lynxes spacelynxes Untested None
Space Pirates spacepirates Untested None
Space Pool Alpha spacepoolalpha Untested None
Space Rangers spacerangers Untested None
Space Rangers Ep 52 spacerangersep52 Untested None
Space war spacewar Untested None
Spacewar episode 2( spacewarepisode2strikba Untested None
Spellbound spellbound Untested None
Spilakassinn spilakassinn Untested None
Spooks spooks Untested None
Spoons III - The Unauthorized Edition spoonsiiitheunauthorizededition Untested None
Spot The Difference spottd_boyd Untested None
Spot The Difference spottd_captainid Untested None
Sprouts of evil sproutsofevil Untested None
Space Quest for Glory sq2fg Untested None
Space Quest III VGA Preview sq3vga Untested None
Space Quest 5.5 sq55 Untested None
SQ Kubik (Get ready?) sqkubikgetready Untested None
Space Quest Mania 1x1 sqm11 Untested None
Space Quest Mania 1x1 (Remake) sqm11remake Untested None
Space Quest Mania 1x2 sqm12 Untested None
Space Quest Mania 1x2 (Remake) sqm12remake Untested None
Space Quest Mania 1x3 sqm13 Untested None
Space Quest Mania 1x4 sqm14 Untested None
Space Quest Mania 1x5 sqm15 Untested None
Space Quest Mania 1x6 sqm16 Untested None
Space Quest: Planet of the Incredible Menace sqpotim Untested None
Space Quest Visual Novel sqvn Untested None
SRAM 2 - Cinomeh's Revenge sram2 Untested None
Stable Pete and the Joust stablepeteandthejoust Untested None
Stair Quest stairquest Untested None
Stan Ames PI, Episode 1 stanamespiepisode1 Untested None
Stan's Revenge stansrevenge Untested None
Stargate Adventure stargateadv Untested None
Stargate SGC stargatesgc Untested None
Stargate Solitaire stargatesolitaire Untested None
Starship Caramba starshipcaramba Untested None
Starship Poseidon starshipposeidon Untested None
Starship Quasar starshipquasar Untested None
Start start Untested None
Star Trek: Newton (Part 1 - Anomaly) startreknewton Untested None
Stediddy IP1 - Employment stediddyip1employment Untested None
Stickmen I stickmeni Untested None
Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House stickythestickfigurepart1thecrimsonhouse Untested None
STRANDED stranded Untested None
Strangeland strangeland Untested Commercial game
Stranger stranger Untested None
Stranger in Stickworld strangerinstickworld Untested None
Stranger Things strangerthings Untested None
Suli Fallen Harmony sulifallenharmony Untested None
Sumatra: Fate of Yandi sumatra Untested Commercial game
Supa-EviL supaevil Untested None
Supergirl supergirl Untested None
Super Hammer Quest superhammerquest Untested None
Super Jazz Man superjazzman Untested Commercial game
Super Pitstop Racing superpitstopracing Untested None
Surreality surreality Untested None
Sweed sweed Untested None
Sword sword Untested None
Sydney Finds Employment sydneyfindsemployment Untested None
Sydney Treads the Catwalk sydneytreadsthecatwalk Untested None
Symploke. Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 1) symploke1 Untested None
Symploke: Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 2) symploke2 Untested None
Symploke: Legend of Gustavo Bueno (Chapter 3) symploke3 Untested None
A Tale of a Legacy taleofalegacy Untested None
Tales tales Untested Commercial game
Tales of Chickenry talesofchickenry Untested None
Tao tao Untested None
Tarthenia tarthenia Untested None
The BAD day in year tbdiy Untested None
Teamwork teamwork Untested None
Technobabylon technobabylon Untested Commercial game
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Spheres templeofspheres Untested None
Tenhum's Tomb Part 1 tenhumstombpart1 Untested None
Terror of the Vampire! terrorofthevampire Untested None
Test test Untested None
test5 test5 Untested None
Text Parser Game textparsergame Untested None
The Fan Game - The Goonies tfg-goonies Untested None
The Fan Game - Ghostbusters and The Secret of Monkey Island tfg-mi Untested None
The Fan Game - The Pixel Has You - Disk 1 tfg-pixel Untested None
The Fan Game - Zak McKracken: A Mansion, a Meteor, and the Alien Mindbenders tfg-zak2 Untested None
Tales From The Outer Zone: Cyborg Seppuku tftoz1 Untested None
Tales From The Outer Zone: The Goat Crone tftoz2 Untested None
Tales From The Outer Zone: Fleshworms tftoz3 Untested None
ThatDay thatday Untested None
The 30 Minute War the30minutewar Untested None
The 7th Sense the7thsense Untested None
The Adventure of the Hero theadventureofthehero Untested None
The Adventures of Turquoise M theadventuresofturquoisem Untested None
The Antidote theantidote Untested Commercial game
The Assassin theassassin Untested None
The Awakening theawakening Untested None
The bad neighbours thebadneighbours Untested None
The Bar thebar Untested None
The Beard in the Mirror thebeardinthemirror Untested Commercial game
The Broken Brain thebrokenbrain Untested None
The Bunker thebunker Untested None
The Burn theburn Untested None
The cadaver synod thecadaversynod Untested None
The Can thecan Untested None
The Castle thecastle Untested Commercial game
The Cell thecell Untested None
The Chrysalis thechrysalis Untested None
The Crackwell Legacy thecrackwelllegacy Untested None
The Cube thecube Untested None
The Curious Silence thecurioussilence Untested None
The Curse of Life thecurseoflife Untested None
The Day Of Darkness thedayofdarkness Untested None
The Death of Luke Simpson thedeathoflukesimpson Untested None
The Devil's Shroud-part1 thedevilsshroudpart1 Untested None
The Digital Spell thedigitalspell Untested None
The Dusseldorf Conspiracy thedusseldorfconspiracy Untested None
The Dwarven Dagger of Blitz thedwarvendaggerofblitz Untested None
The Elevator theelevator Untested None
The Energizer theenergizer Untested None
The epic adventures theepicadventures Untested None
The Ever-Beginning Tale theeverbeginningtale Untested None
The Execution of Anne Boleyn theexecutionofanneboleyn Untested None
the farm thefarm Untested None
The Fickle Hands of Fate theficklehandsoffate Untested None
The Find thefind Untested None
The Gourmet thegourmet Untested None
The Great Casserole Caper thegreatcasserolecaper Untested None
The Great Stroke-Off! thegreatstrokeoff Untested None
The Grug Legends thegruglegends Untested None
The Hamlet thehamlet Untested None
The Haunted House thehauntedhouse Untested None
The Heist theheist Untested None
The Hobbit: Rise of the Dragon King thehobbitriseofthedragonking Untested None
The house that ate my soul thehousethatatemysoul Untested None
The hunt for Goldbeard thehuntforgoldbeard Untested None
The hunt for Shaun Binda thehuntforshaunbinda Untested None
The Hunt For Shaun Binda Deluxe Edition thehuntforshaunbindadeluxeedition Untested None
The Iraqi Paradox theiraqiparadox Untested None
The Jackyard thejackyard Untested None
The Journey Home thejourneyhome Untested None
The Journey of Iesir thejourneyofiesir Untested None
The Last Harvest thelastharvest Untested None
The Last Supper, A Whodunnit thelastsupperawhodunnit Untested None
The Lone Loser theloneloser Untested None
The Long Trip thelongtrip Untested None
The Majestic Conspiracy themajesticconspiracy Untested None
The Marionette themarionette Untested None
The McCarthy Chronicles Chapter 1 themccarthychronicleschapter1 Untested None
The McReed Case by TK themcreedcasebytk Untested None
The Mysteries of Stiego Moors themysteriesofstiegomoors Untested None
The Mystery of Haunted Hollow themysteryofhauntedhollow Untested None
The Netherworld thenetherworld Untested None
The Next Curse thenextcurse Untested None
The Oracle theoracle Untested None
The Paparazzi Prince; and the Quest for Headlines thepaparazziprince Untested None
The Park thepark Untested None
The Perfect Murder theperfectmurder Untested None
The Phantom Inheritance thephantominheritance Untested None
The Quest for the Holy Salsa thequestfortheholysalsa Untested None
The Quest To Zooloo thequesttozooloo Untested None
The Rail therail Untested None
Laura Bow in The Road to Murder theroadtomurder Untested None
The Robolovers therobolovers Untested None
The Rotary Club therotaryclub Untested None
The Search thesearch Untested None
The Secret of Chunky Salsa thesecretofchunkysalsa Untested None
The Secret of Golden River thesecretofgoldenriver Untested None
The Secret of Hutton Grammar School thesecretofhuttongrammarschool Untested None
The secret of Mount Monkey thesecretofmountmonkey Untested None
The Secret Plan 1 - Running to stand still thesecretplan1runningtostandstill Untested None
The Secrets of Jesus thesecretsofjesus Untested Commercial game
The Shaft theshaft Untested None
The Shortest Journey theshortestjourney Untested None
The Smallest Points thesmallestpoints Untested None
The Snaplock thesnaplock Untested None
The spoons thespoons Untested None
The Starry Sky Above Me thestarryskyaboveme Untested None
The String thestring Untested None
The Sundown mystery thesundownmystery Untested None
The Terrible Old Man theterribleoldman Untested Commercial game
The Tomb of the Moon thetombofthemoon Untested None
The Trap thetrap Untested None
The Treasured Medallion thetreasuredmedallion Untested None
The Treasure of Loch Inch thetreasureoflochinch Untested None
The Uncertainty Machine theuncertaintymachine Untested None
The Uplift Mofo Party Plan theupliftmofopartyplan Untested None
The Vacuum thevacuum Untested None
The Visitor 3 thevisitor3 Untested None
The Witch, ... thewitch Untested None
This Game thisgame Untested None
Three Guys Walk Into Heaven threeguyswalkintoheaven Untested None
Tile Puzzle Game tilepuzzlegame Untested None
Tiltor tiltor Untested None
Time Quest timequest1 Untested None
Time Quest 2 timequest2 Untested None
Timesink of Chronos timesinkofchronos Untested None
Time Stone timestone Untested None
Timothy Lande timothylande Untested None
TMNT: Turtles in Time tmntturtlesintime Untested None
Toffee Trouble toffeetrouble Untested None
Tomate un descanso tomateundescanso Untested None
Tom Hanks Away tomhanksaway Untested None
Too Many Kittens toomanykittens Untested None
Total Hangover ExtreamZz! totalhangoverextreamzz Untested None
tq tq Untested None
Trapped in a building trappedinabuilding Untested None
Trevor Daison in outer space trevordaisoninouterspace Untested None
Trex and Muscle SAM big trouble in SPF trexandmusclesambigtroubleinspf Untested None
Trilby's Notes trilbysnotes Untested None
Trilby: The Art Of Theft trilbytheartoftheft Untested None
Trivial Pass You It trivialpassyouit Untested None
Tube Rainbow tuberainbow Untested None
Tv? Br?der tvbrder Untested None
Twelve Thirteen, episode 1 twelvethirteen Untested None
Twelve Thirteen, episode 2 twelvethirteenepisode2 Untested None
Twelve Thirteen, episode 3 twelvethirteenepisode3 Untested None
Twelve Thirteen Special Edition twelvethirteense Untested None
Twenties Flappers vs The Mummy twentiesflappersvsthemummy Untested None
Two of a Kind twoofakind Untested None
Bob Smith and the Unsolved Case of Mystery ucom Untested None
Ugly Files uglyfiles Untested None
Ulitsa Dimitrova ulitsadimitrova Untested None
Unavowed unavowed Untested Commercial game
Unbound unbound Untested None
unfinished unfinished Untested None
UNGA needs MUMBA unganeedsmumba Untested None
Unintelligent Design unintelligentdesign Untested None
Un Profe unprofe Untested None
Until I Have You untilihaveyou Untested Commercial game
Update Quest updatequest Untested None
Utopia of Tyrant utopiaoftyrant Untested None
Vacation Quest... Thing vacationquestthing Untested None
Valhalla Extinction valhallaextinction Untested None
valis valis Untested None
van K. Airbreak vankairbreak Untested None
Vegetable Patch Extreem Turbo vegetablepatchextreemturbo Untested None
Veggie Tales 3D veggietales3d Untested None
Venator venator Untested None
Vengeance of the Chicken vengeanceofthechicken Untested None
Veteran shootout veteranshootout Untested None
Vic Wreckle's Halloween Costume vicwreckleshalloweencostume Untested None
Virtual Piano virtualpiano Untested None
Space Quest XII: Vohaul's Revenge II vohaulsrevenge2 Untested None
Voodoo Dave and the Tablecloth Mystery voodoodave Untested None
V P x T ! 2 ! vpxt2 Untested None
Waiting For the Loop waitingfortheloop Untested Commercial game
The Wacky World of Wally Weasel wallyweasel Untested None
Walters-Asteroid waltersasteroid Untested None
War Stars warstars Untested None
Washed Ashore washedashore Untested None
Washed Ashore Deluxe washedashoredeluxe Untested None
Wasted wasted Untested None
WATER QUEST waterquest Untested None
WCEdit... wcedit Untested None
We Are Vectors wearevectors Untested None
Welcome to Dark Lake welcometodarklake Untested None
Welcome to Sunny Munarvagir welcometosunnymunarvagir Untested Commercial game
WET wet Untested None
what! what Untested None
what is that thing whatisthatthing Untested None
What Linus Bruckman Sees whatlinusbruckmansees Untested None
Where Be Dragons? wherebedragons Untested None
Where did Sam go? wheredidsamgo Untested None
Where's M' Hat Ma? wheresmhatma Untested None
Who Killed Kenny Rogers whokilledkennyrogers Untested None
James Bond - Who wants to live again? whowantstoliveagain Untested None
Who wants to live forever? whowantstoliveforever Untested None
Williams Nightmare williamsnightmare Untested None
Willow House willowhouse Untested None
Winners Don't Do Drugs winnersdontdodrugs Untested None
Winter Rose winterrose Untested None
Witch witch Untested None
Witch Night witchnight Untested None
Witness! witness Untested None
Wizardhood wizardhood Untested None
Woo woo Untested None
Wooly Rockbottom woolyrockbottom Untested None
World of Warcraft Quest worldofwarcraftquest Untested None
Worm worm Untested None
Wrath of the Solonoids wrathofthesolonoids Untested None
Yoda yoda Untested None
Your late! yourlate Untested None
Zniw Adventure zniwadventure Untested Commercial game
Zombie Attack zombieattack Untested None
Zombie Fish zombiefish Untested None
ZooReal zooreal Untested None
Zugzwang zugzwang Untested None

Unsupported games

The following games use an AGS version older than the 2.5 release and are not supported (yet).

Game Name Target Name Status Remarks
The 6 Day Assassin 6da Unsupported None
Aaron's Epic Journey aaronsepicjourney Unsupported None
Ace Duswell - Where's The Ace aceduswell Unsupported None
A Christmas Tale achristmastale Unsupported None
A Day In The Future adayinthefuture Unsupported None
Adventure Game adventuregame Unsupported None
ASAP Adventure asapadventure Unsupported None
Bert the Newsreader bertthenewsreader Unsupported None
Bob's Quest 2: The quest for the AGS Blue cup award bobsquest2 Unsupported None
Book of Spells 1 bookofspells1 Unsupported None
Book of Spells 2 bookofspells2 Unsupported None
Book of Spells 3 bookofspells3 Unsupported None
BLUECUP - on the run bluecupontherun Unsupported None
Calsoon calsoon Unsupported None
The Secret of Carver Island carverisland1 Unsupported None
Carver Island 2: Mrs. Rodriguez's Revenge carverisland2 Unsupported None
Chamber chamber Unsupported None
Compensation compensation Unsupported None
Darts darts Unsupported None
Demon Slayer 1 demonslayer1 Unsupported None
Demon Slayer 2 demonslayer2 Unsupported None
Demon Slayer 3 demonslayer3 Unsupported None
Demon Slayer 4 demonslayer4 Unsupported None
Deepbright deepbright Unsupported None
Dirk Chafberg dirkchafberg Unsupported None
Earwig Is Angry! earwigisangry Unsupported None
Eclair 1 eclair1 Unsupported None
Eclair 2 eclair2 Unsupported None
El Burro elburro Unsupported None
Ernie's Big Adventure erniesbigadventure1 Unsupported None
Ernie's Big Adventure 2 erniesbigadventure2 Unsupported None
Exile exile Unsupported None
Eyes of the Jade Sphinx eyesofthejadesphinx Unsupported None
Firewall firewall Unsupported None
Floyd floyd Unsupported None
Gaea Fallen gaeafallen Unsupported None
Gorther of the Cave People gorthor Unsupported None
Granny Zombiekiller in: Mittens Murder Mystery grannyzombiekiller Unsupported None
Greg's Mountainous Adventure gregsmountainousadventure Unsupported None
Mr. Grey's Greyt Adventure greysgreytadv Unsupported None
Hermit hermit Unsupported None
James Bondage jamesbondage Unsupported None
Jingle Bells jinglebells Unsupported None
Kidnapped kidnapped Unsupported None
Larry Vales: Traffic Division larryvales1 Unsupported None
Larry Vales II: Dead Girls are Easy larryvales2 Unsupported None
Larry Vales III: Time Heals All 'Burns larryvales3 Unsupported None
Lassi and Roger lassi Unsupported None
Lassi and Roger Meet God lassiandrogermeetgod Unsupported None
Lassi Quest I lassiquest1 Unsupported None
Little Jonny Evil littlejonnyevil Unsupported None
Little Willie littlewillie Unsupported None
VonLudwig ludwig Unsupported None
Lupo Inutile lupoinutile Unsupported None
Mafio mafio Unsupported None
Men In Brown meninbrown Unsupported None
Anton Ulvfot's Mid-Town Shootout midtownshootout Unsupported None
Monkey Island - Carnaval Vudu - Parte 1 - La Busqueda micv Unsupported None
Monkey Island - La Maldicion Vudu mimv Unsupported None
Monkey Island - La Venganza de Largo mivl Unsupported None
Mom's Quest momsquest Unsupported None
Monkey Plank monkeyplank Unsupported None
Moose Wars: Desire For More Cows moosewars Unsupported None
Murder murder Unsupported None
Nicholas Wolfe part I: Framed nicholaswolfe1 Unsupported None
Night of the Plumber nightoftheplumber Unsupported None
Novo Mestro novomestro Unsupported None
The Trials of Odysseus Kent odysseus Unsupported None
Permanent Daylight permanentdaylight Unsupported None
Perpetrator perpetrator Unsupported None
Pizza Quest pizzaquest Unsupported None
Point Blank pointblank Unsupported None
Porn Quest pornquest Unsupported None
Quest For Colours qfc Unsupported None
Quest for Glory 4 1/2 qfg412 Unsupported None
Racing Manager racingmanager Unsupported None
Raymond's Keys raymondskeys Unsupported None
Red red Unsupported None
Richard Longhurst and the Box That At richardlonghurst Unsupported None
Ricky Longhurst and the Box that Ate Time rickylonghurst Unsupported None
RIPP ripp Unsupported None
Rob Blanc I: Better Days of a Defender of the Universe robblanc1 Unsupported None
Rob Blanc II: Planet of the Pasteurised Pestilence robblanc2 Unsupported None
Rob Blanc III: The Temporal Terrorists robblanc3 Unsupported None
Rode Kill: A Day In the Life rodekill Unsupported None
Rode Quest rodequest Unsupported None
Rollinfoy rollinfoy Unsupported None
Sam The Pirate Monkey samthepiratemonkey Unsupported None
Slacker Quest slackerquest Unsupported None
Snail Quest snailquest1 Unsupported None
Snail Quest 2 snailquest2 Unsupported None
Snail Quest 3 snailquest3 Unsupported None
Sol sol Unsupported None
Space space Unsupported None
Stickmen stickmen Unsupported None
Superdisk superdisk Unsupported None
The Crown of Gold thecrownofgold Unsupported None
The Inexperienced Assassin theinexperiencedassassin Unsupported None
The Island theisland Unsupported None
Thendor thendor Unsupported None
The Tower thetower Unsupported None
The Warp thewarp Unsupported None
Tom Mato's Grand Wing-Ding tommato Unsupported None
Tullie's World 1: The Roving of Candale tulliesworld1 Unsupported None
TV Quest tvquest Unsupported None
Interface Show-off uishowoff Unsupported None
WaitKey(); waitkey Unsupported None
Winfry winfry Unsupported None